Chapter 75

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Arizona's POV

It's been a month since Callie and I had our arguments, and tomorrow is our last day in Malawi, we're going home

Jess was happy when I told her and Amara has been here everyday for the past 2 weeks. Callie and I really don't mind. We have grown to love her. And are sure going to miss her around the house after the move

We also decided on selling our apartment. We're leaving everything and selling it furnished the way it is.

I talked to Richard and he assured us that we both have our jobs still but do have some more attendings. We will just be taking back the chiefs of our services since one of the attendings was acting chief for us,

By the time we get settled and I get jess re enrolled in a school she would have only missed about 2 weeks since school in Seattle just started

All we had that we were taking back was our clothes and any other personal items which were all packed and by the door since we were leaving

"Mom" Jess says quietly from the hall

"Yea baby?" I reply

"Before we leave can we go to the cemetery ? I want to visit Alex since I we won't be able to anymore" she says scratching at her wrist,

"Come here" I say softly, grabbing both of her hands in mine and she sits down next to me on the couch

"Yes. We can go see him in a little if you want" I suggest and she nods

She has been doing so so much better since his passing, that first month just really took a toll on her.

"Thank you" she whispers and I kiss her head

"Don't thank me for this. When Callie gets back we will eat lunch and we can go" I say and she smiles and yawns, Callie has also just left not even 5 minutes ago to pick up lunch

"Here. Take a short nap and I'll wake you when Callie gets back" I say and she lays down in my lap while I run my fingers through her hair

"What time is Amara coming back?" I ask her, she had went home this morning to get another change of clothes

"3" Jess replies

"Okay... we'll just message her later and tell her We will pick her up so Ada doesn't have to drive her out" I explain and she nods and closes her eyes,

I took the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over her

I know she hasn't been sleeping the best, not since Alex and now she is just worried about Leaving Amara. I just really hope their relationship can handle this.

Half an hour later, Jess was still asleep and Callie walked in with lunch

"Hey" she smiles and gives me a kiss Before setting the food down on the table and coming back out to me

"She wants to go by the cemetery before we leave, I told her we would go after lunch" I tell Callie and she smiles softly and nods as Jess starts to stir in my lap

She wasn't asleep long but I guess it is better than nothing

"Hey beautiful" Callie smiles

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