Chapter 2

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Callies POV

I just got home around 3 and walked into my house and up to my room where my husband lay..

I messed up tonight but it was nice, I really like that girl, and she definitely knew what to do with her tongue I mean- well nevermind

"Callie?" George. My husband ask cutting on his light.

Our marriage was a spur of the moment thing. Not saying I don't love him. I do but it's different

"Yea it's me" I say and going into the bathroom to shower, I left my panties at Arizona's. On accident of course.

I finished my shower and climbed into bed with George. I need to at work 10 the next morning. I have a surgery at 11. Hip replacement on a 16 year old. She is a competitive dancer and threw her hip out.

I laid down and immediately drifted off to sleep

Arizona's POV

I got about 2 hours of sleep last night. And I am getting ready for work now, I put on a blue noise with a black jacket and jeans. My hair was just parted to the side

I packed my bag with my scrub caps and everything I would need today.

I had about 10 minutes until I need to leave for the hospital. I got some coffee in my cup and left for the hospital.

I walked in with my bag over my shoulder and up to Chief Webber's office,  surprisingly found it quite quickly

"Dr.Robbins, it's good to see you found my office" he smiles

"Yes sir, I'm excited to get started today" I smile

"Wonderful! Do you know where the lounge is? There should be plenty people in there this time of morning who can show you around" he tells me

"I'm sure I can find it, have a good day sir" I say and leave his office in search for the lounge

After walking past it three times I finally found the door I was looking for and opened it up to reveal  3 other surgeons

"Hi! I'm Arizona, the new chief of Pediatrics" I smile and introduce myself

"I'm April, that's Jackson and Meredith" April says and I shake their hands

"Where you from?" Jackson asked me

" Boston actually" I smile

"Really? I grew up in Boston" Jackson said

"Me too!" Meredith piped in getting a bottle of water from the fridge

"Are you two related?" I ask

"Oh god no" Jackson says

"Pretty boy over there is an Avery" she says

"Like the Harper I mean Catherine Fox foundation Avery?" I ask catching myself

"That's me" he sighs rolling his eyes at Meredith

"Coming from Ellis Greys daughter" he says and this time it was Merediths turn to roll her eyes

"Hospital full of surgical royalty?" I chuckle

"Is this your first day in the hospital? You want a tour? I have three morning free" April offers and I smile

"That would be great actually" I say and she hops off the couch and I put my bag down in an empty cubby and follow her out,

She shows me every department, the ORS, supply closets, the ER, cafeteria, bathrooms and does a more in depth tour of the PEDS floor since that is where I will be sending most of my time

"You have anything today?" She asked me as we were sitting in the cafeteria drinking our coffee

"Just one, a hip replacement with... Dr Torres?" I say forgetting the name momentarily

"Oh you'll love her! She is really nice and one of the best Ortho surgeons I have ever met" she tells me

"She sounds great, I can't wait to get to know everyone" I smile

"Most of them are a great bunch, stay away from Sloan and Karev, yea they are great friends but don't sleep with them, a bunch of man whores" she chuckles

"Coming from experience?" I ask

"Oh no, I have only ever slept with one person who happens to be my husband" she says almost shyly

"Is he a doctor too?" I ask

"Yea, Jackson actually" she smiles

"That's wonderful April, he seems like a good guy," I say genuinely

"Plus I won't have to worry about any of the man whores, they aren't my type," I say

"Not your type? Just wait" she chuckles and I smile at her innocent self

"Oh April I'm super gay, like I'm the gayest of gays, I'm lesbianic" I chuckle

"Oh! Im sorry, I didn't realize" she says embarrassed

"No really it's okay," I chuckle

We got to talk a little more and we exchanged numbers and walked back up to the lounge, she is a really good person to be around and I'm sure we'll become friends rather quickly

"What times your surgery?" She ask me as we walk in the doors

"11, but I like to get there early to for see the preparation" I smile

"You better go talk to your patient then" she says motioning towards the clock

"Yea, actually I need scrubs?" I say

"Oh! Third door on the left" she tells me

"Thank you, for all your help. it was great talking to you" I say and get up going to change

After I got changed into some navy blue scrubs I found the door of my patient

" Mr. and Mrs. Johnson?" I ask coming into the room to see a girl with her parents

"That's us, are you one of her doctors?" Mrs.Johnson ask me

"Yes, I am the chief of pediatric Surgery" I say

"So you're good?" They ask and I chuckle softly

"I am, but Dr.Torres will be doing the majority of the surgery as she is the Orthopedic Surgeon, but I have heard nothing but great things about her, your daughter is in good hands" I smile they let out a sigh of relief

"Thank you" Mr.Johnson says

"Of course, ill see you after surgery" I tell them and am intern comes in and helps me move our patient up to the OR

"I'm Dr. Brooks" she smiles

"Dr.Robbins, it's good to meet you" I say and as the prep team in getting Simmi ready for surgery Dr.Brooks and I are getting scrubbed in

After everything was ready we were stuck in the OR waiting on the ortho surgeon who was now 5 minutes late

"Sorry Sorry, just got out of an emergency surgery" she says and comes in and gets gowned

She sounds familiar though, as if I know her from somewhere

"You're the new surgeon?" She ask me and I nod as I still try  to figure out how I know her

"I'm Dr.Torres, or Callie is fine" she smile

That's it! She's the women from the bar yesterday. The women who was in my bed, the one who I had screaming my name,

Till next time❤️

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