Chapter 13

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Arizona's POV

It's been a week now since I got the feeling of wanting to foster Jess. I submitted a request for my foster license.

I still haven't talked to her about it but I plan on doing that today since her social worker is coming later

Since I slept with Callie again she has been giving me these eyes that say she wants to see me naked... that's another conversation that needs to happen

I gave my patients to Alex for the morning so I could go and talk to Jess

"Hey" I say walking into her room

"Hi" she smiles, Ava. Her friend or girlfriend not really sure is still in the hospital too and the two have been using their room phones to talk

"So, I want to talk to you" I say and she looks at me worried

"Is something wrong?" She ask

"No, no nothing like that" I say and she sighs

"Okay... then what's up?" She ask and I take a deep breath before sitting down on her bed with her

"You know how when you get out of the hospital Mrs.Green is moving you into a foster home?" I ask and she hesitantly nods

"Well, I was researching some things and I would till need to talk to her today but how would  you feel about coming to stay with me?" I ask her nervously not sure how she will take it

"Really? You want me too?" She ask and I smile

"Yea, I do" I say and she throws her arms around me and I put one of my hands on the back of her head, soothing her

"Are you sure?" She ask pulling away again

"Very sure. I don't have my foster license just yet though so I'm going to talk. With your social worker about my options" I say and she smiles

"Want to watch a crappy show with me?" She ask and I chuckle

"Yea. I do" I smile and sit down on the chair next to her

"Why don't you just sit up here with me?" She ask

"Your leg love." I say and she frowns

"I'll hold your hand though" I say and she doesn't reply but takes my hand in hers,

We watched an episode of some crappy show like she said when Maggie and Teddy walked in. They  have been on her case since the beginning

"Hey, is now a good time?" Teddy ask and I nod

"I need to check your wound on side and your ribs" Teddy says

"You guys have seen me naked more than anyone in my entire life... it's kind of embarrassing, do I have too?" She ask and Teddy gives her a soft smile

"I know it's uncomfortable especially since you don't know us well but we really need to make sure it's healing, and it's nothing to be embarrassed about we all have boobs" Teddy says making her laugh

"It can be just one of us if you prefer" Teddy says and we nod

"No it's okay" Jess says and Teddy nods and begins to lift her gown,

"See this is what I'm looking for, this incision healed beautifully," Teddy says

"Hand me those, I'm going to take out her stitches" she says and I give her the scissors.

After those were out Maggie checked her heart and felt around her ribs

"Pain from 1-10?" Maggie ask

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