Chapter 76

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Arizona's POV

We have been back in Seattle for 3 weeks now, and everything is going great!

Callie and I both got our jobs back and have been loving it. I didn't realize how much I missed working here

Alex was actually happy to step down from being chief of Peds to my head attending. He said he hated all the paperwork anyway

Callie took over the Ortho wing again and has a new attending Atticus Lincoln... I have met him a few times and he's pretty good but definitely not as good as Callie

And as for Jess, well she is back in school. It's a different one from the first time she was in school here since that school is out of our district and I'm sure she wouldn't have wanted to go back anyway

She talks to Amara every single day. I don't know how they manage the time to actually do that but they do

My parents had actually bought a house about half an hour from us. They gave up on trying to convince me and Callie to sell them her apartment and went ahead and bought a house which is lovely, also meaning Callies apartment is for sale

When she first moved to Malawi with us Mark had stayed there but he moved out of it not long after and it has been pretty much vacant since

Since we have moved back I have definitely noticed a change in Callies attitude. She is much more happier here and i absolutely love that

Speaking of which, Callie and I are currently laid up in one of the on-call rooms here at the hospital

We both had a break and decided to put it to good use

"I have to go" I say and push myself off of Callie and she sits up, my pager just had to go off right now

"Go save a life" she smiles and kisses me as I walk out of the on-call room and I got onto the elevator followed by Amelia

"You have sex hair" Amelia teases

"Is it bad?" I ask, trying to straighten it out and she shakes her head

"Nah I just know what your sex hair looks like" she says and I roll my eyes and shove her

"1 time Amelia!" I laugh and we get off the elevator together and into the ER

we quickly made our way over to April who was with a crying child and her parents

"Hi, I'm doctor Robbins" I smile, introducing myself and Amelia does the same

"Hi Sweetie, can you tell me your name?" I ask softly, trying to help her stop crying

"Je-Jessica" she says and I smile

"Really? That's My daughters name too" I say and she smile

"So what's going on?" I ask the parents and Amelia was looking at the girls head which had a cut on it

"She fell off the couch this morning and hit her head on the coffee table, we thought she was fine but then she started having a seizure" the mom explained hectically

"This needs stitches, if she fell this morning why are you just now Bringing her in?" Amelia ask

"Get her set up for stitches" Amelia tells the nurse

"She's 3, she is a kid. We just thought it was a bump" the dad said

"Well I'm going to go ahead and do the stitches, can you fill out a medical form? The nurses can help" Amelia says

"Alright little one, this might sting a little bit we will get you feeling better" Amelia smiles

Amelia finished the stitches while she called ahead for a ct just as she started seizing again

"Dammit" we both sigh and I hold Jessica while Amelia works on getting her seizure to stop

"We are taking her to CT now" I tell Amelia and she agrees

"She needs to be in an OR," Amelia says after looking over the scans, The little girl had a small brain bleed but nothing Amelia couldn't easily handle

"Do you need me?" I ask and she shakes her head

"Okay, you take her up and I'll go tell the parents" I say and she nods as we go our separate ways

After speaking with the parents and answering a bunch of questions and having them sign the papers they say in the waiting room and I went to find Callie seeing as I was off in just a little.

Before finding Callie I went ahead and made my way to Amelias OR. Just to see how it was all going

"How's is going?" I ask over the intercom

"Great, she will recover in a few days" she says and I smile and walk out and down to Callies office where she was working on some paperwork

"Hey" she smiles and looks up to me

"Hey yourself" I reply and sit down on the couch

"Are you off?" She ask and I nod

"Yea, just waiting on you" I reply

"All I have to do is finish these last papers and we can go" she smiles and I nod

"Take your time" I tell her

Once she had finished we changed and made our way home

It was almost 4 so Jess should already be home from school

I walked back the hall and she was on the phone with Amara

"It's almost 11 in Malawi do you ever let that poor girl sleep?" I chuckle and she looks up to me and smiles

"She wakes me up in the middle of the night when she calls!" Jess protest and Amara laughs on the other side of the phone

"Well I need to talk to you" I say and she nods

"I'll call you in the morning... I love you, bye" she says into the phone

"You didn't have to hang up, we could have talked later" I say and she shrugs

"It's okay, she has to be up early anyway" she says and I nod and sit down on her bed

"Well I was wondering how you would feel about Callie adopting you. Just if something were to happen to me I want to make sure you are taken care of" I tell her

"You're not sick are you?" She ask alarmed

"No, I'm fine " I say honestly and she nods

"Okay.... But I'm fine with that. Callie has been like another parent to me anyway" she says

"You sure?" I ask and she smiles

"I'm sure," she tells me and I kiss her head

"Good, get your homework done. We are are going out for dinner tonight. And I can get those papers soon to give to Callie" I tell her and she nods

"Sounds good to me" she smiles

It's now reaching 8pm. We just got back from dinner and now getting ready for bed

I decided on not telling Callie about Jess yet, I want it to be more of a surprise.

Just as I got into bed my phone started to ring

Since Callie was already up she grabbed it for me

"Who is it?" I ask and she looks at the caller ID

"It's Ada"

Till next time❤️

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