Chapter 68

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Arizona's POV

It's Jess' second week back at school, she only has a month left until she moves up grades.

Speaking of which, Callie and I are both on the same shift today, 8-5

I'm performing a surgery with Ada today, it's my first surgery of the day and is expected to last until around lunch time that is

"Jess, you have to get up so we aren't late" I say walking into her room

"Hey what do you want for breakfast?" Callie asked me, wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my cheek

"I was just going to do pancakes" I say and she nods

"I'll make them, you go and get ready" she says and I nod

I kissed her once again and walked off to our room

I pulled out a pair of jeans and a blue blouse before getting into the shower

I let myself wake up fully under the water before continuing with my shower, not washing my hair or getting it wet, I had my hair tied up in a bun

Once I quickly washed my body off I stepped out of the shower and wrapped myself in a towel and walked out of my room and down the hall to Jess' to make sure she was awake

"Jess, get up" I say and cut her light on

"Mom...." She groans

"I let you sleep longer but now it's time to get up.. 5 minutes Jessica" I tell her and walk back out of her room and back to mine so that I could finish getting dressed

"You... look hot" Callie smirks seeing me walk into the kitchen

"I don't even have any makeup on" I chuckle and give her a kiss

"Mmhm... and you don't need makeup to be hot" she smiles

"I love you" I smile and kiss her again

"Mmm, I love you" she hums and we step away when Jess comes our

"Good morning sleeping beauty" I chuckle and she sits down at the table

"I'm tired" she sighs

"Well I made breakfast so that should help" Callie says and puts pancakes on a plate and I hand them to Jess along with syrup and butter

"Thank you" Jess says and Callie and I both get ourselves a plate and sit down with her

"You're welcome" Callie smiles

"You ready to move up grades?" I ask and she nods

"Yes! And I'm ready for the 2 week break it comes with" she says

"Of course that's what you are excited for" I say rolling my eyes playfully

The three of us finished breakfast and I helped Callie clean up before going back to the bathroom so I could put on some light make up

"Alright is everyone ready?" I ask,

"Yea just let me grab my bag and we can go" Jess says and goes to her room and comes back out with her book bag

The three of us got into the car and drove towards Jess' school

"You sure you don't mind being early?" I ask her

"No, It's fine I have some homework need to finish" she says

"You should have done that at home" I say and she sighs

"Love you bye mom" she says and gets out of the car

"I love you, make good choices and have a good day" I smile and she shuts  the door and Callie and I wait until she gets in the school to leave

"Ready?" I ask Callie and take one of her hands in mine

"Ready" she smiles and kisses the back of my hand

Once arriving at the hospital we had to quickly say our goodbyes,

"I love you, and I'll come find you later" Callie tells me and kisses my lips

"I love you" I say and go to my office to change,

Once I was in scrubs I made my way to the patient room so I could meet up with Ada

"Hi Susie" I smile walking in, Susie is only 6 and has a tumor growing on her small intestine which Ada and I are taking out today

"Dr.Robbins" she smiles up at me

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"Good.... I want to go home" she says to her parents

" I know you do, and Dr.Soko and I will do everything we can to make sure you go home soon"  I smile And give Ada a nod

"We're going to go ahead and get her prepped. Any questions?" Ada asked Susies parents

"No, thank you both" they say and we smile and walk out of the room

The surgery isn't meant to be a hard one, the only reason I am even in on this surgery is because Ada
wants a 1st year resident in there she she felt more comfortable if I was there with her. Really only so I could yell at them and tell them to get out if they are acting incompetent and she still gets to be nice

"Ready for this?" She ask

"You don't need me" I chuckle and she smiles

"Yea... but Susie likes you and the parents trust you" she says and I nod

"Yea yea" I say rolling my eyes playfully and the both of us made it to the scrub room

Even being here for over a year she is really the only friend I made,

Once we finished scrubbing in we walked into the OR and the scrub nurses helped us into our gowns

"Hi Susie" Ada smiles down at the little girl on the table

"Are you ready for your surgery?" I ask

"I'm scared" she admits

"Don't be scared. Everything is going to be okay. You will wake up with your parents in no time" Ada tells her and she smiles and nods to the Anesthesiologist

"Alright Susie I need you to take some deep breaths for me" Ada says and the young girl nods and does as she is told and soon nods off

Susies  surgery was scheduled for 8 and we just reached 8:06

"10 blade"  Ada says and begins the surgery, she is the lead surgeon on this case and I am more just monitoring the resident

We were less than 30 minutes into the surgery when my phone rang

"Its says Jess" one of the nurses says,

"Go ahead and answer it" I say and she nods and puts it on speaker

"M-mommy" I immediately hear Jess sobbing on the other end

"Jess, hey what's going on?" I ask alarmed

"I- I can't m-mom please"

Till next time❤️

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