Chapter 15

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Callies POV

I woke up the next morning in Arizona's bed, expecting her to still be next to me but to my finding she was gone, confused I got up and walked out to the kitchen and she was making coffee

"Morning" I mumble still half asleep

"Morning" she says but not in her usual perky tone, she's probably just still tired

"Coffee?" She ask

"Yes please" I say and she hands me a mug and I sit down at the table with her

"You got up early... it's not even 9 am" I say

"Yea, couldn't sleep" she says and I frown

"What's going on?" I ask her, taking a sip of my coffee

"Nothing, just one of them nights you know?" She says and I nod,

"You work today?" I ask

"I work everyday" she chuckles

"It sure feels like it" I sigh knowing I have to be in at 6 tonight to work the night call

"Yea I work night shift" I say

"I hate the night shift, I haven't had one of those here" she says

"Yea I don't like them, anyway what time you have to be in?" I ask

"I need to round on patients at 11 so I really need to be getting ready soon" she says and looks at her Apple Watch to confirm,

"Yea okay, I'm going to go ahead and head home now, I'll see you at the hospital?" I ask

"Uh yea probably" I say and go to give her a kiss but she backs away

"I haven't brushed my teeth yet" she says

"I don't care"

"I do, I'll see you later Callie" she says and walks me to the door

"Okay.. we'll bye I guess" I say and leave her apartment

What just happend? Things were going so well last night and now nothing? Sighing I got in my car and took the drive home, I don't even know if George is going to be there or not

Arizona's POV

Okay.. that was awkward. I meant to tell Callie I didn't want to do this but I just couldn't find the right words to tell her.

I needed to get to the hospital anyway and check on Jess. She should be able to get discharged on Wednesday, seeing as it's only Thursday she has about a week to go and will have to go back in the following two weeks so Callie can take out her rods and put a brace on,

I got to the hospital and walked into Jess' room and Amelia was already in there doing her exam;

"Hey" I smile making myself known

"Hi" Amelia smiles and I walk over standing next to her,

"How's she doing?" I ask

"Good, I want to get another scan today to check for anything but she is healing very well" Amelia says

"That's good" I comment

"Yea... next is the stupid leg" Jess says and her phone rings,

"Privacy? Please?" She ask smiling

"Remember you're in a hospital keep it PG" I chuckle and Amelia and I walk out

"You look very pretty today" she compliments

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