Chapter 40

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Jess' POV

It's been three weeks since the party and every night since then I have been with Amara, she asked me to be her girlfriend before I even had the chance to call Jonah.  I agreed happily and we have been together ever since

I called Jonah the next couple days,  and I told him that I was in a relationship that had just began and he understood and we decided to keeep being friends. I needed them. I started school and everyone stays away from me. No one wants to be friends with the girl from Seattle, I have three friends. Amara, Noah and Jonah.

Amara is amazing, we haven't told anyone we were dating. She doesn't want too yet and I respect that. All besides Noah. He knows but of course he does. I thinks Arizona and Callie are suspecting something but won't ask.

Both Callie and Arizona are working late at the hospital and said they wouldn't be home till
Close to midnight. Amara and Noah are coming over but Amara is staying the night

Arizona's POV

3 weeks since Callie and I had the greatest make up sex of all time. And we have never been more in love. I knew it before but I know it even more. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her and I really want to propose. I still need to talk to Jess and find a ring and way to do it but I know I want to.

Unfortunately Callie and I are working pretty late tonight, Meaning we will probably just go home and crash

Jess is having Amara stay the night with her. Something is definitely going on between the two of them. I just don't want to flat out ask if it is. Doesn't seem like the most responsible thing to do

I am just going to wait it out. She will come to me eventually and when she does I want her to be able to trust me with these things

I had just scrubbed into a surgery that is bound to take me. Few hours, let's do this.


A few hours later, like I predicted I am walking out of the scrub room.

Callie was in  surgery and I walked to the OR, gallery so I could watch her do her surgery for a while. I could never be in ortho, you have to break bones to fix bones. What kind of logic is that?

As I was watching her I got a call from Chief Webber back in Seattle, I got up and walked out to sneer the call


"Arizona it's Richard. You have time to talk

"Yea of course. Is everything okay?"

"Everything is good. We have a case here and would need your help if you can"

"You want me to fly to Seattle to preform a surgery?"


"Richard, with all due respect you have other pediatric surgeons"

"Arizona cut the crap. None of them are as good as you are and you know it. It involves conjoined twins, the first operation they need is in utero and you are the best in the country "

"Well technically I'm not in that country anymore"

"Arizona! " he says and I laugh

"Send me the files so I can at least look over it and I'll see what I can do"

"Thank you."

I got off the phone with Richard and went back to the PEDS floor so I can check on one of my patients and get the other one ready for surgery.

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