Chapter 72

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Arizona's POV

It's been a week since Alex had passed. Jess hasn't been back to school and really doesn't even leave her room. She doesn't eat, well not like she should. It's more of one snack a day. Amara hasn't been over either surprising both Callie and I

I tried to go back to work on Monday but I couldn't, I got there and as soon as I walked In The hospital I had to leave. It was like a rush of panic fell over my body. I left the hospital just as fast as I had arrived.

Callie has been back at work, she goes in for her shifts and Jess and I are at home. However, Callie works overnight tonight so she is here with me for the day and until after dinner

We decided on watching a movie but I wanted to see if Jess wanted to join us so I walked back to her room first, knocking on the door before going in and she was laying in her bed on her phone

"Do you want to come watch a movie with us?" I ask and she shakes her head

"No... thanks though" she says and I sigh but shut her door and walk back out to Callie

Half an hour later we needed to pause our movie since someone knocked on the door

"I got it" I say and remove myself from Callie so I could open the door

"Amara? Are you okay?" I ask seeing her at the door and she nods

"Can I go see Jess?" She ask quietly and I nod

"Yea of course," I say and allow her to come in

Jess' POV

I hate feeling like this, not wanting to get out of bed, not wanting to eat. Only reason I do now is to make mom feel a little better. She won't go back to work either. I don't know what she is worried about, I mean I'm fine

Just as I was about to go back to sleep she knocked on the door again

"Mom I'm fine" I call out and she door opens and Amara walks in

"What are you doing here?" I ask

"You won't answer my calls or text Jessica, I needed to come and check on you" she says and I sigh

"Well I'm fine, you can go now" I say and she frowns

"Why are you acting like this?" She ask

"Like what?" I snap

"Like you hate me or something" she says and I sigh and sit up

"I'm sorry... I'm tired. Now if you don't mind can you please leave so I can go back to bed?" I ask and lay down, covering myself up

"No. I'm not leaving. You shut me out the past week, I haven't heard from you since the funeral" she says and I tense at that word

"I know you're not okay but I don't know how to help if you don't tell me how. I want to help so let me" she says and I sigh,

The reason I didn't want her here is be she is feel way to comfortable around her and I don't want to cry, I have cried too much and I don't want to anymore.

She makes me feel safe, like mom but a different kind..

"Please baby... let me help" she says and I give up and nod, and I could feel the warm tears fill my eyes

She walked over to me and kissed my check and took her jacket and shoes off and got into my bed next to me.

"Come here bubba" she says and opens her arms, allowing me to lay my head on her chest as she ran her fingers through my hair, I needed this and I don't want to admit that

But what if it's meant to be? (Calzona)Where stories live. Discover now