Chapter 35

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Arizona's POV

Once we took our picture with the judge we stepped off the platform and walked over to where Callie was standing and she hugged us both,

"Congratulations you too, I'm so happy I could be apart of your journey but now I must say goodbye" Mary smiles

"Thank you" Jess and I both say and Mary walks out and Jess looked over her shoulder to her parents who were still in the same spot they were in earlier

"You can go talk to them" I tell her and she looks up at me and back down to her feet

"Can you come with me? It's okay if you don't want too I understand I-" she starts rambling

"Jessica Hunny of course I will" I say and she smiles and I squeeze Callies hand and walk over to Jessica's parents with her and she stands in front of them; no one saying anything

"Why are you here?" Jess finally speaks up

"You're our daughter" her father or Spencer now says and Jess let's out a sarcastic laugh

"No I'm not, you both made that pretty clear the night you left me in the hospital alone" she says

"And we're sorry, I just don't believe in two women being in a relationship" Mrs.Fuller says

"It shouldn't have mattered what you believe in, I was your daughter! You should have stood by me and been there for me but you weren't" Jess says, her voice cracking slightly at the end

"You didn't even call to check on me" she whispers and Mrs.Fuller turns to me

"I knew it was you," she accuses

"Excuse me?" I ask

"In the market, we seen you there and you said that Jess was in a good home and you wouldn't tell us where she was" she says and Jess looks up at me

"You seen them? And didn't tell me?" She ask

"Jess" I say softly and she turns around and walks out, Callie looks at me briefly and follows her

"You didn't even tell her that her parents were looking for her" Mrs.Fuller taunts

"I didn't, and you weren't. If you wanted to know where she was you could have found that out, she had a phone. Same number and you knew it. And no I didn't tell her because if I hadn't seen you there then you would have never cared about where she was, and this conversation is over" I say stopping before I said something I couldn't take back. I left the couple and walked out of the court house to find Callie and Jess sitting on the steps

Callie sees me coming and she gave me a soft smile and stepped away so I could talk to Jess alone, I sat down next to her and she tried to pull away but I held her close to me

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you" I say brushing her hair behind her ear

"It was brief, as I was walking out I told them you were happy and in a good home. Your mom asked where and I didn't tell her, and I didn't want to bring it up anymore" I tell her

"They don't care about me, I wish they wouldn't have came I don't even know how or why they did" she says trying to hide that she had been crying

"Let's go home, come on" I say and get up, giving her my hand and we walk back to the car and Callie follows us to the apartment

When we got there Jess walked straight to her room and I stayed with Callie and she wrapped her arms tightly around me

"Dammit why do those people have to ruin everything" I say with a slight pout on my face,

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now