Chapter 39

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Callies POV

Jess just left and now it's the only time Arizona and I have been alone in the house and able to talk. We have a lot of talking to do

After Jess left Arizona sat back down on the Couch with me and laid her head on my shoulder, occasionally stealing little glances

She then looked up at me and I gently grabbed her chin with my hand and pressed a small loving kiss against her lips quickly returned with a more eager one. From past experiences this always ends up with our clothes off and us on the bed and out of breath

Even now i wouldn't mind going back to our room so I can take these clothes off of her but I don't want to push it too soon

She started to kiss down my neck and gently bite down on the spot that she knows makes me go crazy and I close my eyes leaning my head back against the couch, I didn't want to stop but I knew that we needed to talk about things before we did something that we might have regretted in the future

"Wait- zona baby stop" I say and she does and rest her hands at her lap, still straddling me

"What's wrong?" She ask and climbs off of me

"We need to talk about things before we go that far again" I say and she nods

"You're right... I'm sorry" she says and I grab her hand

"Hey, it's okay. So let's talk" she says

"Okay. Lets do it"

"We took a break. Not that we wanted to really but we did. And I want to know where you stand on this" she ask me

"I agree, and I'm comfortable with you Zona. I'm okay with this and I'm ready if you are" I tell her and she smiles and climbs back into my lap

"I'm more than ready" she smiles and connects her lips with mine

"I say we make the most of the time we have until Jess gets home" I tell her and she nods. I wrap one of my arms around her back and stand up and let her fall onto the couch before getting on top of her

Jess' POV

I kissed him. I kissed a stranger at a party. And a guy at that.

"Jonah" I say softly and he puts a finger under my chime causing me to look at him

"Can I kiss you again?" He ask and I smile and nod. Why did I nod and why did I like it, he put his hand behind my neck and leaned in more to kiss me. This time deeper than the last

"I-" I stammer

"Jess! We have to get going if you want to get home before curfew" Amara says coming up to me and pulling at my arm

"Um- I have to go" I tell Jonah

"Wait" he says and writes down something in piece of paper and gave it to me

"Call me?" He ask and I nod and walk away with Amara and she was not talking to me

When we got outside and away from everyone instead of walking to the car in silence I grabbed her hand making her stop and she turned to look at me

"What?" She snaps

"Whoa, what is going on with you" I ask

"Dammit Jess" she sighs and brings her hands to her hair and turns around and then grabs my face and connects our lips with a heavy and full of feelings kiss and she breaks apart

"Do you know how hard it was watching you up and close with that guy? I mean I just Kissed you yesterday and now you're kissing someone else. You need to talk!" She protest while I am still at lost of words, I didn't think the kiss meant anything,

"I- we never talked about the kiss.. I didn't know"
I say And she kisses me again

"We'll now you do" she says

"Let's go! We're already going to be late thanks to you not keeping your lips to yourself" Noah says from the car and we roll our eyes and get into the car

It's going to end up being past 11 when I get home I just hope Arizona didn't too upset

My phone was dead so I couldn't text her and tell her I would be late

Arizona's POV

Callie and I definitely still had it. I missed her so much and we took the time to worship eachs bodies. I missed being this close of contact with her and let's be honest the make up sex is amazing

After the both of us got our breath back we jumped in the shower so we could rinse off and get ready for bed

I lost track of time and when I looked at the clock it was past 11 and jess still wasn't home. I checked my phone for any messages or calls from her and nothing

"Hey did Jess call you at all?" I ask Callie and she shakes her head

"No why?" She ask

"Because it's past 11 and she isn't here" I sigh

I am going to give her 10 minutes to get here or she is in deep shit

I had my hair still up in a towel so I took that down and quickly threw in a quick and loose braid when o heard the door open and shut

"She's home" Callie says from on the bed, she has been reading a book that she has had on the night stand, I gave her a knowing look and a few seconds later our bedroom door was being pushed open

"Im really sorry. I got distracted and we left a little later than we should have to get home on time" she says and I look down at the time on my phone and sigh

"Why didn't you call?"'I ask

"My phone was dead or I would have. I swear" she says and I nod

"Okay, it's your first time and only 15 minutes. Im
Not upset just don't let this happen again. And if anything call me if you are going to be late so don't let your phone die" I tell her and she walks to her room. I finished braiding my hair and I followed

Walking into her room I sat on the bed with her

"Besides being late" I tease

"How was the party?" I ask. She didn't seem to have broken any rules. She looks sober and doesn't smell of alcohol

"It was nice" she smiles

"You didn't do Drugs, drink or get pregnant did you?" I ask and she rolls her eyes

"No" she laughs and I smile

"But you had a good time?" I ask and she nods

"I did." She smiles

"Then that's all that matters"

Till next time ❤️

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