Chapter 6

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Callies POV

Today was a pure exhausting day at the hospital. Accident after accident, I had emergencies with shattered bones in their hands, arms, legs. What are people actually doing for them to break this many bones.

I even had an 8 year old boy who dislocated his knee, and of course Arizona was there. Not really sure why they paged her but whatever. She kind of just stood there as I popped his knee back in place and put a brace on for him to go home

We have made small talk here and there. She is also spending a lot of time with Amelia. I assume it's because of the patient they share.

I was now up in the attending lounge, it's 9:30 and I finally just got off from almost working 36 hours,

No one was no in there so I went ahead and started to change, I got my scrub pants off and my jeans on then my top off when someone opened the door, I still had a bra on so I wasn't too worried about who was coming in until I saw Arizona

"Oh I'm sorry calliope I didn't realize you were changing" she says and turns around

"It's okay, it's not like you haven't seen my naked" I say and she turns around and blushes as I get my shirt and slip it over my head throwing my scrubs into my bag

"That's very true" she says and pulls her top off leaving her in a black bra and walks over to her cubby taking out her clothes,

She pulls off her pants and slips her jeans on followed by her top.

"She did that on purpose" I think and sigh

"What's the long face for?" She chuckles

"Not a thing" I smile

"Well I would love to chat but I'm meeting April at Joes. Nice seeing you half dressed" she smirks and I blush profusely as she walks out and then mark walks in

"You off?" I ask him

"Yea" he says and takes his shirt off

What is it with everyone taking their shirt off

"Come to joes with me" I say

"You buying?" He ask and I roll my eyes

"I'll buy the first round" I say and he smirks

"Deal" he says and after he changes we both went over to the bar

When we walked in Arizona was sitting at the bar with April and they were talking and laughing and mark and I went to the opposite side of the bar and sat in a booth

We both talked about random things as he talked about the most recent women he was screwing. Lexie I think is what he says and I think that's Merediths little sister

Arizona's POV

After I left Callie In the lounge I quickly went out to my car and drove across the street to the bar. April had messaged and said she was already here and it wasn't hard to spot her when I walked in

"April!" I say when I see her and give her a quick hug before sitting down next to her

"What can I get you?" Joe ask me,

"Vodka Tonic" I say ordering my usual. When it comes to alcohol I'm not one to be adventurous when ordering unless someone I'm with does

"I missed your face" April chuckles

"The ER was so hectic today it was ridiculous" she says. I do remember going down once because a nurse had paged me. Although it was a dislocated knee and Callie could have done that without me it was still nice to see her

"I missed you too" I say. April still being the only good friend I have. I mean yes I talk to other people and Amelia seems cool but nothing like April

"Here you go" Joe says handing me my drink

"Thank you" I smile,

I heard the bell ring above the door and looked over to see Callie walk in with mark and I chuckle to myself. She was looking around the bar and stopped when she seen me and smiles and I blush and turn back to April

"Who were you looking at that has you all flustered" she says looking around the bar

"No one" I say and she looks back to me

"Okay, I'll just have to get you drunk enough where you eventually tell me" she says and orders us another round

April and I drank then ended up getting a cab home after Joe took our keys and wouldn't give them back until the cab got there and we were safely inside

When we got back to my apartment I opened a bottle of wine for us and we sat on the living room floor drinking out of the bottle

"I wish Jackson would stop working" she laughs

"What why?" I ask taking another drink out of the bottle

"Because... I need sex and he is alwaysss working... Do you want to have sex?" She ask seriously then we both start laughing

"I want sex too, my last sex buddy is married" I groan and she laughs more

"I was supposed to get married to someone, but I ran away with Jackson" she giggles

"You what?" I ask in a whisper, not that anyone is around us

"Yea.... Still the best decision" she smiles

"Now you don't have to worry about sleeping with a stranger just to find out you work with them the next day" I say rolling my eyes

"We need more liquor" I say and get up to grab the bottle of tequila I had

"Waittt, who- who did you sleep with" she ask

"Callie, but but I met her at t-the bar" i say and we both laugh

"She's not even gay" she chuckles and lays down on the floor

"She was that night" I smirk

Callies POV

After April and Arizona left the bar mark and I stayed for a little while longer before we parted ways, I didn't really drink much until I got home and drank a whole bottle of wine by myself before George got here

"Callie? You in here?" He ask walking into the house

"In here" I call out from the bedroom, I decided that I was drunk and horny and George was going to have to do.

I was in some Lingerie I had bought a while ago but never wore

"Callie? Oh-" he says and smiles taking off his clothes and climbing into bed with me

"I missed this" he says kissing on my neck and I smiled thinking of Arizona

Till next time ❤️

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