Chapter 29

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Arizona's POV

Today is the day. We're flying to Africa, Callie decided she was going to come with us but I can tell she doesn't want to come, we leave tonight at 9.

Jess is actually excited, just as much as I am. This opportunity is once in a lifetime. I rented an apartment near the hospital I will be working at. The hospital itself is already going to be different, I am going to miss working with everyone back here in Seattle. Thankfully Webber let me get out of my contract early since my year wasn't over just yet. It he promised my job would be here when I came back.

We are only taking our clothes to Malawi, and going to get everything else we would need there. Since I'm keeping my apartment for when we come back we didn't need to pack up everything thank god. The house seems empty though, no random articles of clothing, no shoes at the door.

As much as I am excited for everything I'm going to miss this place

When I talked to Jess' social worker about moving she asked if I planned on adopting her. Because if not she couldn't go.

And I thought about it. I did. Even before the social worker said anything I thought about it. I just didn't want to move to soon but now there is no reason not too. The social worker said I had a month and a half  to get everything sent off to the judge. I still haven't talked with Jess about it though, each time I go to something happened and I can't but I will the day we land in Malawi. She doesn't ask about her parents or even talk about them.

Jess and I were currently at the hospital, I wanted to say goodbye to my friends. I already did a farewell to my patients. Leaving them was hard but I know they are in good hands.

April is my Best friend. She is definitely who I will miss the most. We talk all the time and she was one of the few people who knew about me and Callie actually I think she was the only person who knew.

Jess was with me and we were walking down the hall to the lounge,

We walked in and April was sitting with Jackson on the couch and Amelia was getting water from the fridge

"Arizona!" She exclaims and gets up and comes over to me

"I'm going to miss you so much!" She says and gives me a hug,

She is the only person from the hospital that has really Met Jess, she would come over and we would order pizza and drink a bunch of wine

"I'll miss you too" she says telling Jess and giving her a hug

"Looking hot Robbins" Amelia smirks and I roll my eyes

"What time is your flight?" Jackson asked

"9," I tell him

"Good luck over there, and come back" he says and I smile

"I plan on it" I say putting my hands on Jess' shoulders

"Oh! Im sorry, You haven't met them outside of them being your doctor" I smile

"Amelia and Jackson" I say pointing them out

"You look a lot better than when you were my patient" Amelia says and she chuckles

Callies POV

Well today is the day. I am packed and ready to leave my entire life behind. Yay....

I was currently at arias, saying goodbye to her and Mateo before I met Arizona at her house at 6

"You could look a little more happy" Aria remarks. I was sitting on the couch with the baby in my arms

"I am. I am" I sigh

"You're not. Callie if you don't want to go dont. She will understand"'she tells me

"I do want too. But I don't. And it's too late now I sigh

"Just try it and if you don't like it come home" Aria tells me

"What about Arizona? I can't just leave her in Africa" she says

"I don't know Callie, if you love her I'm sure it will be fine" she says and I nod

"Yea you're right" I say and the baby starts to get fussy

"I think he might be hungry" I say and give him to her

"He's always hungry" she chuckles

Arizona's POV

Callie just got to the house and she seemed just so distant. Jess was sitting on her phone, in her pajamas since she had just gotten out of the shower and Callie stayed near the door and I sighed

"Callie"'I say and she looks up at me

"Can we talk? Outside?" I ask and Jess looks over at me but Callie nods and we walk outside

"You're having second thoughts" I say and she sighs

"It's just hard Arizona, I don't know" she says

"Then don't come Callie. It's okay I get it" I say

"I hate that you did this. I hate that you applied for this grant without talking to me and just expect me to move for you" she expresses

"I didn't assume callie! I asked if you would come. I want you to come but I know you have family here too! Why didn't you just say you didn't want to come?" I ask and look down at my watch that says 7:15, we have to leave here soon

"Same thing Arizona" she says and I shake my head

"Callie go home, I don't want you coming, you're going to regret the entire thing." I tell her

"Arizona" she sighs

"No callie. Leave. Go home. Jess and I have a plane to catch" I say and leave her outside of the apartment and walk in to find Jess on the couch still

"She's not coming is she?" She ask me

"No, she's not." I say trying not to let it get to me

"Let's go?" I ask and she nods

"Yea let's go" she smiles softly and we grab our suitcases and head out the door


Jess and I sat next to each other on the plane  with an empty seat. Callies seat.

Jess soon fell asleep against my shoulder and I was reading a book.

This is not how tonight was supposed to go

Till next time ❤️

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