Chapter 64

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Not edited

Arizona's POV

Well, tonight is the night Callie and I are talking with Jess. We both decided to leave it up to her without her knowing. If she wants to stay then we stay if she wants to go back to Seattle then that's what we do.

Jess is currently at school while Callie and I both are at work.

Callie is in surgery and Ada and I are in the lounge talking

"So you have to make the decision?" She asked and I sigh, she knew about my predicament about staying or leaving

"Yea, well Jess is. Callie and I are talking to her tonight" I explain

"You're a good mother Arizona. Don't doubt yourself" she tells me and I smile

"Thank you Ada.... Really" I tell her

After work Callie and I got home before Jess and went ahead and changed out of our work clothes and into something more comfortable

"You sure you are okay with staying?" I ask Callie and she sighs and puts her things down

"Yes. I am so okay with staying here with you and Jess. And we will be back in Seattle for our wedding" she says and I smile big at the mention of our wedding

"I can't wait to marry you" I tell her and she smiles and kisses my cheek

"And I... can't wait to marry you" she smiles just as Jess comes through the door, dropping her bag at the door and falling onto the couch

"Mom. I'm pregnant" she says

"What!?" I ask alarmed

"Jess thats not possible unless you're doing something I don't know about" I say and walk towards her

"Well" she shrugs

"That's the only explanation" jess says again and Callie looks at me with wide eyes

"Explanation for what?" I ask

"Feeling sick and tired all the time" she expresses and I sigh

"Please for the love of god tell me you can't actually be pregnant" I sigh, knowing not only would she be with someone I have never met but also, what happened to Amara

"No, unless Amara can get me pregnant" she laughs and I pick up a pillow and threw it at her

"You- are going to give me grey hairs I swear" I say

"But momm, I really am dying, why am I sick and tired? You're the doctor" she says and I shake my head

"Oh the joys of being a woman" I chuckle

"Next time, let's not joke about being pregnant? Please?" I say and she laughs

"But your face was hilarious" she counters and I roll my eyes

"I'm going to kill you on of these days" I say and she smirks

"No, you love me too much" she smiles and I walk back over to Callie and wrap my arms around her

"I think I just had a heart attack" I whisper

"Yea.... Me too" she replies and I sigh and lay my head against her chest

"Want to help me make dinner?" Callie asked and I smile

"Yea, I love being in the kitchen with you" I whisper and kiss her cheek, knowing she got what I implied from when we had a night to ourselves 3 days ago

"Arizona!" She chuckles, her face turning red and followed me into the kitchen

"Get the carrots out of the fridge" she tells me and I smile and do as she said

Callie and I finished dinner without any unfortunate mishaps

"So, Arizona and I need to talk with you" Callie says after we had all ate dinner

"Am I in trouble? I didn't do anything this time" she says and I smile

"No, you're not in trouble. Although you should be for that stunt you pulled earlier" I say and she smiled sheepishly

"So what do we need to talk about?" She asked

"You know why we moved here in the first place?" I ask and she nods

"Well, my contract is up. And we need to decide if we are staying in Malawi or if we are going back to Seattle" I say and Callie interlocks her fingers with mine as we watch for a reaction from

"So.... We have to go back to Seattle?" She asked

"No. Not officially, it's a decision we need to make" Callie tells her

"So just like that we are leaving everything behind? Again?" Jess asked getting a little worked up

"Hey, come here" I say from my spot on the couch, she was sitting across from Callie and I

When she didn't move move I got up and sat down next to her, holding her close to me

"I don't want to leave... what about Amara? And Alex, Noah" she says quietly

"Okay, okay" I say and press a kiss to the top of her

"I'm sorry.. I'm sorry, can, can I go?" She asked and stood up

"Jess" I say softly and she walks back to her room

"She's okay" Callie tells me and I nod

"So we're staying" Callie says, now sitting next to me once again

"Yea. We are" I say and relax against Callie

"I love you Arizona." She says

"I love you too. And even if we are staying.. we can go back to Seattle when Jess is on breaks" I say and Callie nods

"Exactly, not all will be bad" Callie says and I nod

"I'm, going to go and check with her" I say and Callie nods and give me a kiss

I walked back the hallway and knocked on Jess door before walking in

"I'm sorry" she says quietly

"Why are you sorry?" I ask her

"Because! I'm being selfish, I want to stay with my friends and Amara and that's just selfish" she expresses

"No it's not. It's not selfish, I would want the same thing. I mean Callie left Seattle to be with us." I explain and reach up to wipe the tears from her eyes

"You wanting to stay, does not upset us. We are not mad. We knew you were going to want too" I say

"You are the adults... if you want to move us back to Seattle I understand" she says and I lead her head down to my chest

"We're staying, and we want you to have opinions. Always" I smile

"I love you Jess," I tell her

"I love you too mom"

Till next time❤️


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