Chapter 26

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Arizona's POV

Callie and I are both off today. Well Originally it was just her but I had Alex to take over my service so I could be off with her,

Jess is in school now, she says she doesn't love it but also doesn't hate it so I guess we're okay for now. She hasn't talked much about it, just giving me the vague details and what not.

Ever since Callies confrontation with her father she goes and sees Aria a lot more. I guess it's she can talk to her about her family. I'm just glad she is talking to someone. I got lucky with my parents. They both accept me for who I am and who I love. But watching Callie and Jess and their parents show the world is a cruel place.

The both of us were now laying in my bed and she was still asleep with her arms around me,

I had already taken Jess to school and. And back to get into bed.

It was just about 10am and I decided to wake Callie up so we could go get breakfast. So I decided to star placing kisses all over her face

"Mm, I could get used to this" she smiles, her eyes still closed

"Good morning" I smile and leave one last kiss against her lips

"Morning" she yawns and wakes up

"I love you" I whisper

"I love you" she says to me and pulls me into her more

"Noo we're getting up" I chuckle and wiggle out of her grasp

"What why?" She pouts and and I smile getting out of bed

"Well I want food, so we should go out for breakfast," I say smiling she playfully rolls her eyes

"I suppose we can" she says and gets out of bed with me

"We can shower when we get back right?" She smirks

"Yes. We can shower when we get back" I smile and press a kiss again

"Maybe we can stop by arias afterwards?" Callie suggest

"That sounds amazing" I smile and throw her a shirt to put on while I do the same

The both of us left the apartment and headed down to the breakfast/ brunch diner down the street

We walked the few block hand in hand the entire time

When we got to the diner we both ordered a mimosa along with our food,

We ate and talked about our previous night,

After we ate we walked back to my apartment so we could get my car and we headed over to Arias

We walked up to her apartment and Callie knocked on the door

"Come in!" Aria voices out and the two of us walk into her apartment

"Hey!" She smiles upon seeing us

"Where's my nephew?" Callie asked

"Wow, not even a hi Aria, how are you?" She scoffs and Callie rolls her eyes

"Yea yea" she says and takes the baby from Aria and sits down next to her and I sit on the the side

"So what do I owe this surprise visit?" Aria asked

"We just went for breakfast and wanted to come
See you" I answer

"Well I'm glad, you can watch him while I take
A shower?" She ask and I nod

"Of course" I tell her

"Yes you are starting to stink" Callies jokes with her

"Callie you're a bitch" Aria says and walks into her room

We spent about 2 hours at arias before we had to leave so we could have time to shower before I had to go and pick up Jess from school

"Can I just put pajamas on?" Callie ask

"It's not even 3pm" I chuckle and she sighs

"But I'm tired" she groans and I throw a shirt at her

"Get dressed" I tell her and she rolls her eyes

After the both of us got dressed it was time to leave to pick up Jess,

When she got in the car I noticed she was a bit down but I didn't want to mention it, not now anyway

We got back to the apartment and without saying a word Jess just walked straight to her room and shut the door

"What was that?" Callie ask and I shrugged

"No idea" I say and leave my bag on the table and walk back the hall to her room and knocked on her door with no reply

"Jess? Can I come in?" I ask again but with no reply this time I just opened her door to find her sitting on the bed starring our the window with tears running down her cheeks

I shut her door and walked over to her bed and sat down on it and put my hand On her back

"Hey, what's happening?" I asked

"She-she's breaking up with me" she cries

"What?" I ask surprisingly

"She broke up with me over text! How can I be so stupid. I loved her. I love her. And - and she doesn't give a damn about me" she cries and I pull her into a hug

"What did she say?" I ask

"She said that, we don't see each other enough to be in a relationship and since she is moving. Her dad thought it was best that they get away from here and all  the bullying " she says, still crying on my shoulder

"I'm so sorry hun" I say, not knowing how to comfort her

"I'm sorry" she says and wipes her eyes

"Why are you sorry?" I asked confused

"Because, Callie is here and I'm sure you would much rather be spending your time with her" she has and I frown.

"Callie is fine, and you come first. Always and Callie knows that. Why don't the two of us go out tonight? Even if it's just ice- cream" I suggest and she smiles

"I think I want to stay in tonight. I'm sorry" she says and I sigh

"It's not a problem. I promise. Do you want me to stay in here with you?" I ask and she looks away almost embarrassed to answer,

"Actually, I kind of want to stay, is that okay?" I ask and she smiles and nods and I lay down in Jess' bed with her

I texted Callie and told her that Jess needed me and I wouldn't have minded if she went home so she didn't have to stay in the living room by herself

Jess and I ended up falling asleep and waking up and hour later and when we walked out of her room Callie was on the couch watching some show

"Hey, you okay?" She ask Jess

"My girlfriend just broke up with me. Of course I'm not okay" she says and I frown

"I mean I jumped in front of a Train for her. Literally" she says and I give her a disapproving look

"Too soon?"

Till next time❤️

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