Chapter 67

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Callies POV

We made it home last week are adjusting back to our lives

Jess is currently sleeping, teenagers are always sleeping. Arizona and I are laying in bed so I guess I don't have much to say

Our honeymoon was amazing, we had an entire week just to ourselves. We spent most of our time walking around and just exploring the city seeing as neither of us had been there before

We tried it out so many restaurants I couldn't even keep track, the food was amazing. We also met so many new people.

Plus the honeymoon sex is better than imagined

Currently laid up in bed and Arizona had her head laying on my bare chest and I ran my fingers through her hair

"I love you" she tells me and I smile and she positions herself on top of me and leans down to press kisses against my collar bone

"Mm I love you" I reply and gasp as she starts to suck on my neck

I ran my hands down her body and up and down her sides, she moved from my neck and places kisses down to my breast and in a circle around my nipple

"Let me take care of you.. okay?" She says looking up at me and I nod in response

"Ugh I love you" Arizona pants and I laugh and kiss her lips before rolling off of her and laying on my back

"You just love the sex" I say and she laughs

"Can you blame me?" She ask and moves to where her head lay on my chest again

"You're sweaty" she says and sits up

"Well I wonder why" I say and roll my eyes

"I say.. we go and take a bath before I have to go and pick up Alex in like.... 2 hours" she says and I nod,

Jess had asked us last night if Alex could come over today so Of course we said yes and Arizona is going to pick him up since his mom wouldn't drop him off.

They also start school next week. Their school is a little different then Jess' would have been in Seattle. Since here, they don't have a very long summer break they have multiple breaks throughout the year to make up for it. They also don't even move up to the next grade for over a month. Which is why Jess had to wait so long to start last year

After Arizona and I got out of the bath I got dressed and she sat on the bed in her towel like she always does

"If you would just dry off you would be dressed now" I tell her

"Yea.... But no thanks" she smiles and I shake my head and walk out of the room and Jess was on the couch with her feet on the coffee table and she was eating cereal

"Good morning" I tell her and she looks up at me from her phone

"Morning" she replies and goes back to her phone and Arizona soon joins me in the kitchen

"When did you wake up?" Arizona asked Jess as she poured herself a cup of coffee

"Not too long ago, I'm still tired but I am excited for Alex to come over" she says and we nod , grateful she was asleep earlier..

"We'll text and see if he wants to come over early and we can all go out to lunch" I suggest


We just left the restaurant right down from the hospital, Arizona and I had found it one evening when we went for lunch. Alex had agreed to get picked up early so he went with us and we are all now sitting outside of the hospital since Arizona had to run in and get a file to look over

Jess and Alex were in the back seat but they weren't talking as much as they usually would. Usually they are laughing and talking by this point but it's pretty much silent and they are on their phoneS

"Are you guys okay?" I ask

"Yea were fine" Jess replied and goes back to her phone and I nod. Okay.

Arizona soon came out of the hospital and saved me from all of this awkwardness

"Hey, so we ready to head home?" She ask, giving me a kiss as she got in the car

"I think we're ready" I tell her and she nods, taking one of my hands in hers while the other stayed on the steering wheel as she drove us back to the apartment

"Hey we're going to my room" Jess tells us once we walk in the apartment and her and Alex walk back the hallway and Arizona's and I stay in the living room together

"Are they okay?" She asked and sat down next to me with her feet in my lap

"I asked the same question but Jess said they were fine" I explain and she nods

"I'm sure they are fine then" Arizona says

We spent the next hour or so cuddled up watching television while also sipping on wine,

Arizona is now looking over her case file she had picked up from the hospital

"Hey can you go check on Jess and Alex?" She asked and I nod

Walking back to Jess room I knocked on the door and waited for a response, we don't really have any rules with her door, she is a teenager and deserves her own privacy so she is allowed to lock it whenever. However it does have to stay open when Amara is over

When I didn't get a response from the kids I opened the door and found them both asleep in Jess' bed

She was laying at the top and Alex was laying opposite of her. Deciding on letting them sleep I quietly shut her door once more and walked back out to Arizona

"They're asleep" I say

"Oh?" She questions and I sit down next to her

"He probably doesn't sleep too good at his house" Arizona tells me and I nod, we were aware there were some problems at home, which is why we never turned him down when he wanted to stay

"I'm just glad he feels safe here" I say and put my hand on her thigh

"Me too" she smiles and gives me a kiss

"So what are you looking at?" I ask and she sighs

"Ada just wanted me to look over something, she has a 9 year old with excessive vomiting and can't find a cause" she explains and I nod, Ada is a general surgeon but her and Arizona often work together

"Cyclic vomiting syndrome?" I suggest

"That's what I told her but she said it wouldn't align so I'm meeting the little girl tomorrow to see what all I can do" Arizona says and I nod


A few hours later and I am in the kitchen making dinner, Jess and Alex still haven't came out of her room but we knew they were awake

"Mom! Callie! Can Alex stay over?" Jess yells out

"That's fine" I yell back seeing as Arizona was in the bathroom

Once I finished dinner the four of us we all sat down and ate

"Dishes" Arizona tells Jess after we had ate and cleaned up

"Really?" She ask and Arizona nods

"I'll help" Alex smiles and the two of them finish the dishes in less than 5 minutes

Later that night Arizona and I showered and are laying in bed

"I love you" she smiles and kisses my jaw

"I love you more"

Till next time ❤️

Happy Greys Day

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