Chapter 69

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⚠️TW ⚠️ Mentions of suicide⚠️

Arizona's POV

We were less than 30 minutes into the surgery when my phone rang

"Its says Jess" one of the nurses says,

"Go ahead and answer it" I say and she nods and puts it on speaker

"M-mommy" I immediately hear Jess sobbing on the other end

"Jess, hey what's going on?" I ask alarmed

"I- I can't m-mom please"

"Jess baby what happened?" I ask

"Arizona go, I got this" Ada tells me I immediately sit my things down and rid my gloves before taking my phone and quickly leaving the OR

"Jess, talk to me. Where are you?" I ask running through the halls

"S-school" she says still crying on the other end

"Okay, okay stay on the phone with me I'm coming" I tell her and run out of the hospital and into my car, still dressed in only my scrubs

The entire way to the school I was going well above the speed limit but I honestly couldn't care less, Jess just continued crying on the other end when ever I would try to talk to her

"Okay baby I'm at the school.. where are you?" I ask her and get out of my car, going into the office at the school

"Bathroom i-In the m-math hallway" she sniffles

"Can I help you?" She office assistant asked me

"I need to find my daughter, where's the math hallway?" I ask in a hurry

"You need to sign in first" she says and I Quickly do as she says

"Go out the doors and take a left" she tells me and I leave the office and move down the hallway in search of the bathroom

Jess POV

1 hour earlier

After mom dropped me off at school I went to the library to meet up with Amara so we could do some work together

I made it in there before she did so I took out my paper to start without her and she walked in a few moments later

"Hey" she smiles and sits in my lap

"We'll get in trouble" I chuckle but wrap my arms around her anyway,

"Who cares" she ask and pulls out her paper

We spent the next 15 minutes finishing our paper while Amara stayed in my lap until the bell rang

"I'll walk you to class first" she tells me and holds my hand

We don't have our first class together but we do have the other ones together today but I do have my first one with Alex

"Okay I love you, I'll meet you after class" Amara tells me and I walk into my classroom while she leaves

After taking my seat I waited as the other students continued walking in

"Good morning everyone" My teacher, Mrs.Calvin says standing. Up in front of the class

"So unfortunately this morning, your classmate Alex Panjo took his own life.... I know this is a hard thing and the school counselors are here for anyone who would like to speak to them" she says out right

"What?" I ask, no he didn't I just talked to him. Alex is alive.. he couldn't be dead

"Jess...." She says softly

"No! You're lying. Why are you lying!" I say and stand up from my seat while people were looking at me

"Ms.Robbins.... I know this is terrible but" she begins and I shake my head

"No No No! This isn't right I just- I just talked to him he- he's fine" I yell are run out of the classroom and down to the bathroom, locking the door and collapsing on the floor while I immediately called my mom

Arizona's POV

I found the bathroom and I could hear Jess inside but the door was locked so I couldn't get in

"Jess! Baby unlock the door" I say and I could hear her move the door unlock

As soon as the door opened I walked in and she had tears streaming down her face and she fell into my arms as I lead us both down on the ground

"Hey, I need you to tell me what's wrong, I can't help if I don't know what's wrong" I say, holding her head into my chest

"He's dead" she cries and holds onto my shirt

"What? Whose dead?" I ask while rubbing her back

"Alex" she says and tightens her grip

"Jess... what happened? What do you mean he's dead?" I ask

"I don't k-know the teacher said he killed him self" she says and my eyes widen in shock

"I just talked to him yesterday!  He was fine!" She says and all I could do what hold her right to me and let her cry,

A few moments later we were interrupted by a knock on the door

"What's going on in there?" I heard And the door opened

"Are you Jessica Robbins?" The woman asked who I also know as the principal

"She is, I'm her mom" I say and she frowns

"Um, do you think you guys could come to my office?" She ask and I nod

"Jess... I know this is very confusing and you're upset, and I promise we will go home as soon as we are done" I say crouching in front of Jess and she nods and wipes her eyes and stands up with me

We followed the principal to her office and she sat behind the desk and we sat in the chairs in front of it

"I'm really sorry for the loss of your friend Jessica" she says and Jess just looks down

"How... how do you know this is true?" I ask

"His mother called and let us know this morning and gave us permission to share it with his classmates" she explains

"She came in this morning and gave me this" she says and hands me an envelope with Jess' name on it

"We didn't open it so I'm not sure what it is. But I think it is best if you  take her home before giving it to her" she tells me seeing as Jess had spaced out

"Of course... thank you"'I say and help Jess out to the car

The entire way home she didn't say a word, she just stared out the window

"Jess baby we're home" I say and she nods and walks with me inside the apartment and she goes straight to her room and I sit down on the couch

I can't believe what has happened today, Alex, the boy who is so respectful and happy here is gone. He will never be back. He will never stay up late with Jess anymore, he will never graduate high school

I wiped the tears from my eyes and walked back to Jess room, she was laying in her bed facing the wall when I walked in

I didn't say a word I just got into bed next to her and she cuddled into me

"I got you, I got you" I whisper

These next few days, weeks, months are going to suck

Till next time ❤️

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