Chapter 71

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Callies POV

Today is Alex's funeral, it's not exactly a private event so we have no idea who will actually be there but I am pretty sure Arizona said that Ada told her she was taking Amara.

Speaking of Amara I don't even think Jess has talked to her since, she hasn't even been on her phone. It stays on the counter in the kitchen for some reason

Last night Arizona had originally planned to give Jess the note Alex has left for her but since she ended up falling asleep as soon as we got home so that didn't happen

Arizona and I just finished getting ready for the funeral and I am in the kitchen making a simple breakfast,

"I'm going to get Jess" she tells me and I nod

Ever since everything has happened she hates to leave Jess alone, even for the shortest amount of time

A few minutes later both of them walked out of Jess' room and sat down at the table

"Pancakes?" I ask Jess and she shakes her head

"Not hungry" she replies and I nod,

"You need to eat" Arizona tells her

"Really, I'm not hungry" Jess returns

"You haven't eaten in days Jess, please just a little" Arizona pleads and I place a reassuring hand on her back

"I'm not hungry, I - I can't eat. Even looking at food makes me want to puke. I'm sorry but I can't" She says and gets up from the table to sit on the couch

"I told you, I don't know what to do"  she sighs and I kiss her head

"I know.. and you are doing what you can but just let her come to terms with it" I assure her and she nods against me

"Thank you" she says and kisses my lips and walks out to apologize to Jess

Arizona's POV

The three of us just arrived at the church, some people were already here. I recognized a few of the teachers

Ada and Amara showed up just after we did and they walked over to us and both girls immediately wrapped their arms around each other

"She okay?" Ada mouths and i shake my head subtly and she frowns

"Why don't we head in?" I ask and everyone nods, Jess stepped away from Amara and took hold of my hands

"You don't want to stay with Amara?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Okay my love" I say and walk to the other side of the church where they were going to bury him

Jess Callie and I stood towards the back while the service went on

Once it was done, we each got a rose to put on top of his casket and we walked back to the car, it was Sunday now, this is by far the worse weekend in our lives

"You want Amara to come over?" I ask Jess, thinking Amara would be able to keep her mind occupied for a while

"No.... I just want to go home and sleep" she says and I nod, this is the first time she has denied Amara coming over

Once we got home Jess walked back to her room and I stayed with Callie for a few moments

"Give it to her, before she goes to bed" Callie tells me and I nod, if Jess went to sleep now who knows when she would wake up, it's only just past noon

"I will" I sigh and go back to our room, grab the letter from the dresser and walked into Jess room

"Hey" I say softly and sit on the bed with her, she had done laid down and faced the wall

"Hi" she says and rolls over

"So,,, at the school your principal gave me something for you. Alex' mom gave them a note for you. And I have been waiting to give it to you but if you want it now you can have it" i say and she sits up quickly and nods and I hand it to her

"You want me to stay or would you rather be by yourself?" I ask

"Um.. myself" she says and I nod and kiss her head

"Okay, I'll just be in the room. Come get me if you need me" i tell her and leave her room.

Jess' POV

Arizona gave me the envelope. And I sat there, tracing my fingers over my name written in Alex' handwriting

I gently opened the envelope and pulled out the perfectly folder paper

Hey Bitch, I love you? I know you're probably mad and upset and I apologize really, but. Just know that I'm okay. I'm better Jess, really, I don't have to worry about my mom and her boyfriend. Really the only bad thing is I'm leaving you. Physically anyhow. But I'll still be there with you. Don't worry.
Listen to me, don't get too upset over this. I want you to keep living life to the fullest, don't give up on Amara, she is amazing and if we both weren't the gayest of gays I would have snatched her up.. haha

Thank you, for everything Jess, I wouldn't have survived this long without you. You came into my life and gave me a purpose. You made me laugh all the time and I love you for that and so much more. Talk to me, I'll be listening.Don't hate me. And don't sorry I will be looking over you, and all of your future kids.  Well I guess this is goodbye... bye bestie , I love you

                   Your favorite gay Best friend

After reading the letter tears streamed down my face, god I miss him. More than I could have imagined.  I held the note close against my chest before looking at it once more and running my fingers over his signature at the end.

I took the note and my blanket and walked down to my moms room, her and Callie were sitting against the head board. I felt bad for bombarding her with my problems.

"Hey" she smiles and I stand in the doorway

"Come get in bed my love" Arizona tells me and I nod, climbing over her to get in the middle of the bed And I kept the note in my hand

"You okay?" She ask and I take in a deep breath.

"No, yea? I don't know. Knowing that he is not  pain anymore helps. But also knowing I'm never going to see him again sucks" I admit and get comfortable under my cover and laid my head against arizona and she kissed my head

"I know baby," she says and holds me closer to her,

"Can I go to sleep now?" I ask

"Go ahead" she tells me and I move slightly to I was comfortable and she moved her hand up and down my back,

"I love you mom.... And you too Callie" I say with my eyes closed

"I love you too" they both reply and I felt  Callie Put a hand on my back

I think I know what I have to do to make me feel better and that involves talking to mom and Callie....

Till next time ❤️

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