Chapter 41

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Arizona's POV

I don't even know what the hell she was thinking, she is 15 for crying out loud! And on the couch!? I don't know what I'm going to do with her, and her new attitude she keeps Brining out it getting old. Very old.

After I told her to go to her room I cleaned the kitchen because I needed to be doing something. Once I finished I went back to my room to finally shower after the day of work. I just took a quick one, I was already exhausted and just wanted to crawl into bed, preferably with my beautiful girlfriend,

I got into bed and no matter how tired I was I couldn't sleep. My mind was racing about Jessica, I don't know how to handle this situation, I never thought I would have too. I didn't think about her being a teenager and going out and having sex.

I decided since I wasn't going to be able to sleep I was going to at least watch some television and o decided on scrolling on Facebook

Before I knew it Callie was waking into the bedroom

"What are you doing awake?" She ask and I look at the time and shocked myself

"And why did Jess warn me that you were in a mood?" She ask and I scoff

"She did what? She- I am sick of her attitude" I say getting up and Callie stops me at the bedroom door

"What?" I ask annoyed

"Before you go and bite her head off you need to calm down" she says and I sigh and turn around and walk back to the bed. I know she is right. I shouldn't go off on her out of anger

"Now, talk to me. What happened?"  She ask and sits with me on the bed

"Well for starters, I walked in today from work and found her and Amara half naked on the couch" I say and she nods

"So I told Amara to give us some space, Jess then started to get that attitude she has been getting about how they didn't do anything and whatever"  I say and roll my eyes

"Arizona" Callie says and I him in response

"I know you may not like it, but she is going to have sex, she is going to be a teenager. And I know you would rather her come to you about these things. You want her to be able to trust you and to be the person she comes to if she has questions or if she is worried about something. I know you want to keep her safe and so do I but I don't think getting angry at her for this is a good idea" she says and I take a moment taking in what she was saying

"You were a teenager once too, how old were you when you first had sex?" She ask me and I sigh


"16" I mumble

"Right, she is almost 16. I agree with you about her being too young. But think about it. If you tell her she can't she is going to want to even more." She says and I sigh

"You need to talk to her. Tell her how you feel and make sure she knows that you just want her to be safe," she says and I nod

"I'm sure we would both rather her be here and being safe rather than out somewhere and getting hurt" she tells me

"Yea... you're right. I just- when I seen her and it shocked me. I don't want her to get hurt. I just want what's best for her" I say

"I know you do, and I know you will do the right thing" she tells me and kisses my head

"I love you" I say and she smiles

"I love you" she replies

"I took tomorrow off so I can talk to Jess" I say and she chuckles

"What?" I ask her

"You took off so you could yell?" She ask and I laugh and nod

"Yea.. but I'm not going to anymore!" I say defending myself

"I mean if you want to yell about the attitude I'm all for that" she says and I roll my eyes and I smile

"Or you can" I shrug and she takes her shirt off and walks to the bathroom

"If I yell it always ends up in Spanish" she chuckles

"Go shower quickly! You smell and I want to cuddle!" I giggle and she throws her bra at me

"Calliope!" I laugh and she blows me a kiss and walks into the bathroom,

I don't know how I got so lucky with her

Once Callie finished in her shower she got dressed and came back out to lay with me

Before she got into bed with me we heard jess' music start playing loudly

"It's after midnight!" I groan and go to get up by callie stops me

"I got it" she says and I nod and she walks out of the room and down to Jess'

Callies POV

Jess has really been testing Arizona this past week. Not listening to what she is saying and Deliberately  disobeying

Before Arizona went to her room and said something she would have regretted I stopped her and walked down to her room myself

"Jess cut it off!" I heard Amara say Before I got to her room

"No, it's fine" Jess replies

"Jessica Robbins! It's almost 1 in the morning, shut this shit off" I say and she does

"I don't know what has gotten into you lately buts it's been enough." I say and she rolls her eyes,

Oh I definitely feel the Latina in me coming out

"You know what? If I or Arizona have to come back in here I will personally drive Amara home. Do you understand?" I ask and she nods while Amara just say quietly on the bed, with that I walked out of her room and back down to Arizona and I's room

I walked in and got into bed next her and she laid on my chest

"Did it go okay?" She ask and I sigh

"I think your talk better be more than just about sex" I say and she nods

"I don't know what to do with Her" she admits

"She has never acted like this" she says and I nod

"I know."

Till next time ❤️

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