Chapter 53

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Callies POV

It's been 3 days since Jess birthday and the kids are on a week long break from school. Arizona is at work and it's just Jess and I home now

Arizona and I have also planned our trip, we have one more thing to figure out and we are good to go. Jess till doesn't know about it for sure.

Yea she is the one who had suggested the Maldives and all but I don't think she had planned for it to actually happen or this soon

I also plan and want to propose to Arizona before we go.

I wouldn't want to do it during the vacation and if i wait until after it's going to be longer. I don't want to wait any longer to make it official

I was sitting at the kitchen table with my laptop, doing a consult while drinking coffee

Jess came out and stood at the table waiting for me to finish an email

"When's Arizona going to be home?" She ask

"She doesn't get off until 9 so probably close to 10... why? Is everything okay?" I ask and turn my attention to her

"Can I go to a friends house?" She asked

"What friend?" I ask her

"Alex" she replies, I have met him a few times, he seems like a good kid

"You want to stay or just for a little?" I ask

"Just for a little, unless I change my mind. It's okay with his mom" she says and I nod

"Okay, do you need a ride over?" I ask and she nods

"Please?" She smiles

"Well leave here in like 10" I tell her and she smiles and goes to her room

I sent Arizona a message letting her know I was taking Jess to Alex's and shut my laptop so I could find my keys

Jess came back with a small bag and her phone and phone charger in hand

"Ready?" I ask

"Yep!" She smiles and we leave the apartment and put in the address to Alex's house. Arizona has picked him up before but I had no idea how to get there

"Let me know when you want to come" I tell her once we pull up to the house,

It was a white 2 story house with a porch and the paint was peeling

"I will. Thank you" she smiles and gets out of the car

"Be good and call if you need anything" I say and she walks to the door and Alex comes out to greet her and they both go inside

Once I knew she was inside I started the drive back to our apartment

Jess' POV

Once I got to Alex' house we went up to his room and sat on the bed

"So Mrs.Girl, did you and Amara finally do it?" He asked and I rolled my eyes and sat back against the headboard of his bed

"I don't know what you are talking about" I smirk

"Bitchhhhh you did!" He laughs

"I mean... it was my birthday" I smile

"I'm so proud of you, my baby is growing up" he says

"I was for sure you were going to jump each other during the movie" he says casually

"Alex!"'I exclaim and fall back laughing

"I told her I loved her" I say and he smiles

"Well did she say it back?" He ask, listening intently

"Yea, then we had sex and now she won't talk to me" I say honestly, Alex is the type of person I can just tell everything to

"She ghosting you?" He asked alarmed

"I guess, she went home Saturday and it's been 2 days and I haven't heard anything from her. She won't answer my calls or texts. I don't know what to do" I sigh

"Baby no, do we need to go show up to her house? Cause we will" he says defiantly and I smile

"No... maybe she thought it was a mistake and doesn't know how to tell me" I think aloud

"Was it good?" He asked

"Alex!" I exclaim and throw a pillow at him

"What!? We need to get to the bottom of this. I will mess her up for hurting my bestie" he says and crosses his arms

"No no no" I chuckle

"What about you and what's his face? Change the topic. I don't want to think about my girlfriend ghosting me right now" I say

"Right we'll you know Ryder right? The guy with the huge ass?" He ask and I nod

"Well anyway my friend sent me messages between the two of them where Ryder said he wanted a slow burn between us" he explains and I nod as he continues

"That's good no?" I ask confused as to where this was going

"It is but baby he's not out, then Dakota was all mad because I stopped flirting with him since I was texting Ryder. Bitch he sent me a pick! You want to see?" He asked and gets on his phone, Dakota is both of our friends, he is more in the closet with most people though

"No! Do not show me" I chuckle

"Fine," he says and I roll my eyes

"Tell me more about Ryder!" I say wanting to drop the topic of Dakota


It was close to 7 now and Alex's mom and her boyfriend was going to take me home, I told them I had a ride but they said they didn't want to bother my mom and didn't mind

I let Callie know I was on the way and Alex and I got into the back seat

As soon as we got in the car the smell of weed became apparent, Alex's mom was in the passenger seat as her boyfriend was driving

I put my seatbelt on as he started driving and ran the first 2 red lights he seen

"How far are you from here?" Alex's mom asked and as I was answering her boyfriend turned the radio up

"It's just up here" Alex says louder and I decided on texting him

Jess: You want to stay with me tonight?

Alex: you sure your mom is good with that?

Jess: yea she won't mind

Alex: then yea... thanks

"Mom can I stay with Jess?" Alex asked

"Yea sure" his mom said and we pulled up in front of the apartment building

"Thank you, bye" I say and they drive off

"He seems pleasant" I say and Alex rolls his eyes

"Callie!" I yelled walking into the apartment with Alex behind me

"Hey! Did you have fun?" She asked coming out of the kitchen

"Hey Alex" she smiles

"Yea, we're just going back to my room. Can you tell Zona to come in when she gets here?" I ask

"Of course" she says and we go to my room

"You call your mom by her name?" He asked

"Yea.... It's complicated" I say and he nods, dropping the conversation

"Um, thanks for letting me stay" he says

"You're welcome, rather you'd be here anyway" I smile

He laid at the end on my bed and I was at the top while we watched a movie and by time it was over he was asleep. I knew I wouldn't last much longer so I just texted Zona and told her I would talk with her tomorrow

Till next time ❤️

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