Chapter 61

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Arizona's POV

"I love you too mom" Jess says and I smile,

I think it was just that she was tired. She has called me mom when she was half asleep before and once on accident. I don't know whether this is just a
sleepy accident or if she meant it.

I continued to move my fingers through her hair as she slept and looked over at Callie who was smiling

"You heard her?" I ask and she nods

"She sees you as her mom Arizona, we have known that for a while now" she says and I nod , looking back at my sleeping daughter

A few hours later, Callie and I both ended up falling asleep with Jess, and the three of us are now back outside,

This time Callie is in the water with Jess while I had some time to tan. Not that I actually do. I'll burn. Then tan afterwards

I laid back on one of the lounge chairs with sunglasses on while I listened to the laughter of my two favorite girls

While I was laying down I tried to come up with a plan of what to do over the next few days. I know there are some activities on land and we can also go out in the water,

"Mom!? Come in the water with us" I heard Jess yell and it took me a few seconds to register that she was indeed talking to me. This time it wasn't sleepy accident, she actually said it.

"I'm coming" I yell back and smile as I walk down the steps and Into the water and she immediately came over to me

"I love you sweetheart" I smile and kiss the top of her head

"I love you too,"

A few hours later now Callie Jess and I are walking through the streets, we decided on just walking instead of taking the bikes,

This time as we were walking Jess was behind Callie and I at one point and When I turned around Jess was no longer behind us but talking to a group of people who looked to be her age.

"Callie wait" I say and she stop and looks back to Jess and takes my hand as we watch Jess walk back over to us

"Hey" I smile and

"Can I hang out with them?" She asked and I looked over to callie, we don't know these people and we're someplace new and Callie just nods subtly

"Okay... we're heading back to the place then and you have to be back by 4;30" I say and she nods happily

"Well, we have just under 2 Hours to do whatever we please" I chuckle and starts pulling me towards the house

Once we got inside she took off my shirt and dropped it on the ground and spun me around

"I love you so much" I say against her lips and he pulls me into her for a more passionate kiss

We continued to the bedroom and I fell back on the bed and she took her shirt off and climbed on top of me, leaning down and pressing quick kisses to my neck

One of her hands stayed on my neck while the other was on my waist as she moved against me

She kept kissing and I was growing impatient so I took matters to my own hands and unbuttoned the bottoms on my shorts and she chuckles

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