Chapter 16

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Arizona's POV

After Callie just went off on me and I walked out of the supply closet I stopped for a breather in an empty hallway What was she thinking? Did she really think she could come in here and yell at me for sleeping with someone? I'm an adult and she has no say in what I do.

I seriously don't even know what to think now. Maybe she just needs some time to cool off or whatever but she had no right so lash out at me like that.

I got paged down to the ER so I composed myself before walking down and meeting with April to see where I was needed and what I could do to help

After dealing with 3 cases of the flu, a teenager with a period and 4 allergic reactions the ER started to quiet down

"You okay? You don't look too good" she says

"Yea I'm fine," I say

"Why don't you sit down for a little?" She suggest

"April really I'm fine" I say and walk away, I ended up going downstairs and out of the hospital to the coffee cart,

Callies POV

I don't get it, I don't get what happens between last night and now. She was on board last night. We went to sleep and now it's like everything changed. I can't just go and walk up to George like 'hey, I want a divorce. I have feelings for someone else who happens to be a women'

I was in the supply closet for at least 20 minutes after Arizona left I reflected back on my words and actions. She is right. I can't be upset with her for having a sex life.

The only reason for me leaving the supply closet is because I got a 911 page from mark so I quickly left and went to the paitent room he pages me too

When I walked in no patient was there. It was an empty room. We'll all besides the confused looking Mark standing with his arms cross

"What? What's the emergency?" I ask

"Where the hell have you been?" He ask


"Last night. Where did you go" he ask me

"I- I was at Arizona's why?"  I ask

"Then why did 007 call me last night and ask if you were with me?" He ask,

"I have tried  calling you multiple times" he says

"What did you tell him?" I ask

"I told him you were with me! I said we were having some drinks" he says and I sigh

"Thank you" I say

"Now care to tell me why you were with Arizona and lying about it?" He ask

"You slept with her didn't you" he says

"Maybe, like once or twice... or more. But it wasn't planned! She was a one night stand in the bar, turned out I work with her and I mean she's hot.. like really really hot" I say ranting while he is smiling

"I knew it" he smirks

"Knew what Mark?" I ask now annoyed

"When I told you I was going to ask her out her first day you told me she wouldn't, you only knew that because you have had experience with her" he says and I roll my eyes

"What are you going to tell George" he ask me

"I- I don't know. He's a good man. I don't want to hurt him but my hearts not there." I sigh. Now the both of us sitting down on the hospital bed

"You want to be with her don't you" he says and I smile

"Yea, she's- she's Arizona freaking Robbins. Have you seen her? She lights up any room she walks in. She heals tiny humans. She roller skates around the hospital. She's perfect and I'm just me. I married a man because I had no one. George was the only one. Until you came along. But I want her." I smile, talking about her makes me happy. Thinking of her makes me happy

"You know what you have to do" he says

"I know. And I will. I just don't know when" I say and he puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder

"Don't lose the girl Callie" he says and gets up and walks out leaving me in the room,

"And next time you say your with me it might be a good idea to let me know what we're doing" she chuckles sticking his head back into the room

"You got it" I say and walk out with him.

I paged Arizona so I could apologize, 3 times actually but she never responded to my pages.

I even walked up to t he PEDS floor to see if she was in the halls but still no sight of Arizona. Almost ready to give up until I think of one spot I didn't check. Jess' room. Arizona is her legal guardian right now and she will go to Arizona's when she gets out of the hospital, Arizona is pretty excited about that. She always talks about how glad she is to be able to give Jess the love she deserve, her and I even went online shopping for Jess and got her a bunch more clothes after Arizona and Jess had  already went though everything. It really shows how much she cares.

I walked to Jess' room and stood outside of her door. Arizona was in there and the two girls were talking. I just stood outside of the window not really wanting to bother them. Arizona must have seen me through the window because her smile dropped and she was getting up from her seat next to Jess and walked out to me

"What do you want Callie?" She ask and closes the door to Jess' room

"Can we talk somewhere private?" I ask and she sighs and leads me into the PEDS conference room

"Talk" she says

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I went off on you and I'm sorry I expected you to be with me while I was married. I was terrible to you. I never meant for any of this to happen. I really like you Arizona and I know I shouldn't but I do, I know I should only be looking at my husband the way I look at you but I can't help it. I'm falling for you. Hard. And I want this, but want to try this. But with that being said. Not until I get a divorce,  like you said. I shouldn't be doing this. I promise I will ask for a divorce. And when I do I want us to be a couple, and while I'm still married I don't expect you to not sleep with anyone. If you want to sleep with Amelia go for it and I won't hold it against you. It's not fair for me to do so. So what I'm asking is will you please forgive me" I say sincerely

"Okay, " she smiles

"Okay?" I just said a whole things and all she says is okay?

" I like you too callie. I would like you even more when you're not married. When you get a divorce, we'll revisit the whole couple idea" she smiles and walks out

"Okay" I smile to myself

Till next time ❤️

Sorry chapter is rushed.

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