Chapter 7

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Arizona's POV

I woke up the next morning on the floor with April next to me, she had her feet at my head and her head on a pillow at the opposite end. April's phone was ringing louder than anything I have ever heard

It's 11 o'clock now and I have the worst hangover, my head was pounding and I had no idea how we got home last night. I know we talked about something but the actual act of walking through the door in non existent

"April" I say gently shaking her body and she groans

"April! Answer your damn phone" I say and throw a pillow at her and she groans again but rolls over and puts the phone to her ear

"Hello?" She says into the phone

"I'm just at Arizona's, I told you we were going out last night"

"Yea I'll see you at the hospital, I love you too"

"Ugh my head" she sighs

"There's ibuprofen in the bathroom" I say and none of us move

"Are you going to get it?" She ask and I sigh

"It's your house Arizona" she says and I sigh once again and get up and go get the pills and bring them both out and grab two water bottles in the fridge and Throw one to her

"Thank you" she says taking the pills and I sit down next to her

"Do you remember what happens last night?" I ask her

"I don't think so" she says taking a drink of her water

"Yea me either" I say

"Actually, I do remember you saying you slept with someone, I just don't remember who" she chuckles

"I did? Oh!? I did" I say mentally face palming myself, how could I let myself slip up with this.

"What?" She ask looking over at me

"Callie... you slept with Callie?" She asked and I looked over at her

"I didn't know! I met her in the bar the night beside I started at the hospital, it just happend" I say

"Do you hate me?" I ask

"No, I don't hate you. It's okay everyone makes mistakes and I won't tell anyone" she says

"Thank you April. I had no idea she was married until the next day" I say

"Really it's okay, I'm your Bestfriend. I won't ever judge you" she smiles and I give her a hug

"We're never drinking that much again" I chuckle and she nods

"I agree, my head is killing me" she says

"Oh! I also remember you telling me something about running off with Jackson at your wedding" I say and her face gets red

"I'm not judging" I say and she smiles

"My heart was always with Jackson, the wedding was a mistake, my heart wasn't in the right place, and when Jackson stood up, I couldn't just stand there and act like I didn't love Jackson... so I ran away with him" she says and I give her a reassuring smile

"I think you and Jackson make a good couple, I see them love you have between each other and I have only known you for a little while" I say and pull her into a hug

"Thank you Arizona... although I got to get back to the bar to get my car so I can get home and get ready for work" she says and the both of us get up off the floor

"I'll see you at work?" She ask and I nod giving her one last hug

"Yes! I'll see you then" I smile and she leaves when he taxi gets there and I clean up a little before running a bath and adding bubble bath and slipped in letting my body just soak,

I leaned my head back against the tub and just relaxed until the water got cold and the finally got out and wrapped myself in a towel and got changed, I didn't have any clean scrubs here so I would just have to get a new pair when I got to the hospital.

I made myself a quick salad for lunch, i didn't think it would be a good idea to go into work in an empty stomach also hungover,

I sat down at the kitchen table and quickly ate since I still needed to get to Joes to get my car back,

Callies POV

I woke up in bed with George while we were both tangled in the sheets,

I got up quietly so I wouldn't wake him and got into the shower before I had to get to work. Letting the water run over my body first then continuing my shower,

Once I got out I put a pair of jeans on along with a green top, George was still sleeping so I wrote a note saying I was at the hospital and grabbed my bags and left. I'm not even on call I just didn't want to be at home right now,

I walked through the door and into the E.R. Owen was the only one in there right now, it's just after 10 and im assuming the way April and Arizona were drinking last night they don't have to be in till later if all.

I walked past him and up to the lounge, no one was in there so I dropped my things in the cubby and decided to take a little nap,

I was so tired it didn't even take me long to get comfortable and eventually fall asleep


When I woke back up I was a little confused but that soon subsided, I looked around and no one was in here. All besides Arizona

"Good morning sleepy head" she chuckles

"What time is it?" I ask her

"1:30" she says And I sit up

"It's 1:30?!" I ask. I just have slept way longer than I first wanted too, it was nice though so it's not like I can complain too much

"Yea, I got here at 1 but didn't want to wake you, you look peaceful" she smiles and I blush, not even knowing why

"You could have woke me" I say getting up

"I'll remember that for next time, I'll still let you sleep though" she smile looking at me.

Her dimples sticking out, she is the definition of a beautiful women

She was talking about something but I wasn't paying attention. I was paying attention to her features,

Before I knew it I had one hand behind her neck and I leaned in and placed a kiss against her lips, but to my surprise she didn't pull away. Yet she kissed back.

It was different than our night of passion, this kiss was softer

When we pulled apart she looked down at my lips then back into my eyes

"Calliope, we can't" she sighs

Till next time ❤️

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