Chapter 65

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Callies POV

It's only a week out now. Our wedding. Seeing as it is in Seattle we all are flying out today. After the wedding Arizona and I will be heading to France for a few days while Jess will be staying with Aria.

This past week has been so hectic, we have been packing and making sure everything is perfect, we had our dresses specially shipped to Seattle to make sure there would be no damage.

Since Jess is now on summer vacation we don't have to worry about her missing school.

We did invite Ada, her husband and the kids to the wedding and they are coming a few days before. We also invited Alex and even offered to let him fly out with us today but his mother refused. As soon as Arizona even brought it up she shut it down

All of our friends from Seattle are coming to the wedding. Including Arizona's Parents. While I do have Aria I wish that my parents were coming. I wish my dad would walk me down the isle.

Instead of spiraling, thinking of all the what if's I decided on just double checking all of our bags once again

Arizona is in the shower and Jess is in her room talking to Alex since once we go back to Seattle they will be on different time zones.

Alex comes around the house a good bit and him and Jess are always laughing In her room. Other than Amara he is her best friend.

Once I had finished double checking everything I had walked into the bathroom and sat on the vanity while Arizona was in the shower

"Are you okay my love?" She asked me from in the shower

"I'm fine, just waiting for you" I reply and she chuckles

"I'm almost done" she replies and I just wait quietly until she was down

"Towel?" She ask and turns the water off, I gave her the towel and she stepped out of the shower and wrapped her body in it

"I would much rather see you without this" I say and pull on the towel a little and she laughs

"As much as I would love too" she smiles and kisses me

"We have very little time before we leave" she says

"But.... I promise. I will make it up to you when we get back to Seattle" she whispers in my ear and kisses me once again before smirking and walking away

"Jessica! We have to go" Arizona calls out, we had all our bags ready and the taxi was waiting downstairs

"I'm coming!" She yells back and the three of us go downstairs and put our things into the back of the taxi

I hate this flight. The flight from Malawi to Seattle and back takes too long. It's uncomfortable and I hate flying

We finally arrived back in Seattle and we were all exhausted. The time change and the long flight doesn't help

Once we got back to the apartment we all just left our bags in the living room and headed to our rooms.

Even though we live in Malawi, we left everything here. All of the furniture. The only thing we took was clothes.

Same at my apartment. All the furniture is there, although I should really look to selling it. Or at least leasing it out

Arizona climbed into her side and I got on mine, as soon as I got in bed she backed up against me and I threw one of my arms around her and kissed her shoulder

"I love you and I can't wait to marry you" I say and she turns around quickly to kiss me

"I love you. And i can't wait to marry you" she smiles

The next morning Arizona and I both slept until 10 with Jess still asleep

"I don't want to get up" Arizona groans and cuddles back into me

"Me neither... but we have to at some point today" I say, we were meeting with some friends from the hospital. Well more like them meeting us. We invited everyone over for dinner and drinks afterwards. It's just going to be our friends from the hospital and Aria of course.

Since Mateo and Jess will be here we aren't going to be getting too too drunk.

"I know, but I'm sooo tired" she sighs with her eyes still closed

"Did you want to go to the hospital?" I ask

"No" she grumbles

"Okay" I chuckle and kiss her head, allowing her to fall back asleep,

A few hours later I ordered lunch for us since we hadn't gotten to the grocery store yet, that we would have to do before dinner, along with getting some alcohol

"Jess, you wanna go to the store with us?" I ask her and she shakes her head

"No, I'm going back to bed" she says with her blanket wrapped around her

"Okay, well be back soon" I say and she nods and just walks back the hallway

At the store we made sure to get enough things to last, stuff for dinner, some snacks, drinks, other meals:

Once we left the grocery store we headed straight to the liquor store. Even if we aren't getting too bad tonight it's still nice to have the good stuff

Later that night, mark was the first to arrive, he came in with beer and chips... typical mark

Next was April followed by Aria and Mateo,

"Oh my goodness, look how big he is" I say taking my nephew from my sister. Moving to Africa caused me to miss him growing up, he can walk now and and can say a few words

"Hi bubba" I smile and he claps his hands

"No hello to your sister?" Aria scoffs and I smile and give her a hug then put Mateo down,

"Are you ready to get married?" She ask and I smile and look to Arizona who was in conversation with April

"Yea. Yes. I'm so ready to make her mine" I smile and Jess comes out from her room

"Ahh you're here!" She shrieks and goes by everyone to pick up Mateo

"Can I take him!?" She asked excitedly and Aria laughs and nods so she hurries off back to her room with the baby

"You're not getting him back tonight" I tell her and she smiles

"I know, but he will enjoy the time with his cousin" she tells me and we move to the living room while people arrive

"Are you going to invite dad" she asked, both of us having drank a few glasses

"No.... You know mamá, she wouldn't come anyway" I express

"I'm sorry Callie, they should have done better" she tells me

"Yea... well I don't need them" I say defiantly and Arizona comes and sits on my lap, taking me in for a heated kiss and mark whistles

"You're drunk" I laugh, she doesn't let go often, I don't remember the last time I seen her drunk

"Yea..... but I would have done that sober" she giggles

Till next time ❤️

Wedding coming next chapter!

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