Chapter 24

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Callies POV

Aria has been home for a month now, my nephew is as cute as ever.  Arizona and Jess both helped me pick out all the furniture for the house, Momma O'Malley decorated George and I's house when we bought it, I have never been good at that,

Jess and Arizona, though? They were calling out names of colors I have never even heard of before. I really did appreciate their help. Over the past month Arizona and Jess and I have gotten into some type of routine. We are all pretty comfortable with each other. If Arizona and I both have the night off we spend it with each other, weather it be at my house or hers. 

We still keep our relationship at work strictly Professional, well as much as possible. We sneak a kiss here and there but besides the original people no one knows, it's definitely on me though, I just feel bad. I mean I moved on from George pretty quickly, well I guess I moved on from him before we were even divorced and that is the worst thing I have ever done.

I stayed the night with Arizona and woke up with my alarm 3 minutes ago, she was still asleep next to me, sometimes she will subtly smile and her dimples will show,  it really is the cutest thing,

A few minutes later she started to stir and fluttered her eyes open

"Good morning" I smile and she laughs and turns to me

"Please tell me you weren't watching me sleep" she says embarrassed

" you were cute" I smile and lean In to kiss her

We both have to get up this morning for work as we both go in at the same time, 6 am for a 12 hour shift, our schedules are really unpredictable being the chiefs of our departments.

"I need to shower" she chuckles and rolls out of bed,  it's 4;20 now as my alarm went off at 4:10. Yes it could have been 4 am but that extra 10 minutes are needed

"Wait for me!" I call out and roll out of bed, go follow her,

When I got to the bathroom she was already In the shower

"Arizona" I groaned and she started laughing and I got into the shower behind her

"Are we riding in together?" She ask

"Sounds good to me," I smile and we finish our shower

The both of us got dressed and walked out to the kitchen,

"Bagel?" Arizona ask

"Yea" I say and she grabs two bagels out and cream cheese

"Alright I'm going to let Jess know we're leaving" she tells me and walks down the hall,

Arizona's POV

Callie and I just got to the hospital, since we took one car we park in the outer most part of the parking lot to avoid being spot, it's like we're teenagers again sneaking around, although there is not really a reason but if it makes callie happy I'm all for it.

We walked into the hospital and Callie went to the lounge while I went to my office, I needed to catch up on some paperwork from a previous PEDS case

Halfway through I got a call from social services, which wasn't exactly out of the ordinary I guess, I haven't heard from her since the day after Jess came home from the hospital. She had stopped by for a home visit


"Hi Ms.Robbins, this is Mrs.Green from social services. I'm calling in regards to Jessica, before her accident the school year was only in session until January. Meaning she has now been out of school for 4 months now. Unfortunately being if she is doing okay she needs to go back to school"

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