Chapter 31

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Callies POV

I woke up the next morning with a killer headache, the sun shining through the blinds was making it hard to open my eyes,

I felt a presence next to me on the bed and cuddled up to it thinking it was Arizona but boy was I wrong when I realized I was about to be laying my head on Marks ass,

Somehow he was laying at the foot of the bed and I was In the middle of the bed but laying with my head on him

I quickly sat up and realized I was only in my Bra and panties

"No no no" I say a little panicky

"This can not be happening" I say and get out of bed with the sheet tied around me

"Mark Sloan!" I exclaim and he shoots up and ends up rolling off the bed

"Dammit Torres" he sighs and rubs his head

When he stood up he had his boxers on, good sign at least

"Please tell me I didn't sleep with you last night" I say, begging that I wouldn't have

"No, we didn't" he says and I let out a shaky breath

"Oh thank god" I say with relief and sit down on the bed

"Where are my clothes? Where are your clothes?" I ask getting your from the bed, leaving the sheet behind me and going to look for some Tylenol

"I don't know," he says and crawls back into my bed

"what are you doing?" I ask taking the pills and a drink out of a water bottle sitting in front of the television

"Going back to bed after your rude awakening" he tells me and I roll my eyes

"I need a shower" I say and lock myself in the bathroom. What was I thinking? I feel so relieved I didn't do anything I would have regret this morning. I still love Arizona. And we might not be together but I still don't want to be sleeping with anyone else. It hasn't even been 24 hours!

Sighing I turned the water on and stepped inside, letting the water run down my face and back, not moving an inch,

After taking some time to reflect on myself I carried on with the rest of my shower

I got our wrapped myself in a towel and my hair in another and walked out to sit on my bed, mark was passed out again and the door of the bed, seeing as it was still pretty early and we definitely had a long night I was still pretty exhausted so I got under the covers in bed and fell back asleep.

When I woke back up a few hours later mark was no longer in my bed. I got up and went to check out the rest of the apartment and we was in the kitchen standing over the stove making food

"Callie! "'He smiles

"So I was thinking," he starts

"That's never good" I say and sit at the table

"As I was saying. You should let me move in. Let's me roommates again" he says and I chuckle and stop when I see the serious look on his face

"Seriously?" I ask

"Yea, come on" he says

"Sure Mark. Why not" I smile, it would help me a lot and to be loving with my Best friend again is a dream

Arizona's POV

I had my first day at the hospital today, I'm beyond nervous but excited at the same time. I also sent Jess' social worker a text letting her know to continue with the adoption process,

I still haven't heard from Callie at all since we left. I know she is mad but I still figured she would have reached out,

I miss her, it's been 2 days and I miss the hell out of her.

I needed to brush the memories to the side for now and get ready for my first day again work, the hospital colors are a dark green. I miss the navy. I miss everyone. This is good, I tell myself. The experience is good.

"You sure you'll be okay?" I ask Jess, she was sitting on the couch as I was getting ready to leave

"I'm sure, not a good impression to be late on your first day" she smirks and I roll my eyes,

"Anything just call" I tell her seriously and she nods

"I know and I will. Love you" she says and I smile,

"I love you too and be good" I tell her and walk out of the apartment

How bad can this be? I already met one nice doctor I'm sure the others are just as nice. Or they will see me as someone who is coming in to step on their territory then it can be bad, they can hate me and we will all be miserable

I walked into the hospital in hopes of finding the familiar face of yesterday

"Ah, Dr.Robbins. Good to see you again" Doctor Soko smiles warmly coming to greet me

"You too!" I smile

"I'm assuming you want a tour?" She chuckles softly and I nod

"Please?" I ask

"Of course," she she says and takes me around the hospital

"This is where you will be most of the time I'm guessing. The Children doctor" she says gesturing towards a space where there were few stickers and rubber ducks around

"Most likely" I smile and then a little boy comes up to us. He had a visible abscess on his leg making it difficult for him to walk

"Dr. Soko" he smiles and she turns around and crouches to get to his height and I see him whisper a few things to her

"Adrian this is Dr. Robbins. She is here to help with your leg and the other boys and girls" the doctor explains and the boy looks up at me

"You're going to fix my leg?" He ask and I smile

"I sure hope so" I say,

"How old are you Adrian?" I ask

"I'm 6" he says and I smile

"That's a wonderful age,"

The rest of the day I got to meet some of the other kids around the hospital.

I spent some
Time looking over Adrian and decided to do surgery in the morning to clear the abscess ,

After leaving the hospital, I felt 100 times better than I did when I walked in this morning. I know why I wanted to come and I can't wait to help.

When I walked into the apartment I was expecting Jess to be on the couch but she wasn't so I looked around a little and found she was asleep in my bed.

Looking at the time and it was just after 10pm, and we haven't gotten much sleep the past few nights. I quickly showered and changed into some comfortable pajamas and got into bed next to her.

The social worker got back to me and said that we both needed to sign some papers and get them back to her then we will get a court date of which we need to be in the dates for,

Here's to new beginnings

Till next time ❤️

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