Chapter 19

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Callies POV

"Ill sign the papers" George says

"Really?" I ask

"Yea. Callie I knew somethings different. You have the papers?" He ask

"Um yea, you don't want a lawyer or anything?" I ask and he shrugs

"No." He says

"Okay, well Um I was giving you the house. Is that okay?" I ask

"Yea" he replies and I nod

"Okay the papers are in my cubby whenever you want to sign them" I say and he nods

"Let's just go now" he says and the both of us walk into the lounge. No one was in there so it made a perfect time.

Done. I put them back in a folder to give to my lawyer and George went to walk out before stopping and turning back to look at me



"Did you ever love me?" He ask and my heart breaks a little

"Yes. Of course I did. And George I'm sorry" I say and he gives off a small smile

"Yea. Me too" he says and walks out leaving me alone in the lounge

I sighed and left, I needed to meet Jess and Arizona anyway.

Today Jess would be getting out into a boot that she could walk on. Only around the apartment. This would lay a few weeks just while her leg heals then she can go on longer walks then after that the brace comes off and she is good. She will have a limp, for how long I don't know. It could be for we or it could be a few weeks. I do know I worked very hard to make this go as smoothly as possible so I'm hoping for the best

When I walked into Jess' room she smiled up at me

"Dr.Torres" she smiles

"Hello, how's the leg?" I ask and she groans

"Sometimes I wish the whole train thing would have worked" she says and Arizona taps her arm

"Hey!" Arizona and I reprimand at the same time

"What? Too soon?" She says and Arizona rolls her eyes

"I only have pain at night mostly and sometimes it's bad where it wakes me and I can't go back to sleep" she says looking down at her hands

"Why didn't you tell me? I could have helped" Arizona says

"I just didn't want to bother you" she says and Arizona takes her hand

"You're not a bother, I promise" she says and Jess smiles And they look back up at me

"Oh! Is the pain only at night?" I ask

"Mostly yea or if I hit it on something" she says

"Why would you hit it on something? You're not supposed to be moving it much" I say and she shrugs

"I don't" she says and I shake my head

"Okay, well let's get this boot on and I want to see you walk a few steps. If the pain at any time is unbearable you need to speak up and we stop okay?" I say and she nods and sits up swinging her legs to hang over the side of the bed

I kneeled down and took off the brace she had and slipped on a smaller one then the boot watching her face for any discomfort

"Feel okay?" I ask and she nods

"Is it supposed to be tight?" She ask

"Yep that's to stabilize your leg" I say and she nods

"Alright Arizona and I are going to help you stand okay?" I say and she nods once again at Arizona and I each stand on either side of her and help her on to her feet

"Now just hold our hands and take a few steps" I say and she does just that as I continue to watch for any pain

After a few steps Arizona and I let go and she walks about the room until I told her to come sit down

"Any pain?" I ask and she smiles

"None!" She says

"Good" I say taking it off

"Why are you doing that?" She ask

"Because the walk from here, to Arizona's car, to the apartment is still too long" I say and she sighs

"Fine" she says

"I need to get your papers, Arizona can I talk to you for a second?" I say and she follows me out

"What's up?" She ask

"I did it" I say

"Did what?" She chuckles

"The divorce, George signed the papers now all I Have to do is wait for my lawyer to send them off" I smile

"Really?" She ask and I nod

"Come over tonight?" She ask and I smile

"Wouldn't miss it"

Arizona's POV

Jess and I just got back to my apartment and the two of us sat on the couch together

"I need to ask" I start

"When you said you wished the train thing worked... did you mean it?" I ask and she sighs

"I- I don't know. No. No I didn't mean it. I don't think I did. This wasn't supposed to happen! Ava and I were going to be together. Forever. And now I can't walk. And she's still in the hospital" she says, finally letting her emotions out. I moved closer to her on the couch and pulled her head to my chest as her breathing was starting to speed up

"Hey, I need you to breathe with me okay? In... out... good. You're doing good" I say coaching her, and he breathing Calms downs and her sons turn to silent tears

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" she keeps repeating

"Hunny why are you sorry?" I ask

"I messed up. If I didn't like girls I would never be in this situation. I would be with my mom and dad" she cries even more. I knew she has been putting on a strong face this entire process and I'm just glad she is letting it out now

"No, you do not get to feel sorry for that. You do not get to feel sorry for falling in love with a girl. You're parents should be ashamed of the way they treated you and I know it's not the same but I am here for you. And I always will be" I say, drawing circles on her back.

Now it was already 8 o'clock. Seeing as our appointment with Callie was at 5 since I worked in the morning

Seeing Jess in this state I decided that Callie coming over wouldn't be a good idea. Not tonight.

"Why don't we go get into my bed? Hmm?" I say still soothing the girl

"A-are you sure?" She ask and I smile

"I'm more than sure" I say and help her walk to my room, and we both got into bed,

After we got situated I decided to go ahead and text Callie

Arizona: hey, so sorry to cancel plans but after we got home I think everything that has happened finally caught up with Jess and I don't think tonight is the best night for us to talk

Callie: I understand, the poor girl has been through so much. How is she now?

Arizona: we're in my bed laying down, it's been a long day. I really am sorry. I do want to talk

Callie: Arizona it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight🤍

Arizona: goodnight💖

Till next time ❤️

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