Chapter 30

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Callies POV

I left, she told me to leave so I did and didn't look back. I left her apartment and headed straight for my own. How could she do that? Why would she do that? I agreed to go with her and she just tells me to go home! After everything

Once I got home I quite literally through my suitcase in the living room and screamed,

I was so frustrated. Not even at Arizona but myself I just messed up the best relationship I have ever had

I decided on getting a drink, I went to my room, changed out of the pajamas I had on and went to Joes

I ordered tequila shots first, a Jack and coke that I was sipping on when mark walked in and sat next to me

"Whoa, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on a plane" he tells me and I laugh, the alcohol is definitely starting to hit

"Yea... we're over. So over" I say, drinking the rest of my drink and ordering another one and mark orders shots for himself

"What happened?" He ask

"She told me to leave and go home so I did and now I'm here" I explain

"And know you're just over?" He ask and I nod

"Pretty much. She was too pretty. Too good to be true" I sigh

"I need to go home" I say and look for my Keys

"Who took my keys?" I ask looking all around

"I have them Dr.Torres" Joe says and I smile

"Can I have them back?" I ask

"Sorry" he says

"I'm taking  her home" mark says and Joe hands him the Keys. My keys! He wouldn't give them to me but will give them to Mark. Sexist

"Those are mine" I frown and he chuckles

"Do you want me to take you home or would you like to sit in the bar?" He ask

"I guess you can come home with me"' I smirk and he gets into my car and drives us back to my apartment

Arizona's POV

Jess and I landed and we're now at the apartment I was renting

I had a few things delivered the day before so we had the basic furniture pieces

We didn't unpack yet and are just looking at our surroundings

I needed to go to the hospital to let them know I was here and then I planned on talking to Jess about the adoption

"I need to stop by the hospital, want to come?" I ask her. Not like it was a choice because I would have made her come anyway

"Yea" she says and follows me out to the car I had rented

We drove the 15 minutes to the hospital and got out and walked to the door

"You nervous?" She ask me and I chuckle slightly

"Very, it's all new for me" I say and she nods

"Me too, I'm starting school in a different country" she says and I give her a small smile

"You're right. It's new for the both us and we will get through it together" I smile and throw my arm over her shoulder

"Ready?" I ask and she nods so we walk into the hospital

I was so used to Seattle Grace that everything threw me off,

When I would walk in the hospital in Seattle I was always greeted with April, now when I walked in I was greeted with people staring at us

"You hurt?" One of them ask and I shake my head

"I'm looking for Dr.Banda," I explain and they give me a quizzical look

"I'm from Seattle Washington. Supposed to start working here" I say

"Oh! I know you now. Dr.Soko. Nice to meet you" the women smiles

"You too" I smile and shake her hand

"And who is this?" She ask motioning towards jess, I don't know what to say here. She has been like a daughter to me but I don't know how comfortable she would be with me saying that

"Her daughter, I'm jess" she speaks up and looks up at me with hopeful eyes and I smile

"Beautiful ladies. Here let me take you to Dr. Banda" the women says and leads us down a hallway at the end of the big open room

"Here you are. Anything you need come find me"
She smiles and I thank her before knocking on the door

"Come in" I hear and take a deep breath before walking into his office

"Ah! You must be Dr.Robbins" he smiles and I nod shaking his hand

"I am, I am so thankful for this opportunity" I smile

"Well we're happy to have you, and this young lady?" He says

"My daughter, Jess" I say this time and Jess smile big

"It's wonderful to meet the both of you. How about we go over everything now?" He says and I nod and Jess and I sit in the chairs in front of his desk

We were in there for a little less than an hour before we left and headed back to the apartment

"So my daughter?" I smile and she blushes a little

"Was it okay that I said that? I mean you have been a mother to me for months, and it's easier to explain than the whole my parents  kicked me out for being gay." She says nervously

"Of course it's okay, I didn't want to say anything in case you weren't comfortable with it" I say and she smiles

"And I have been meaning to ask you. How would you feel about me adopting you? Then you would legally be mine" I ask

"I'd love that" she says and I smile

"But how is that going to work with us here?" She ask

"Well I would get in contact with your social worker and then once we get a court date we would have to fly back to Seattle to finalize it and that's all. No more social worker" I say and she smiles

"Um, does that mean I have to call you mom or something?" She ask and I take her hands and shake my head

"No, you're 15" I start

"Almost 16" she chuckles

"Almost 16" I correct myself and smile

"You have called your mom, mom for almost 16 years. And it's not something I want you to change. I'll be here to make sure you are safe, and put my foot down at you wanting a tattoo, or to ground you when you come home hours pass curfew. And do all the things a mom does, but I am perfectly okay with being Arizona" I say and she wipes her eyes and smiles

"I love you Arizona, thank you so much for everything. And I'm so lucky to have you as a 'mom'" she smiles and I kiss her head

"And i think introducing you as my mom like I did today is okay but I don't think I can call you mom" she says softly

"And that's perfectly fine with me. " I say and pull her closer to me

"And I love you too"

Till next time ❤️

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