Chapter 11

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Callies POV

After Aria was admitted I spent the entirety of last night here. Somethings different about her. She doesn't seem as childish. Maybe seeing the baby and knowing that it's real is something,

It's 7am now and we are waiting until it's time for her surgery by passing time and just talking in her room

"I don't want to raise him like we were raised" she sigh

"What do you mean?" I ask sitting next to her bed

"I- I mean. Callie you're great. Your an orthopedic surgeon for fucks sake, and me? I'm nothing, just your little sister who takes her trust fund for granted, you're loaded. Even if we didn't have the fund and you don't flaunt it around and I wish that - that I learned that earlier. I know I am just some party girl who got knocked up by some guy when I was drunk, and I know you resent me for who I am.
I don't want him growing up thinking that just because he has access to money that he doesn't need to work for what he has" she says softly and I grab her hand. I did think aria was an entitled brat. Yes we both got our trust fund when we turned 18 and growing up if we had wanted something then we got it.

But during highscool, I did take advantage of that. Trying to fit on with the others. I had a flashy car as soon as I got my license, always in designer clothes, I even thought about not continuing to college and just staying home living off my trust fund. But I had always wanted to be in the OR so I stuck with it and I'm so glad I did.

When I got into college I quickly realized it didn't matter how much money you have, it doesn't matter if you drive a flashy car or if you can afford to not work because people don't care. Yea there are some who do but for the most of it they don't. Even now, George doesn't even know how much money I have, we live in a single duplex and I love that more than a huge empty house.

"Aria, you're not some party girl, maybe you used to be yes but even now I know you have changed, and I did flaunt my trust fund in high school but you were still in Middle school, everyone has the potential to change" I smile softly

"And I think that's great that you want to raise him without all the money being offered. I would do the same thing. And I want you to know that I will always be here for you. I know our relationship hasn't been the best but I want that to change" I say honestly and she blinks away tears

"I love you Callie" she smiles

"I love you too" I say and this time it was her Turn to smile

"So where are you staying?" I ask after our moment

"Um, I have been staying at the hotel down the road for a while until I got the courage to come see you" she chuckles nervously

"Does Mom and Dad know?" I ask

"No, they will disown me for having a baby out of wedlock. You know this" she sighs

"No they won't, maybe they will be a little upset but they will come around. They are always calling and asking for grandchildren" I say which gets a laugh out of her

"That's true" she smiles and we turn our attention to the knock at the door

"Hey. Sorry to interrupt" in walks Arizona

"You ready for the surgery?" She ask and Aria nods

"Yea, I am" she smiles and Arizona nods and explains that someone is going to come in and take her to the OR where she will be

" calliope what are you doing?" Arizona chuckles as we are getting scrubbed in

"You can't seriously be kicking me out? I just want to be in there and I-" I start but she quickly stops me

"Calliope I'm not kicking you out" she says with a loving look

"I was just playing with you" she smiles

"But this is my OR and the second you start interrupting what I'm doing them we will have a problem" she says seriously and I chuckle as we both walk into the OR getting gowned, Aria was already under Anesthesia .

I watched in complete and utter awe as Arizona operated, she is a literal goddess at this, her confidence was hot- I mean. Well yea that's what I mean.

She knew exactly what she was going and her orders slipped out of her mouth perfectly.

"Dr.Torres" she says bringing me back to my trance

"Hm?" I hum

"Would you like to meet your nephew?" She ask and I smile and walk over to where she was standing, and there he was. A little baby, the size of a preemie, it was so surreal being able to see the baby and Arizona was holding him, untangling him and she placed him back, and sewed up Aria. Like it didn't even happen

Aria was back in her room and Arizona and I were standing in the hallway

"That was amazing" I smile

"Thank you for doing this" I say and she put a hand on my shoulder

"You're very welcome, I would love to stay and just talk with you but I need to get down to Jess" she says and with that she was gone.

Arizona's POV

Arias surgery couldn't have gone better and I was thrilled. But that soon died down when I realized what time it was. A social worker was coming to talk to jess about being placed in a foster home when she was able to be discharged

"Hey" I smile softly walking in her room. She was laying on her bed watching 'Jane The Virgin' I only realized since I have seen it a million times

"You like this show?" I ask  and she smiles

"I love it" she smiles

"Team Michael or Rafael?" I ask

"Oh Team Raf for sure" she says and looks at me

"No... team Michael really?" She chuckles and I nod

"Yes! I don't know why it just seems right" I say and she shakes her head as I sit down in the chair next to her bed

"I don't know if we can be friends after that" she says

"What!?" I exclaim and she giggles

"Okay, I guess you're still pretty cool" she says and we were interrupted by the social worker at the door

"I'm sorry to interrupt" she says

"It's okay, come on in" I say and she walks in

"Thank you. I'm Mrs.Green from social services, I take it you are Jessica" she says to Jess and she nods

"And you are?" She ask towards me

"Oh! I'm Dr.Robbins. I'm one of Jessica's doctors" I say and she smiles

"It's nice to meet you" she smiles and shakes my hand

"Would it be okay if we talked alone?" She asked me and I nod

"Yes, I'll be right outside if you need anything" I say and turn to the door,

"Actually, can Dr.Robbins stay in here with me?"

Till next time ❤️

If you watch Jane the Virgin: Team Raf or Team Michael?

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