Chapter 5

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Arizona's POV

It's been a week now and I have been starting to get full schedules, yesterday I didn't leave till almost midnight having a 3 year old come in with a ruptured bowel.

I have also met everyone and can navigate where I need to go pretty well, April and I have gotten closer and she came over to the house the other night while we watched some movie and drank wine.

Callie Doesn't even look at me anymore, or at least not from what I can tell. I guess this is what I wanted though. I don't want to be involved with someone who is married. She was a one night stand why did I have to see her the next morning too.

After getting home around 1 last night I'm up again at 6 getting ready for work,

I took a quick shower, putting my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get wet and just rinsed off my body.

I got out and quickly got dressed in my scrubs so I wouldn't have to change at the hospital and just took a pair of clothes to change into when I get off.

I grabbed an apple for breakfast and my coffee mug and slung my bag across my shoulder and headed out of my apartment and down to my car.

15 minute drive to the hospital and went to the lounge to drop off my things then started rounds with my residents,

"Dr.Wilson will you Present" I say and she nods

"Nicole Parker,  14 came back in for a follow up CT after  having a tumor Resected last year by Dr.Shepherd. Scans show that her tumor is back and Dr.Shepherd needs to resect it but in order to do that she needs to be awake to know if it will affect her for the worse since the tumor is inoperable, this surgery is to see if most of it can be removed " She says and I nod

"Very good" I compliment and turn to Nicole's mother

"I know I wasn't on Nicole's case last year but I have read and studied up on it. Dr.Shepherd should have went over everything with you" I say and look towards Amelia and she nods

"Great, I will be in there with her during surgery as well to help and assist Dr.Shepherd " I smile

"Thank you both, I just want what's best for Nicole" her mother says

"Of course, Dr.Wilson here will be back at 10 to prep Nicole for surgery" Amelia says

After we met with Nicole the residents went off with their interns

"You think you can get a better idea if you open her up ?" I ask

"I hope so, it's truly inoperable as it is right now so this surgery will show me where I can go about" she says and I nod

"I've seen your work. You're a gifted surgeon" I smile and leave her to go check on my next patient

At 10:15 I met Dr.Wilson in the OR for Nicole's surgery at 10:30

"How you feeling Nicole?" I ask her

"Nervous" she sighs

"I know it can be scary but you won't feel anything. Just some noise and we will be in here the entire time" I assure her and she smiles

"You're a lot nicer than the other PEDS doctors I had last time, and a lot prettier" she smiles

"Thank you, although you are very pretty yourself" I say and she smiles

"Are we ready?" Amelia ask walking in

"Yea," Nicole sighs and the Anesthesiologist got her ready for us,

She couldn't feel anything but could still talk to us,

After a long surgery we realized that in order to take the tumor out it would need to be smaller, as when Amelia tried it impacted her speech

Nicole was now back in her room and Amelia and I went to update her parents about our findings

"You're really good with the kids. You chose a good specialty" Amelia says and I smile

"Thank you! Although I couldn't do half of what you do" I say and she gets closer to me

"I'm not too sure about that" she says and puts her hand in mine before walking away.

Amelia seems like a really nice and caring person,

After I talked with her I had to meet up with Callie for my next patient

"Dr.Edwards present" Callie tells her and smiles at me when I walk in

"Braxton Myers, 2 months, he is here for another cast to help treat his cleft foot," she says and we nod

"So Mr. and Mrs.Myers this time will be exactly the same as the last, just getting a new cast" Callie says and they smile

"Yea, thank you Dr.Torres" Mrs.Myers smiles

"Dr.Robbins is going to assist me if that's alright" she says and the parents nod and I walk over to the baby,

"Hi Braxton" I say smiling at him and he smiles back,  or it's just gas,

Callie had to stretch his foot a little to wrap it and he did not like that and was starting to get a little uncomfortable so I started talking to him more

"I know it doesn't feel too good does it? But Dr.Torres is going to make you feel all better. See she is just wrapping up your foot now " I smile emphasizing the All. I know kids this age have no idea what I'm saying but I find it good to still talk to them. They like the attention

"All done" Callie says after the cast is on

"Dr.Edwards here will get everything you need to be discharged and I'll see you again in a month to hopefully talk about a brace" Callie tells the parents and we walk out as Dr.Edwards helped discharge the patient

"You're really good with the kids" Callie smiles

"It's part of the job, but I just can't get enough of tiny humans, they can be going through the most unimaginable thing and can still have a smile on their faces" I say

Callies POV

The way Arizona's face lights up as she talks about her "tiny humans" is incredible, she puts forward so much emotion as she talks about them

"I couldn't imagine someone so young having to go through most of the things that puts them here" I say and she frowns

"It's tough, but when they feel better and they start laughing it's all worth it" she smiles and then her pager goes off ruining our moment

"Oh I'm sorry Callie," she says and walks away with her blonde hair swaying behind her

Since I was on call all last night and this morning I decided to just go lay down in the on-call room for a little  

When I laid in the bottom bunk George came in after me and laid next to me and started to place kisses all around my face

"Not now" I sigh, we haven't had sex since I slept with Arizona. It's just the need for him isn't there anymore. I mean I get turned in just thinking of my night with Arizona. And when she smiles. Oh and definitely when she calls me Calliope,

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I do something? You haven't wanted to be um intimate for a while" George says

"No you didn't do anything and I'm just tired, working all the time" I say and she nods and lays next to me

Another part of me feels this Pang of guilt in my stomach. George didn't and doesn't deserve what I did to him. Part of me wants to tell him what I did but if I did he would hate me and so would a lot of people seeing as they are friends with him,

Like I mentioned earlier. It was only one time... what's the big deal?

Till next time❤️

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