Chapter 32

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Callies POV

It's been a week and a half since Arizona left. I thought about messaging her but she was the one who told me to leave so she doesn't want to hear from me.

I miss her a lot, my phone background is still the two of us, I don't have the heart to change it, everytime I open my phone I miss her even more

I didn't realize how much losing the women I loved would hurt, I would do anything to go back and change he the events that happens that night,

Her and Jess though are probably happy, happy in Africa, a new start,

Mark on the other hand moved in, and I already want to kick him out, bringing home girls every night,

It's not the same without Arizona anymore, the reason I stayed was for Aria, Mark and Mateo and I don't leave my room unless I'm at the hospital.

I messed it all up, and now I agreed to go to the bar with Mark tonight and it's only noon, maybe he's right, maybe I need something to distract myself away from everything.

Arizona's POV

A week and a half, and it's going amazing, the people are so kind, I talked to April still, she is my best friend after all. She told me that Callie has been down since we left which is odd since she still hasn't texted or called, so I have been telling April all of the things that have been happening. I have also became good friends with Dr.Soko and she also has a daughter and Son same age as Jess, Amara and Noah, and they hang out at the apartment when I have to work, I'm glad she is settling in okay, I was worried at first but she seems to be happy again, I knew she was scared of moving but didn't say anything.

And today we are flying back to Seattle to go in front of the judge tomorrow for Jess adoption. If I was asked a year ago where I though my life would be today there is no way I would say in Africa with my teenage daughter working with amazing people.

It would be a dream if only Callie was here, everything complete,

I am just finishing up a surgery and heading home to Jess so we could get ready for our flight tonight

When I got back to the apartment Jess, Amara and Noah were on the couch playing a game

"Hi Ms.Robbins" noah says

"Hey Noah, and Arizona is fine" I smile

"How was work?" Jess ask

"Good,  are you ready?" I ask dropping my Keys on the table

"Almost" she says

"Well we leave here at 5," I say and she nods

Around 4:30, Ada also Dr.Soko showed up to get the kids

"Hey come on in" I smile and she walks in

"Thank you so much for letting them come over while we work," she thanks me

"It's not a problem, and this way Jess doesn't have to be alone" I say and she smiles

"You're heading back to the states tonight right?" She ask and I nod

"Yea we'll be there for a few weeks and coming back" I tell her. Since I left everything in the apartment back in Seattle all we are taking are some clothes to last us

"Enjoy it" she says and the kids came over to us

"Bye Arizona, Bye Jess" they say and walk out of the apartment leaving just jess and I

"Pick up that mess" I chuckle, the kids had a bunch of snack wrappers on the ground and empty water bottles, she does that and I brought out my bag since we had to leave soon

"Thank you" I tell her and she smiles

The plane ride to Seattle was long, very long.

When we finally landed we went straight to the apartment and went to bed, no sugar coating it. We were both exhausted and extremely jet lagged.

It was nice to be back in our beds, I missed Seattle, I missed the people and the atmosphere.

We are here a few weeks, not sure how long yet,

Jess and I slept the entire night after got back and until noon,

When I woke up she was still asleep in her room, we had no groceries here which also means no coffee,

I went and got dressed and then woke up Jess, I needed coffee and I'm sure she would have wanted to come with

She got dressed and we left the apartment and headed to the nearest Starbucks

"When are we meeting the social worker?" She ask me

"Tomorrow, so figured today we go to the hospital so I could see April" I say and she nods

When we got to the hospital we went straight to the lounge since I didn't see April in the pit

"Arizona! Gah you're here!" April exclaims and jumps off the couch to give me a hug

"I missed you so much" I say holding her tight

"I'm so glad you're here!" She says and we step back from each other,

Alex was also in the lounge and Amelia,

"How's my service?" I ask Alex

"My service" he corrects and I roll my eyes

"And it's good, " he says and I smile

"Arizona you look even more hot than the last time I saw you" Amelia says and I chuckle, she has a personality that only people that know her will be able to understand she is only joking

"I bet I do" I smirk

I spent some time talking to them before it was time for us to leave, we needed to go and get groceries for the house

Walking out i caught glimpse of the hot Latina, she was walking towards the nurses station with her dark hair flowing behind her. I stopped and admired from a distance,

What is she going to think if she sees me, I was going to turn away but she did first, we locked eyes and just stared for a minute

"Go talk to her, I'll wait in the car" Jess says and I nod and gulp and walk towards her

"Calliope, hi" I smile

"Hey, what what are you doing here?" She ask

"I'm adopting Jess tomorrow" I tell her

"Really? That's wonderful news" she congratulates me

"Um Arizona?" She ask

"Why didn't you call?" She ask

"I didn't think you wanted to hear from me, I wanted to calliope, I laid in bed so many times and just wanted to call you and hear your voice, tell you how much I loved you" I tell her and she leans in and kisses me

"I - I'm sorry" she apologizes and I smile and close the gap between us once again and take her lips in mine

"'Never apologize for that" I smile against her lips

"I missed you" she admits

"I missed you, come over tonight?" I ask and she nods,

I left her in the hospital and went out to the car to meet Jess

"So?" She ask and I blush

"She is going to Come over tonight" I smile, and she does the same

Till next time ❤️

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