Chapter 8

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Before I knew it I had one hand behind her neck and I leaned in and placed a kiss against her lips, but to my surprise she didn't pull away. Yet she kissed back.

It was different than our night of passion, this kiss was softer

When we pulled apart she looked down at my lips then back into my eyes

"Calliope, we can't" she sighs

Callies POV

"I know" I sigh and rest my head against hers

"It's wrong, but it feels right" I admit and kiss her again,

"Your husband" she says

"Your friends" she says and I nod

"They would hate me" I say and she nods

"I don't want to be the reason your marriage gets ruined" she says

"You wouldn't be. My marriage... it's not the same as it was a year and a half ago. It was so spur of the moment a weekend in Vegas" I say

"If we do this.... What are you going to tell your husband? Are you?" She ask me

"No... I don't tell him anything. We barely see each other as it is" I say and she kisses me again

"Calliope" she sighs against my lips and pulls away

"Take some time and thing about your marriage . When you decide what you want to do, come find me" she says and before I can reply the door opens and In walks Meredith and George. Just what I needed

"Hey, you left early this morning" he says

"Yea I had early patients" I lie, and he accepts the answer

"I'm going down to the pit to see if April needs anything," Arizona smiles and leaves

Arizona's POV

I walked down to the pit and April was standing around one of the nurses stations and Jo walks in

"You're late" April says and she sighs

"I know I'm sorry, I got stuck behind a train that just stopped forever and I was going to turn around by they shouldn't be able to do that right? Just stop on the tracks" she says

"I really don't care, okay? You missed rounds" April says. She must still be suffering from her hangover

"Two girls were hit by a train on their way to school" Ben says speaking up

"What?" Jo sighs in defeat

"Oh my god"

"And they are still alive?" Callie ask coming up from behind me

"Yea so let's go" April says and we run outside to meet the ambulances

"Jessica Fuller, 15 years old, moving train swiped her then tossed her down the embankment, GCS is 15, pressures 100 palp. Right side took all the brunt. One big bruise" the paramedic says

"there's a shortcut to-to school. I-I take it everyday over... the tracks" Jessica tells us

"she's tachy at 120" April says

"all right I'm gonna need a Doppler to check these extremities for pulses" callie says

"I-I-I tripped, you know my foot, it got stuck in between the tracks" says Jessica

"shh shh try to stay calm Jess" I try calming her down

"have you seen the other girl. She she just showed up out of no where, she she tried to push me out of the way" jess ask us

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now