Chapter 80

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Jess' POV

2 years later

Alexa, who also goes by Lexie, had just turned two yesterday and today we are doing a little party, we are doing it at an inflatable place because she seemed to really like it last time we went

It's hard to believe that Amara and I have a two year old. She is definitely the light of our lives though.
She has beautiful dark curly hair and blue eyes, we picked a donor that resembled Amara so that is where the curly hair comes from

At first Nick was a little jealous over her, the two of us have always been close then once Lexie was born we didn't do any over nights until she was 6 months old.

Most of the days Amara and I had no energy to do anything; Lexie kept us up all night just wanting to be close,

Mom, Callie and Ada even came over to just sit with her so we could sleep,

While I do miss her being a baby, I don't miss laying awake at night with a crying baby, on the verge of tears myself, not knowing what to do

It was really hard at first but we eventually got the hang of everything and this second year had been easier, minus her cutting teeth. Nick never had a problem so I didn't think she would either but I was wrong, so wrong

When she was teething she cried basically the entire night, she couldn't get comfortable, the medicine only worked for so long and some times it was hard to nurse her since all she wanted to do was chew on things, and I was not about to have her little sharp ass tooth go through my nipple.

We stopped nursing around 18 months for good, before then it was only bed time

her party is today, at 4 and it's currently 2 meaning she just woke up from her nap not too long ago,

I still have to stop by the store to grab a few things before I even go in the direction Of the party. Mom and Ada are getting there early to set up. To say Lexie has been spoiled is an understatement. This child gets whatever she wants when she goes with Ada. And pretty much the same with mom and Callie. Even if that means ice cream before dinner.

"Lexie baby, come on. We got to go to the store" I say and get her dressed, Amara was already out picking up her last gift that was getting custom done. See what I mean? Spoiled.

Once she was dressed and in the car we made our way to the store, while she happily bobbed her head to the music

Since I was only picking a few things I didn't think a cart was necessary, wrong decision

I had gotten everything I needed and Lexie was good at holding my hand until she found the candy isle

"Alexa, no ma'am. You can have one" I say, seeing her walk over with a bunch of candy

"Mommy birthday" she pouts

"I know it's your birthday but you're only getting one" I say and she walks back over to the shelf

"Jessica?" I heard and turned around to see who was calling me

"Beth?" I question, wow. Haven't seen her like 10

"Mommy two" Lexie says coming back over to me And I crouch down in front of her

"Alexa mommy said 1. Now put one back so we can go to your party" I say and she nods

"You have a daughter" she states the obvious

"Yea... she just turned two yesterday" I smile,

"Done mommy" she says coming back over, oblivious to our conversation

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