Chapter 38

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Arizona's POV

Jess is going to the party tonight meaning Callie and I will be alone for a while. Back in Seattle if we had the house free of a teenager we would have each other's clothes off in a matter of seconds but I don't know where we stand on that matter anymore

We haven't had sex since days before Jess and I left for Africa. We haven't even brought up the topic of sex since then.

I love Callie with every part of my heart and I always will. I don't even know what she is thinking, I just don't want it to be awkward or anything.

Even since the first time it was never awkward until I realized we were co workers, she was special, then and now. and I want to wake up and fall asleep next to her forever.

She is actually at the apartment with Jess today since I have to work, she starts on Monday officially. Although she is coming in for lunch and I am going to show her around a little. Anytime I can spend with her I will.

I had two surgeries. One was an appendectomy and the other we had to clean a little boys bowel out from a blockage

I finished both of them and went down to the cafeteria to wait for Callie when Ada came over to me and sat down

"Hey!" I smile

"Hey" she says back

"Are you sure it's okay that the kids go over to yours while we work?" She ask, she had told me that Amara was off a little when she went home yesterday. I'm assuming the girl was embarrassed from what I had walked in on

"Yes! It's perfectly fine" I tell her and she smiles

"Before Jess they never had any of the same friends so having them all be together is an accomplishment in my book" she says

"We'll I'm glad I can help then" I smile and notice Callie walk in and come over to us

"Hi baby"'I smile and give her a quick kiss

"Hey Ada" she says and sits next to me

"Hey Callie, I'll let you two finish and thank you Arizona" she smiles and leaves Callie and I

"What was that about?" She ask

"Oh she just wanted to make sure I was okay with Noah and Amara going to the house" I say taking a bite of one of the carrots I had gotten

"We'll that was nice of her" she says and I smile

We finished lunch and I had some free time so I showed her around the hospital. I still domt know everything so I only showed her what I knew

"I have another surgery but I'll see you at home?" I ask and a smile creeps up on her face. I love being able to say home instead of 'my place' or 'your. Place.' It's finally ours, it's home

She gave me a kiss and walked away while I went to get ready for my next surgery

I scrubbed out of surgery around 6 and was heading home. There were some complications so it ran longer than I would have liked. Luckily the team and I were able to stabilize our patient and continue with the surgery as planned

I was finally getting home around 6;30 and Callie had already made dinner

"Hey" I smile, dropping my things at the table and giving her a kiss

"Hey, how was work?" She ask

"It was good, all good outcomes today" I smile and she nods and brings a fork up to my mouth for me to try what she made

"That is so good" I moan and she chuckles

"Well it just got done so your on time"
Say says and call for Jess and the three of us eat dinner

Later that night I was on the couch with Callie while Jess was getting ready to go to the party

Around 8 there was a knock at the door

"It's open" I yelled and Amara And Noah walked in. They are good kids. And Jess hasn't really gotten out much so I was surprised when she asked to go to the party but I just hope she is safe and has fun

"Hey guys" I say, not moving from my seat on the couch until Jess came out

"You ready?" She asked the other two and they nod

"Wait wait" I say and quickly go over to her, putting my hands on her shoulders then down my sides

"I do have rules" I say and she nods

"Be back before 11" she says and I nod

"Yes, and don't do drugs, don't drink and don't get pregnant." I tell her and she rolls her eyes at the last part

"I'm sure I won't have to worry about that" she chuckles

"Have fun and be safe. And call Callie or i if you need anything. And that means anything" I tell her. If she does decide to break one of the rules and gets to drinking I would much rather her call so I can come get her rather than trying to get home while they are drinking

"I will, I love you" she says and goes to the door

"I love you too" I say and she walks out

"She'll be fine" Callie reminds me and I nod

"Yea I know"

Jess' POV

I just left the apartment and was almost to the party, Amara sat in the back with me while Noah drove us

Ever since Amara and I first shared a kiss I feel like our connection has been a little closer. We know tend to sit closer to each other or gently brush our hands over each other's.

"You ready?" She ask me, pulling up to a house party

People were walking in and there was lights coming out of the windows

"Most definitely" I smile and get out of the car, she takes my hand and I blush a little, thank god it's dark out

We walked into the party and she went to get a drink and she gave me one, I looked at it hesitantly and put it down on an end table somewhere. I just got here and not about to disobey Arizona

The music started playing everyone was loving about the house and I ended up losing Amara and Noah both

"Hey," some guy says coming up to me

"Hey" I smile

"First time at a party?" He ask and I chuckle

"That obvious?" I ask and he smiles

"Wanna dance?" He ask

"Sure" I reply and we go over to where everyone else was jumping around to the music

I was having a really good time with him and I didn't even know his name

"I don't even know your name" I chuckle and he has his hands on my waist

"Jonah, and yours?" He ask

"Jessica but everyone calls me Jess" I tell him

"We'll Jess, you are very pretty" he says and I find myself blushing again I looked up at him and he was leaning in to press a kiss against my lips

Till next time ❤️

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