Chapter 58

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Arizona's POV

We leave for the Maldives tomorrow, we are all
Pretty excited seeing as we have never been and in need of a vacation.

I also did what Jess asked. I called the offices back in Seattle yesterday morning,

They told me that they couldn't give out the number of her birth mother but could give them a message saying that we wanted to get ahold of her which is the best we have right now. So now we are just waiting on a phone call that might not even happen in the first place

It's noon now and I just got home from a 24 hour shift. Jess is at school and Callie is working so I am home alone for the next few hours

As soon as I got home I jumped into the shower and got into bed.

I was sleeping peacefully when my phone started ringing and interrupted me,

I looked at the time before answering and seen it was a little past 5, I need to get up anyway.

I answered the phone and walked down to Jess' room to make sure she was here and omay


"Hello, um, this is Beth. Jessica's mother. I got a call from social services about you wanting to get ahold of me"

"Oh, oh! Um, yea... Jess actually wanted to talk to you so I told her I would try my best to get ahold of you. Not going to lie I wasn't expecting a call"

"Well can I talk to her?"

"Yea.. yea of course"

Jess' POV

When I got home it seemed quiet but Zonas car was here so I knew she was home.

I checked in her room and she was asleep so I went back to my room to call Amara and Alex. Amara couldn't come over today, she just told me her mom said that she needed to come home after school. Bummer.

Alex on the other hand has been acting different. He is not as outgoing with me anymore. And doesn't answer the phone all the time like he used to do and he never wants to hand out which I why I wasn't confused when he didn't answer

Amara also knows about me wanting to talk to Beth. I told her why and she supports the reason. I don't think she will actually call. I mean she left me in the hospital and didn't even bat and eye.

Which brings us to know, I was on FaceTime with Amara when Arizona stood outside my door

"Hey I got to go..... yea, love you too" I tell Amara and hang up the phone

"Is everything okay?" I ask Arizona and she nods and walks over to me

"Do you still want to talk with Beth? She is on the phone" she tells me and I nod, no matter how nervous I am I can't back out now

"Okay... I'll be in the kitchen if you need me" she says and kisses the top of my head and hands me her phone


" have you been?"

"I'm good. And happy. I just wanted to call and ask a few questions if that's okay"

"Go for it"

"Why did you do it? I never got that answer. Left me in the hospital by myself"

"You knew.. you knew we didn't accept what you called love. Two girls are not meant to have a relationship. We told you Jessica" she tells me and I sigh and look to the ceiling not wanting to cry right now

"Right... but.. I was your daughter and you just abandoned me." I say quietly

"We'll look at you know. You're adopted. Your happy. We did you a favor"

"Okay.... " I sigh not trusting myself to talk at this moment

"Is that all?"

"No! Sorry. Um no. I just have to say something"

"When I talk about you. Which isn't often I don't refer to you as my mother. You lost that title when you left me in the hospital. You are Beth. And that's all you'll ever be. But, Arizona. She- she is my mother. I introduce her as so and she introduces me as her daughter. She loves me no matter who I have a relationship with. And she loves my girlfriend...
Anyhow.. I don't even know why I'm asking but it's something I needed to do I guess. I want to call Arizona mom.. I think. And I just needed to get it off my chest. And to just tell you I have a mom who actually cares for me. That I have came a long way and no thanks to you" I don't even know why I'm asking for her what? Blessing? I don't even know

"Go for it Jessica. Like you said. I'm not your mom. I'm just a person you share DNA with. I don't care who you call mom." That was is. She really. Doesn't care for me. Who knows if she actually ever did

"Okay...... um... goodbye" I say and don't give her a chance to respond before hanging up and dropping the phone to the floor and curling up into a ball on my bed. I don't know what I expected to get out of that phone call. I don't even know why I did it

Arizona's POV

After I left Jess in her room to talk to Beth I walked out to the kitchen to start on food.

I started the stove and put on some veggies when I heard something drop in Jess' room. I quickly turned the stove off and went to her room only to find her curled in the fetus position on her bed while crying

I immediately made my way over to her and sat on the bed, running my hand up and down her arm

"Jess hunny, breathe. I need you to breathe baby" I say calmly, she was working herself up and her breathing became erratic

"I- I cant" she cries and I help her sit up and move her head to my chest as I held on of her hands in mine

"It's okay, I got you. I have you. Just listen to the sound of my voice okay?" I say and she just nods

"In...." I tell her while tracing her fingers. I continued for a few minutes until she had calmed down

Once her breathing was back to normal she was still crying but not as bad and her head still lay on my chest with her arms around my waist

"Now....what happened my love?" I ask gently

"I don't know...... I- I don't even know why I wanted to talk to her. I don't know what I was looking for. She really didn't care.... She never did" she says and cries into my chest.

I wasn't sure how to comfort her. I just held her close and hoped she knew how much she meant to me

"Jess... I love you. And I know I'm not your birth mom. And it's not the same but I want you to know how much you mean to me. I am so proud of the young woman you are becoming. So proud of your relationships with friends, with Amara. With school. I will love you and support you until the day I die." I tell her and press a kiss against the top of her head

"You're right. You're not the same as my birth mom. You are so so much better. I love you Arizona , and thank you for everything" she says and I smile, I could tell she didn't want me to leave and I decided dinner could wait. Worse comes to worse I can just order out

I moved us to where we were now laying in her bed and her head still on my chest

"You saved me. Even if you don't know how much" I whisper

Till next time❤️

Do you think Jess should call Arizona mom? Or no?

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