Chapter 22

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Callies POV

Arizona and I have been together for a few weeks now, stil only known to us, Aria, Mark and April. And of course Jess. I found an apartment a week ago and I move in this weekend. Which also means I need to go shopping since I have absolutely nothing. Everything stayed with the house.

I had an appointment with Jess today, she was going to be able to start walking without the brace and further distances. She is a good kid once you get to know her and can get past her remarks..

Arizona and I learned to be quiet during our love making sessions, and we have the tv on, making sure not to give the 15 year old any room for imagination.

I still haven't told my parents about anything really, not the divorce and most certainly not about Arizona.

Jess' appointment was later in the evening at 4, Arizona had surgery's scheduled all day today. Since today was a relatively short day for me I planned on seeing Aria after. She hasn't texted me back in a while and I just want to make sure she is okay, she is due next week but Arizona said he might make an appearance early, since then I keep tabs on her and go and see her every day. Only usually she will text me during the day instead of today she didn't.

The rest of the day went by fairly quickly, and it was time for Arizona to bring Jess in for her appointment

"You finally ready to take that brace off?" I ask walking into the examination room

"Is that even a question?" She chuckles, this girl has been trying to get me to allow her to take it off for like a week now

"Remember, after it's off you don't have to wear it while you walk unless it hurts. But if it hurts at all put it on" I say firmly and she nods

"Yes Dr.Torres" she says and I roll my eyes

"I mean it, if you don't you can damage your leg even more and you won't be walking for longer" I say and she nods

"I promise, and I live with Arizona, she won't let me get by with it anyway" she says looking up at Arizona

"You got that right" she nods and I smile sitting down in front of Jess so I could take a look at her leg

45 minutes later Arizona was signing her papers so that They could go home

"Any problems call me" I say and they nod, Jess smiling that she can now walk without the brace.

"Ill call you anyway" Arizona winks

"Ill see you later" I smile and give her a kiss

"Get a room" Jess says

"Keep on and I'll just send you to yours" Arizona says playfully

"Let's go" Arizona says to her and they leave, once they are gone I go to the lounge so I could change back into my clothes and head over to Arias

As soon as I pulled into her apartment building I got a text

Aria: 2 things , Dad is here. And my water just broke

I read her text and quickly made my way to her apartment and let myself in

"I just sent that text, how the hell are you already here?" Aria says amused to see me

"I had just pulled in, you hadn't answered your text all day so I came to check on you" I say walking over to her

"Hola Mija" I hear behind me to see my dad

"Hi daddy". I smile and bring him into a. Hug

"So you're the doctor, when do I need to go to the doctor?" She ask

"How far apart are your contractions?" I ask

"Like every 8 minutes but last a few seconds" she says

"You have time then, if you want to shower before we go. You won't have a chance too for a couple days" I say and she nods

"You want help?" I ask

"Um, no. I think I can do it. I'll yell for you if not" she says and I nod as she walks away leaving me with only my father.

I made sure to have her hospital bag and everything we would need and I called Jo. Carina was originally her OB, but her and her wife just moved to Italy so Jo took over her department

Once everything was handled I took a seat on the couch while we waited on her to get done

"How is George treating you?" He ask

"Um, we got a divorce" I tell my father

"You what?!" He ask raising his voice

"It didn't work out and I met someone else that makes me happy" I say

"I want to meet him." He says and I shift nervously

"I'm assuming you kept the house?" He ask

"We'll no. I gave it to George" I say and she lets out a breath

"Calliope" he sighs and we were interupted by Aria yelling for me

"What's wrong?" I ask seeing her sitting on her bed with a towel wrapped around her

"I can't bend over to put my pants on" she says and I laugh

"Calliope I swear to fucking  god I'm going to kill you if you don't stop laughing" she says and I stop, better not piss the pregnant lady off

I got a pair of loose fitting leggings and helped her into them and she threw on a big t-shirt and we walked out

"Fuck fuck fuck" she says and leans against the wall and holds her stomach

"I don't know where you got that mouth from" our dad says and I laugh,

"Let's go" I say helping her into my car and our dad gets in his and follows us to the hospital where Jo was waiting. I had also let Arizona know what was going on,

Once Aria was settled in the room Jo went ahead and checked her and told us she was 6 cm so she still had a while to go

"Do you want an epidural?" Jo ask her

"Sí, Sí! Dame todas las drogas" she exclaims

"She said yes, give her the drugs" I translate for Jo and she laughs

"Bullshit" she exclaims as another contraction hits

Jo came in and we helped Aria get situated so the anesthesiologist could give her the epidural and she was back to laying in her original spot

"That's so much better" she sighs

"How much longer?" She ask as Jo was once again checking to see how dilated she was

"You're only at 7, you have a little ways" Jo says and she throws her head back

"Dammit! from now on. No more penis, no more babies" she says just as our dad walks in with the drink she had requested

"Fuck my life" she says and covers her face

"Um, I'm just going to leave this here" he says and sets her drink down and walks out of the room

"Here" I chuckle giving her the cup

"I hate this" she frowns

"I know," I say and watch the monitor as another contraction goes through her body and she doesn't react

"The medicine is working" I say and she nods

"Have you thought of names?" I ask trying to keep her mind off of it

"I really like Mateo," she smiles

"I like that," I smile

"Baby Mateo"

Till next time❤️

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