Chapter 23

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Callies POV

Aria has been in labor for I don't even know how long now, Jo said she stopped progressing for a while

It's almost 5 o'clock the next day, 24 hours of labor

"Good news, you're finally ready" Io says getting gowned and sits down in front of Aria

"Thank god, I'm never having anymore kids" Aria says in pain and I give her a soft smile, after watching her in pain for almost 24 hours I don't think I want kids either.

"Okay on your next contraction I need you to push okay?" Jo says and Aria nods rapidly

A few seconds later not only was the monitor showing that she was having another contraction but Aria made it known,

"Please tell me we are almost done" she says with tears in her eyes

"We are, I can see his head, just one more push okay?" Jo coaches and Aria nods

"Okay... okay" she breathes and Jo smiles

"1, 2, 3, push!" Jo says and a few seconds later tiny cries fill the room

"You did it" I tell my sister and she smiles

"You want to hold him?" Jo ask her and she nods,

After Jo cut the cord she placed Mateo on arias chest and the baby immediately stopped crying,

"You did so good" I praise her

"I'm going to go tell dad now okay?" I say and she smiles and nods, not taking her eyes off of her son,

I walked out of her room and down to the waiting room where our dad was waiting with coffee in his hand

"How is she?" He ask and I smile

"She's good, she just had him and they are doing the first skin to skin now" I say and he smiles

"That's great news! When can I see her?" He ask me

"The nurses will come in and take him to get cleaned up and do some test then bring him back to her" I explain and he nods

"I was going to get some coffee want to join?" I ask him and he nods

We started walking towards the elevator and as I rounded the Corner I seen Arizona and she smiles

"Hey! How's Aria? I haven't had a chance to drop in yet" she smiles and I panic slightly, knowing my dad was behind me

"Um, she's good. Yea she's good" I say and she looks at me weird

"Um Arizona this is my dad. Dad this is, Um, Dr.Robbins" I say and she gives me a confused look and my dad smiles and puts his hand out

"You are one of arias doctors?" He ask and she smiles, going back into Dr. mode

"Yes! I preformed her surgery a couple months ago" she says

"We'll I have to get going, it was nice to meet you. See you later Dr.Torres" she says and walks away

"Is she always that smiley and perky?"  He ask and I chuckle and nod

"Yea she is" I smile and we walk down to the coffee cart and back up to arias room

When we got there they had already brought the baby back to her and Arizona was holding him,

Aria knew about us being together and she was very supportive of it, when I seen Arizona holding the baby I sent Aria a look silently begging her not to say anything, we both know how anti lgbtq our parents were

"Dr. Torres" Arizona smiles at me then back down to the baby

"I was just coming in to see the little guy, a lot healthier than he was 3 months ago" she says and hands Mateo back to Aria

"Thanks for letting me stop by" she tells Aria

"Of course" Aria replies and Arizona walks out,

Arizona's POV

I know about Callies parents not being exactly supportive of her new found sexuality and i respect that. Everyone should be able to come out when they decide too and not feel pressured into it. After I stoppped in to see Aria and the baby, who is very cute may I add, I rounded one last time on my patients and headed home to Jess,

I needed to stop by the store first and get groceries for the both of us so I did that first, and texted her to see if we needed anything in particular, she said she wanted some ice cream and we can never go wrong with ice cream so I made sure to grab two containers, her favorite and mine and headed to check out

As I was checking out I heard some familiar voices and turned around to see Jess' parents behind me, they weren't made aware of Jess' plans and that she now lives with me. I mean it's really none of their business anymore

I was placing my things on the conveyor when her mom decided speak up

"Dr.Robbins" she began and I sighed

"Yes?" I ask and turn around

"Fancy seeing you here" she says and I roll my eyes, how can people like that just give up their daughter after 15 years and act like she did nothing

I decided to ignore her and used my car to pay, the bill came to just above 100, and she scoffs

"Can I help you?" I ask and the cashier just stood looking at us

"I didn't say anything, you clearly have money being a surgeon and all, thinking they know what's best for other people children" she says and i take my receipt and look back at her

"She isn't your daughter anymore, you made that perfectly clear. She is happy and not that you care but she is walking again," I say and move out of the way

"And how would you know that?"

"Because I know where she is staying" I say and go to walk out

"And that is?" She starts and I laugh

"None of your business" I say and walk out of the store

I loaded the groceries in the car and started the drive home, I decided not to tell Jess about running into her mom,

I texted her and told her I was here and she came out to help me bring the groceries in

Once we got inside she helped me put them away,

"Did Callies sister have her baby?" She ask me and I smile

"Yes! Want to see pictures?" I ask and she nods as I pulled up some of the pictures I took of him and showed her

"Are you going to have a baby? Eventually?" She ask and i haven't really thought about it much,

"I don't think so, I work with sick kids all the time. It's not something pleasant to see what the parents are going through" I explain and she nods

"For what it's worth; If you decide to have kids one day. You'll be An amazing mom." She says and I smile and pull her into hug

"Thank you" I say sincerely

"You're welcome" she smiles up at me


"Did you get ice cream?" She ask and I laugh and nod as she gets up and brings both containers of ice cream out and a spoon for each of us

"Thank you" she says and I shake my head

"Oh! Put NCIS on" I say and she nods and hurries to the channel before it starts,

Till next time ❤️

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