Chapter 66

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Arizona's POV

The wedding is in two days and tonight is our bachelorette parties, Jess is staying with my parents and is also keeping Mateo.

Mark has planned a whole night for Callie just as April has for me.

My parents arrived yesterday and have been staying in Callies apartment. We actually talked about selling it. Callie said she was ready and there was no need for it seeing as she was never there. Even when we come back to Seattle we stay at mine.

Of course my  parents had to ask about it. They were talking to Callie and said they were interested in moving closer to Seattle so when we do come up they are here and asked if she was interested in selling her apartment, which Callie told them yes so they have been trying to get her to sell to them. I have been against it seeing as business within family always ends bad

This last week in Seattle has been amazing, it was so nice catching up with our old friends.

Speaking of friends, Ada, her husband and the kids arrived yesterday as well and are staying in a nearby hotel. Amara is supposed to come over today for a little until we leave to go out with our friends then Ada will be picking her up and going back to the hotel

"Mom..... grandma said to come wake you up" Jess says coming into our room with a blanket wrapped around her.. clearly just woken Up herself

"Tell her I said no" I groaned and turned around to face Callie and I heard the door shut

A few minutes later just as I was about to fall back to sleep my mother walked in

"Mom" I sigh

"Arizona Robbins, it is almost noon. You need to get up and get the day started" she says and I don't move from my spot

" I am trying to sleep, in bed, naked with my fiancé, please get out" I say and she walks out and Callie laughs

"We are not naked" she says and I laugh alongside her and roll over so that I was looking at the ceiling

"I know but I just wanted to sleep" I laugh


It's 7 pm now, Ada just left with Amara and Callie and I were waiting for our friends to arrive. Aria has been here for the past Hour getting to know my parents and her nieces girlfriend which was funny since she was embarrassing them

"Marks here. We are meeting him downstairs. I love you and I will see you later" Callie smirks and gives me a kiss,

The plan was for after we leave, my parents are taking the kids back to Callies apartment so when we come back the place is just ours

"I love you... don't do anything I wouldn't do" I smile and give her a kiss.

After Aria and Callie left it wasn't long until April arrived

"I love you, and be good" I tell Jess and kiss her head

"I will, and I love you," she smiles

"Thank you both, I love you guys and I will see you tomorrow" I tell my parents and leave the apartment

The next day

I'm going crazy, my wedding is tomorrow and my mom has been here the past 3 days and is driving me crazy. I love her I really do. She is trying to convince me that we need to move back to Seattle to be closer to her and dad

My dad, already made a schedule for the wedding, I am so glad I have them. But It would be nice to just relax a little. Callie and I spent months planning for tomorrow, months of stress, so I'm return it would be nice to relax the day before our wedding

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