Chapter 9

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Arizona's POV

After we had calmed Jess down about her parents coming we just kind of stayed and talked to her.

"yea, Ava and I, we like to pass notes at school. The kind that you fold a million different ways, and I kept them- every single one in a box under my bed, you know so I could re-read them when I had bad days" Jess says and we all smile

"Bad days?" Callie ask

"Sometimes kids at school...people suck you know, like to tease us, throw things. And the other day I came home and my mom was in my room. She found my box of notes and she burned them in the fire place" she says sadly

"Uh, Jess' parents want to see her and speak to her surgical team" Cross, one of the interns say coming into her room

"They're here!?" Jessica exclaims frantically

"Tell them she's in pre-op, they will have to wait to see Jess until after surgery" I say and he nods and walks out.

"We have to go talk to your parents now okay?" I say still soothing the girl and she nods

"You'll be back?" She ask me and I smile

"I'll be back" I say and we walk out going to meet her parents

When we reached the waiting room they were arguing with some other guy there but when they noticed us coming they quickly got up and walked over to us

"Jess has substained multiple fractures, including two in her left leg that need surgical intervention immediately or she could lose use of her leg" Callie explains

"Unfortunately, she also needs her belly explored to evaluate the source of her internal bleeding" I say

"There's also blood in her lungs. Which required a chest tube. Luckily it seems to be stable at the moment" maggie continues

"Were taking her up now. We'll update you after the surgery" I say and we turn around to walk up the stairs and we could hear them talking about how she wasn't eves dropping she wouldn't have known about the camp and she would be there by now,

I couldn't just stand there and let them talk bad on her, their own daughter at that,

"Arizona don't" Callie says when I turn around and walk back down the steps

"What are you doing Robbins?" I hear maggie says

"I'm sorry but I'm not sure you understand what those places are like, I know that you're trying to help your daughter but that kind of camp is horrible. It will not give her the kind of support she needs. I realize that you care about Jess but" I say to her parents

"Care about her? We love her. That's why she needs to go to this camp. No daughter of ours will be with another girl. Like we told her, she can get the hell out of our house if so. This camp is to fix her" her mom says, fix her really? I hate them

"Jess' fear of that place is what caused her to step in front of the train to begin with, she doesn't feel safe!" I say raising my voice

"Those places will damage her. Mentally, emotionally. They are tantamount to child abuse" I say, I have seen other kids come in due to trying to escape from these types of places

"You are out of line! You are here to fix her so i can send my child to a camp to help her" her mom yells at me and I roll my eyes and walk up the steps without another word

I needed a breather so I walked away from Callie and Maggie and told them I would see them later

After I walked outside and just sat for an hour or so and checked on some of my other patients, I asked Meredith how Ava was doing and I went to find Maggie and Callie

"Tell us something good" Maggie says

"Well Mer says Avas hanging in there for now" I say

"Well that's something... also Jess might not be going to that camp.. I Uh. I may have made some calls" Callie says smirking until Jessica's mom comes up to us with an Angry expression

"Which one of you did it? You called child protective services on me? I have every legal right to send my child to this camp. Stay away from my little girl and stop filling her head with your faithless inappropriate nonsense" she says coming up to me

"You're forcing your child to that camp, she is terrified and almost killed herself because of you! You're her mother, you support her no matter what. You don't send her away all because she likes other girls" I say defensively

"Not anymore, she's not my daughter anymore. I told her, I will not support that. She is not welcomed back at my home. I will sign whatever it is you need me to sign to do whatever, the social worker is coming and Jessica will be in the system as a ward of the state. I won't do this and I won't allow it and we're leaving" she says and walks away

"Can she do that?" I ask, did she really just sign away her rights all because her child likes girls

"Looks like she just did" Callie sighs

"That poor girl deserves way more than this" maggie says and I nod. I agree completely with her

"I got to go" I say and leave the two so I could go and find Jessica, she should be out of surgery now and in her room.

I walked in her room and it was empty but a nurse told me she had went with Amelia to get some post-op scans

"Dr.Robbins" she smiles when she gets wheeled back into her room.

"Hey, how you feeling?" I ask

"I'm okay, really tired . Is Ava?" She ask

"She is, she is still unconscious but she made it out of surgery" I say and she nods

"Thank you" she says and I nod sitting down next to her bed as everyone exits the room and leaves us alone

"Where are my parents?" She ask

"Jess" I sigh and grab one of her hands

"They left didn't they" she says

"Yea. They did" I say and she nods

"So what now?" She ask me

"Well. Social services will send someone to see you and they will try to find you a foster home for now" I say and she pulls away from me and looks the other way

"I don't understand why they wouldn't just... let me love who I wanted too" she says and frown

"I don't know hunny, I really don't. I wish all parents could be supportive of their child" I say Softly

"Yea," she says wiping her eyes

"But it's whatever now I guess. They are gone. They left me. I-I I'm useless now" she says and I frown

"No. You're not useless. You're wonderful and you'll get through this I promise" I say

"You really shouldn't make promises you can't keep Dr.Robbins" she sighs

Till next time❤️

** also this chapter dialogue is from season 12 episode 1, most of the  dialogue in this chapter is not mine it just builds up for incoming ones**

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