Chapter 14

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Callies POV

"You slept with her didn't you?" Aria ask me after Arizona has left us after her appointment

"What? No" I say brushing it off

"You so did" she laughs

"I did not. I am married and I'm not even gay" I say

"Married or not you totally slept with her" she says

"Was it good? Because these one night stands ain't getting me no where, we'll besides pregnant. Maybe I need to go the lady  route " she says and I roll my eyes

"Aria. I did not sleep with her" I say

"Sure Callie, I'll just ask her next time I see her" she smirks

"You will do no such thing"  I say sternly

"Then admit it" she says

"I have patients, goodbye Aria" I say and walk out while she gets discharged, I have got to keep Arizona away from her

After talking to Arizona earlier and she agreed to get a drink with me with the promise that we talk and at her house, I'm not complaining about her place though, way easier for me to take her to bed

I was at my house now getting ready and grabbing a bottle of wine I had

"Where are you going?" George ask me as I was getting ready to leave the house

"Hanging out with Mark" I lie and he shrugs

"Okay... well are you coming home tonight?" He ask

"Um I don't know probably not, is that a problem?" I ask not really in the mood for one of his tantrums

"No, have fun Callie" he says and gives me a kiss as I leave the house and head straight to Arizona's

I knocked on Arizona's door and waited the few seconds it took her to open the door, she had on a pair of black jeans and a blue button up blouse,

"Calliope! Hi" she smiles and the two of us walk into her home,

"I brought wine" I say and she takes it from me

"Thank you! We'll probably need it" she chuckles and pours us both a glass of the wine she already had and we moved over to the living room and sat on the couch and she pulled a Throw pillow into her lap

"Drink first then talk?" She says

"Yes please" I say and we both tink our glasses together before drinking the first 2 glasses

"Okay... now we're ready" I say

"Yes" she says

"Okay.... First I want to say, you're married and that sucks" she says and I laugh

"But you're amazing, your beautiful, kind, and it makes me want you even more" she frowns at that statement

"Yea, I'm married and it's sucks  because I want you too" I say and lean into kiss her before she backs away

" we said no sex" she says with a finger on my lips

"A kiss is not sex" I smirk

"But, it always leads there and we're not done talking, go back over there!" She laughs and I roll my eyes sitting back down in my seat,

" look Arizona it's quite simple, I want you and you want me, the only thing standing in our way is my husband. And while yes it's morally wrong in many accounts, we could, still be together" I say

"You want to actively cheat on your husband while we have a side relationship?" She ask

"We'll if you put it that way it sounds horrible" I frown putting my head in my hands

"Callie" she sighs and I look up at her and she grabs my hands making me face her

"Kiss me" she says , confused I sit there staring into her beautiful blue eyes

"Kiss. Me" she says again and with no hesitation I lean into her and take her soft lips into mine, moving swiftly she quickly straddled my waist rocking her hips against me

"Arizona" I breath heavily

"Hmm?" She hums in response

"St-stop" I painfully say and she stops and pulls away looking into my eyes

"are you okay? I thought you wanted this?" She ask hesitantly and goes to get off my lap but I grab her wast keeping her on me

"I did. I do, but we didn't finish our conversation" I say

"Callie" she whines and bows her head

"Zona hunny you know if we don't finish our conversation then you're going to want to talk another night so let's get it over with" I say

"Can I stay here?" She ask and I chuckle

"Yea baby you can stay there" I say and she smiles

"So you want us to remain what? Sex buddies? While you are with George and until you can find the courage to ask for a divorce?" She ask and I nod

"Yes... then a relationship" I say and she nods hesitantly. She had moved back into her spot on the opposite end of the couch

"What are you thinking?" I ask

"I don't like being the adulterous whore" she says and I frown

"How long is your time line?" She ask

"2 months tops"  I say

"Okay... 2 months" she says and getting back into my lap

"Now can we continue?" She ask

"Ye-yeah" I manage when she pushes her knee into my center

We  continues to kiss as she rocks her hips aging me, tangling her hand in my hair.

"Bedroom?" I ask and she nods

Arizona's POV

Callie had fallen asleep next to me after our love making session and it was a little past midnight now, I want this. I want her but I don't want to be the adulterous whore which is exactly what I am. I am willing to try this. For Callie. But what does this entail? She'll sleep with me and go home and have sex with George right after? I mean that's kind of insulting because I'm pretty good if I say so myself

And is this exclusive? Is this an exclusive relationship. Well it can't be if she can sleep with other people then so can I, right? All these things running through my mind keeping me from falling asleep. We shouldn't have had sad earlier. It wasn't right. None of this is right. Maybe I need to end it with her and just go sleep with another random person at the bar again to get my kind off Callie.

But that's wrong to her, Dammit! Why does this have to be so complicated, I guess our talk last night wasn't done. She said 2 months. 2 months and she will get a divorce. We can wait 2 months to start our relationship. Starting now.

Since Callie is asleep in my bed I quietly got up making sure not to wake her and made my way into the guest room for tonight. I'm doing the right thing, when if she doesn't think so.

Till next time ❤️

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