Chapter 20

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Arizona's POV

The next morning after Jess and I feel asleep not long after 8 I woke around 7:30 and texted Webber to let him know I wouldn't be in today.  Even after we fell asleep before 9, Jess still woke up a few times, twice because of the pain in her leg. This time since I was with her I was able to help. Well as much as I could which was really just making sure she took the medication Callie gave her.

She also woke up one other time with a nightmare, I didn't know she was having them. She was yelling out and I was able to call her down but not without her crying. I really didn't see what was going on with her. She sure was good at hiding it.

Around 8 she started to stir again and I just waited for her to wake up or fall back asleep. I hadn't gotten out of bed since I woke up, just incase.

"Hey," she says groggily and rubs her eyes

"Good morning" I chuckle and put down the book I had in my hand

"What time is it?" She ask still covered up

"Just after 8" I say

"Don't you have work?" She ask sitting up and I shake my head

"No, I took off today" I say

"Oh, I don't want you to take off work because of me, I'll be fine" she says and I sigh

"I know you will be. I just want to be here too" I say and she smiles

"Well thank you"

She got out of bed to use the bathroom and I check my phone for my missed messages

Callie: Hey! How's Jess?

Arizona: She's doing better

Callie: Want to talk tonight?

Arizona: let me talk to Jess first, okay?

Callie: sounds perfect

I was smiling at my phone when Jess joined me back on the bed

"Texting your boyfriend?" She jokes and I roll my eyes

"Far from it" I say

"I actually wanted to talk to you" I say

"Is something wrong?" She ask worriedly

"No, no nothing is wrong. How do you feel about Callie coming over tonight" I ask and she laughs

"It's your house" she says

"It's our house, and if you're not comfortable with her coming over then she won't " I say and she smiles

"Callies cool" she says and I text Callie back letting her know it's okay for her to come over tonight

Callies POV

Since I signed the papers, well yesterday I'm currently held up and living at one of the hotels near the hospital. Thank god for my trust fund or this wouldn't be happening. I am actually looking for an apartment just I need time

I'm so glad Arizona said it was alright for me to come over tonight. I really want to talk about us. Or what can be us. I know she has Jess now and I understand that and respect that Jess will come before our relationship. But I don't see why she can't have both

I had today off so I decided to go and visit Aria. The two of us have gotten really close ever since her surgery and we like to get together even if it's just once a week if I have the time off

I drove over to her apartment and walked in; she gave me a key when she first closed on it so I could always come over in emergency. She already k we I was coming now so it's not a big deal

"Aria!" I call out upon closing the door

"Damn calliope I'm right here" she says and I roll my eyes

"I got a divorce yesterday" I say sitting down next to her

"No fucking way" she gasp, her kid is going to be walking around shouting off curse words by the way she talks

"Yea" I sigh

"You slept with that doctor didn't you? She is damn hot though, I mean id do her" she shrugs casually

"Yes I slept with her" I say and she spots out her water

"Callie! What the hell, you're just now telling me?" She says and I laugh

"She got any sisters?" She ask and I playfully shove her

"I don't think so," I say and she smiles

"I'm proud of you Callie, I always knew you were a little fruity" she says

"Fruity?" I ask

"Yea, it's basically when- you know what? Never mind" she she says

"Does Mom and Daddy know?" She ask

"No, you're the first person I told," I say and she puts a hand over her heart

"I feel so special" she jokes

"When you going to see her again?" She ask

"Tonight, she is fostering a teenager though" I say

"What's that got to do with anything? Put her to bed and go have fun at lady town" she says

"Oh my god I hate you" I chuckle

"I want to meet her, officially. Not as my doctor" she says and I nod

"Maybe one day"


Later that night I left arias and went back to the hotel so I could change and head over to Arizona's.

On the drive over I decided to think, what are we even going to be talking about is the real question. Do I still want her? Of course I do. But does she still want me? I mean the whole process went faster than expected and what if she isn't ready

I arrived at Arizona's and walked to her door, contemplating weather or not I wanted to actually go in when her door opened anyway

"Calliope. Hi" she says giving me a soft smile and invites me inside

"I'm sorry about last night" she says

"It's really not a problem" I assure her and she leads us to the couch

"Where's Jess?" I question

"Her room watching some movie" she shrugs and I nod as she takes my hand

"So we're here to talk?" I ask and she nods

"you did it" she smiles

"Do you still want this?" I ask

"Yea, I do. I want this. I want us. God I want us so bad" she says and I look into her eyes before catching her lips in mine, moving our heads in motion

"We were supposed to talk" she says and I pull away resting my head against hers

"We did. Calliope Torres will you be my girlfriend?" She ask and I smile

"Yes, of course I will" I say and she gets up and pulls me along to her bedroom

"What about Jess?" I ask once we were both on her bed in the mist of discarding our clothes

"She's a teenager, I'm an adult I have a sex life, and we'll be quiet. Plus she might be asleep" she says and I chuckle and continue what I'm doing

Till next time ❤️

Be sure to check out my Amezona story!

'Thank you Seattle'

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