Chapter 34

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Arizona's POV

It's adoption day!! I am so so excited for this. For the longest time I couldn't picture myself with kids. And then jess came along and my view completely changed. She isn't your typical kid, I didn't raise her, I didn't watch her first steps or hear her first word. I didn't have to drop her off at kindergarten on her face day of school and assure her I would be there at the end of the day,

I didn't have to teach her about her period and how her body would be changing and I didn't have to give 'the talk'

Even after all of that, I did help her in ways her parents did not. I have been there and supported her through coming out and dealing with the hatred she would get for embracing herself, I was there telling her how who she loved didn't define her as a person

I was there when she was healing from her accident and felt as if the whole world was against her

And I was there when she went through her first heart break. The girl she loved broke her heart and she didn't have the typical support system, but I was there and i was able to help her. I was able to tell her that it wasn't her fault and that I would get better.

Even though I wasn't there I'm the beginning I'm here now and I'm never leaving,

I will be here when she gets another girlfriend, I'll be here to make sure she gets home safe after going to a party I told her not to go to,

I'll be there for her wedding, and I'll be the proudest person there and I'll be there for when she decides to have kids

I love this girl to pieces and I couldn't imagine my life without her anymore, she makes me laugh on days I just want to lay in bed, for only being 15 (almost 16) she is way too mature for her age,

And here we are today, the day where a judge decides that Jess will be mine and no one will be able to take her from me,

It's adoption day

Callies POV

After Arizona and I made up yesterday I went back to my own apartment, we decided, well I decided that I would do a one week trial period with her and Jess in Africa and then we would go from there. Meaning if I liked it and I know I will then I stay and. If I don't I come back to the states with no hard feelings. We leave at the end of the week which only gives me two more days. I need to talk to the chief and I need to talk to Aria, Mark. I'm just going to let mark keep staying here. That way, like Arizona if I need a fall back plan I always have this place to come back too.

Not only do I need to talk to the important people about moving, and pack. Today is adoption day for Jess and Arizona. This is such an exciting day and I am deeply proud of the both of them.

The hearing is at 12 and they both did invite me so no way am I missing this.

When I woke up this morning my plan was to talk to mark about everything. I couldn't do it last night since he wasn't home. Surprising actually.

And still again he wasn't home this morning either, I called into work so I could just stay home today and that was exactly what I was doing. I was meeting Jess and Arizona at the court house at 11:30, meaning I could go back to sleep for a few hours. And I totally would if only I wasn't so nervous about the days ahead. I really have no idea what I'm getting myself into

Instead of going back to sleep. Which would have been nice. I got up instead to get ready for the day, as long as I left here at 11 I would have plenty of time to get to the court house.

I washed the dishes because we all know mark isn't going too unless I'm here telling him too and making sure he does.

Once I finished those I had so much time to kill, I looked around the apartment and really looked. It's been a while since I have cleaned this dump Mark has his clothes laying in the middle of the floor, shoes in the living room is this all men or just mark? Because this is ridiculous and he is lucky I have nothing to do or I would make and watch his ass clean this up.

Sighing I got to work, making the common areas of the house presentable

After I was satisfied with my cleaning job I got dressed up to go to the courthouse to see Jess and Arizona

Arizona's POV

Jess and I were standing outside of the doors of the court house waiting on her social worker and Callie. Callie said she wanted to come back to Africa with us. I am actually thrilled that she wants too. Last time there was so much hesitation in her voice and body language and it's not like that now.

Jess' social worker showed up and walked over to us smiling

"You guys excited?" She ask

"Yes!" Jess and I both reply and smile

"This is one of the good cases, I am really happy for this one" she smiles

A couple minutes later Callie showed up in a suit, black blazer and a white flowery top and walked over to me putting her hand on the small of my back making me instantly smile

"It's nice to see you again Mary".Callie says, she had met the social worker once when she was at the house during a surprise home check

"You too" Mary smiles,

"Well we still have about 15 minutes but any questions?" The social worker asked and we shook our head,

"Good, and how's Africa?" She ask Jess and she smiles

"It's really good, I have friends who come to the house while Arizona Works" she smiles

"That's really good Jessica" she smiles


"Let's head in?" Mary ask and we nod and she leads us to the court room and we stand in the hallway for a few minutes bridge walking in and taking our seats

"This is just a formality, you have nothing to be worried about" Mary tells me and I nod

Nothing to be worried about

We walked in and waited for the judge and she came in and sat in her seat and Jess was looking around the court room

"What are they going here?" She ask and I looked back to see her parents and gave Mary a knowing look and the judge started talking

"So we're here as a formality, Ms.Robbins. Ms. Walker here has an outstanding report, all good things. Jessica is doing really well and is happy, that is the main thing." She smiles and continues

"Given that and the papers signed from her parents revoking their privileges as her guardians I have no reason not to sign the papers and make this adoption final" she says and I grab Jess' hand under the desk

"Jessica? Is this what you want? Do you want to be adopted by Ms.Robbins?" Judge Lewis ask and Jess looks around the room at her parents, and waits a few seconds before turning back to me and smiling

"Yes Your honor, I would want nothing more than to officially become a Robbins" she smiles and I feel tears stinging in my eyes

"Well than it's official, I grant full physical and legal custody of Jessica Fuller to Arizona Robbins" she says and signs the paper and I turn to Jess who had small tears in her eyes and took her into a hug

"I'm so proud of you" I whisper in her ear

"Let's get that picture?" The judge ask and I look to Jess and she nods, taking my hand and we walk up stand next to the Jude to get our picture taken

"I love you Jess" I smile and kiss her temple

"I love you too"

Till next time ❤️

Till next time ❤️

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