Chapter 18

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Callies POV

"What is the matter with you?" George ask as he was leaving for work. A month now. It's been a month since the last time Arizona and I had been together. Now we just make small talk in the hallways. I talked to my lawyer. About getting a divorce. He said that we would have to split everything, besides what's In my personal bank account and my trust fund. Which really just means nothing happens. George and I kept our money separate anyway. The house though is in both of our names. I'm just going to let him have it though. I don't need it and I'm not making a big fuss about it. After all, I am the one causing damage. Through off of this. And no matter how much I want this a small part of me doesn't want to hurt George

"What? Nothing" I reply still laying in bed since I didn't have to go in

"Something is wrong Callie." He remarks

"Nothing is wrong. I just don't have to be in for a few hours and would like to go back to sleep" I counter

"Okay. Goodbye. Love you" he says and leaves the room. I sigh and end up with my face in my pillow. Why must the world be this tough. Why is everything screwed. Why did the perky, blonde, pediatric surgeon make me fall for her.

Ugh. I groaned into my pillow, got up from my nice and comfy bed to pee and got back in just before my body woke up for the day. Luckily I was able to fall asleep for the remaining 2 hours until I needed to be up to get to work


I'm going to do it. I am. I have the papers in my cubby and all I need is a good time to talk to him. How hard can it be? I had a break of which I used the time to seek out George. Maybe now would be good to talk to him?

I eventually found him but he was speaking to Meredith and he stormed off. Confused I walked up to Meredith to ask her what it was about

"George's mom is in the hospital, she's fine but he doesn't agree with her treatment" she replies

"Momma O'Malley is here?" I ask. This day wouldn't get any worse now, I tried to get away before she seen me. It's not that she is a bad person but quite the opposite. I know if she ask me a question i can't lie to her and I don't want to tell the man of whom I am trying to divorce's mother that I don't want to be married to her son any more and i found someone else who happens to be a chick

"Callie? Is that you?" I hear and turn to the warm welcoming smile of my mother in law

"Hi!" I smile and bend over to give her a big hug. She  was sitting in a wheelchair,

"Are you okay?" I ask her worriedly and she smiles

"Oh I'm fine dear, just a checkup." She smiles

"Come back to the room with me will you?" She ask and I sigh. I would want nothing more to talk to her but how can I look her in the eyes after everything I have done

"Of course"'I say through a fake smile

I walked with her as Meredith wheeled her into her room and she got up and sat on the bed as I sat next to her in one of the chairs

"Callie hunny, what's going on?" She ask me

"What nothing?" I say, blinking away the tears threatening to form

"You're not your usual self, somethings up. And I want you to talk to me" she says warmingly, growing up my mother was never affectionate. Of course I had my dad. He was always there. Every recital, Every class he was there. He always told me how much he loved me and how proud of me he was but my mother never did. She definitely took a liking to Aria  when she was born.

Mrs. O'Malley had been so much more then a mother In law since I married George. She was always there. She called every night to check up on us to make sure we were okay.

"I'm a horrible person" I finally admit and look the ceiling. Not able to look her in the eyes

"Callie hunny that's not true" she frowns and I laugh

"It is, I did something bad. Very bad and- I don't know what to do and I can't talk to you about because your George's mom" I say, blinking rapidly

" what did you do?" She ask, not hateful but caring

"I - I fell for someone" I say and she gave me a confused look

"A women I fell for a women, oh my god I'm such a horrible person. George doesn't deserve this." I say not able to keep the tears in any more

"Callie you are a wonderful person and I know you would never do anything to intentionally harm George.  You need to tell him. He will understand. Just like I do" she smiles softly

"You- you don't hate me?" I ask and she laughs

"Oh Callie I could never hate you. I do want to see a picture though" she says and I laugh and pull up a picture of Arizona on my phone

"She's really pretty" she comments

"Yea she is" I says and we stay silent for a few minutes

"I want to ask him for a divorce. He can have everything" I say

"Tell him. He will understand. And Callie, just because things are ending for you two doesn't mean you're losing me. George still hasn't given me and grandchildren so I'll be looking for you" she chuckles and I give her another hug

"Thank you, so much for everything" I say and she smiles

"No need to thank me, now go talk to him and see me Later" she says and I smile leaving g her room and going to find George

I found George sitting outside by himself and o took a seat next to him

"We need to talk" I say and he sighs

"Yea.. we do" he says

"I want a divorce" I say just getting it out there and he quickly turns to me

"What? All I did was kiss her and you
Want a divorce?" He says

"Wait what?" I ask completely confused now

"You kissed someone else? When?" I ask

"Actually don't tell me. I'm not mad George I don't care. And that's one of the problems" I sigh

"I fell for someone else. And it happens to be a she" I say looking straight ahead

" and I can't keep this from you any longer and I'm sorry for hurting you I really am but my heart is not here anymore. I loved you I did but..." I sigh wiping my eyes

"Okay" he says not looking at me

"I'll sign the papers"

Till next time ❤️

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