Chapter 51

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Arizona's POV

Today Jess and I are spending  the day together. I don't know exactly what we are going, I know we are going for brunch and then go shopping

Callie works until 3 today then the 3 of us will go out for dinner later on

Tomorrow is also Jess' birthday, originally Callie and I talked about getting her a car but the driving age is different here than back home,  so that's out of the question

We have asked what she wanted and she just says nothing each time and says that we have done enough for her. I really don't like that answer

Callie and I also talked about a trip somewhere and I think that is what we are going to end up doing, I just don't know where too

I might be able to get some insight out of her today

It's 5;30 am now and Callie was just about to leave, she has gotten ready and was now putting her shoes on

"I love you, have fun today" she smiles and leans over me to give me a kiss

"I love you, I'll see you later baby" I say and roll back over in bed to get a few more hours of sleep before I have to get up so Jess and I could go out

I woke up again around 8:30, leaving me half an hour to get ready, I told Jess we would be leaving at 9 so we can get a full day in

Once I was dressed I walked out of my room and met Jess in the living room, she had on a pair of black jeans and a light pink crop top with a black and white flannel over shirt

"Don't you look pretty" I smile

"You ready?" I ask and she nods

We decided on a restaurant that we haven't been to before so we drove half an hour before pulling up in front of a small diner,

After we walked in we found a booth towards the back a little and next to the window

"Good morning ladies, what can I get you to drink?" The waitress ask coming up to us

"Can I get a  coffee with cream and sugar on the side please" I smile and she nods and writes it down

"Me too!" Jess chimes in and the waitress smiles and walks off

"Coffee?" I chuckle

"I'm tired" she says and yawns as I shake my head at the girl

We both continued looking at our menus for 10 minutes until the waitress came back our

"Are we ready to order?" She smiles and looks at Jess, Then back to me

"I think we're both doing the number 3?" I say and Jess nods as the waitress nods and writes it down

"It'll be right out hun" she smiles and puts her hand on Jess' shoulder as she walks away

"No" I say, seeing the blush on her cheeks

"What?" She ask

"Don't make me tell Amara on you" I tease

"Mom! I didn't do anything" she laughs and stops after realizing what she had said

"Zona, zona I didn't do anything" she says refraining from what she just said

I decided on not making a deal about it since she already seemed shy about it

We talked at first a while ago and she decided on not calling me mom, she has spent 15 years calling another woman mom and I understood that and it was okay,

I knew that Jess thought of me as her mom, she had told me. And that made me happy, happy that she thinks of me like that,

"Jess baby, you're fine" I smile, noticing how she was still looking down

"Im sorry" she says shyly and I sigh

"Come here" I say and scoot over in the booth so she could sit next to me

Once she sat down I wrapped my arms around her and she laid her head on my shoulder

"Don't be sorry, I'm not upset with you. I would never for this." I smile

"I love you" I say and she smiles

"I love you too" she smiles back

The waitress came back out with our plates and sat them down in front of us

"You staying there?" I ask her and she nods from
Next to me

"I think the waitress has a crush" I smirk and she shakes her head

"You're funny, plus, I have Amara, and she is amazing" she says and lights up talking about her girlfriend

"Amara is pretty amazing" I tell her

After we ate I went ahead and payed and left the tip

"Thank you, make sure to come back" she smiles at us

"How old do you think she is?" I ask Jess as we walk out of the diner

"Maybe 17 or 18. She looked really young" she comments and I nod, that I do agree with

After ate we went to the shopping center,

Jess wanted to look for a new pair of jeans so that's what we did first

"aren't you wearing the exact same pair right now?" I ask

"No? They are completely different" she says and I continue looking at the jeans seeing absolutely no differences

"Okay," I say agreeing with her and we continue shopping.

She picked up two more tops and I also got a few blouses for work,

After I paid we each carried a bag and we walked around the center,

"Can we get coffee?" She ask

"You just had coffee" I chuckle, she usually doesn't drink much, or not around me anyhow

"Please" she says and I nod and give in, it's not often we get to do this

She got a large vanilla iced coffee and I got a small one as we continued walking

"You want to stop and take a break?" I ask as we come out of the third store and she nods

We walked to the food court and found a table to sit at

"Have you decided on what you wanted for your birthday?" I ask her

"I told you I didn't want anything" she says

"Yes I know but I am still getting you something and it would help to you told me what to get" I say and she shakes her head

"I just want to go to the movies and then have a few friends stay" she says and I nod

"And that's fine, but there isn't anything else?" I ask and she shakes her head again

"What if we went on a trip? Anywhere you wanted to go where would you pick?" I ask and she gives me a knowing look

"Just answer the question" I say and she sighs

"I don't know, traveling is expensive" she says

"Don't worry about the money" I say and she shrugs

"The Maldives" she finally says

"Really?" I ask and she nods

"Yea, I like the beaches, I would have said Paris but that's too predictable" she smiles and I nod,

"I'll see what I can do" I tell her, I think this trip would be good for all of us, we get to relax by the beach, spend time together

Plus I will get to see Callie in a bikini,

Till next time ❤️

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