Chapter 56

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Callies POV

It's finally Friday, Arizona and I both have the night off, we got off at 4 today. Jess also had Amara over last night and I assume she will come back after school today.

I have been looking forward to this night all week. I called around and got us a reservation at 7 at a nice restaurant about half an hour from here. After we eat we're going to drive around and just enjoy each other's company before I take her to one last spot before heading back home

Work was getting tough too. It's not enjoyable anymore. I don't walk into work and get excited for the day.

I have been here so long and all of the doctors kind of avoid me. They don't talk to me unless they absolutely have to for work.

The only good thing that comes from it is being able to help my patients.

I just finished my third surgery of the day and went to find Arizona. She had an office seeing as she was the chief of PEDS.

I walked into her office and she wasn't in there. Sighing I laid down on the couch and planned to wait for her

The next thing I knew I was waking up still on the couch but with a cover draped over me. I sat up and looked around and Arizona was sitting at her desk typing away on the computer

"Hey" she smiles

"Hey. What time is it?" I ask groggily

"Just before 2" she replies and gets up from the chair and sits next to me

"How long have you been in here?" I ask

"Um,like half an hour " she says and I sigh

"Is everything okay?" She asked

"Of course. I just can't wait to go home with you" I smile and interlock our fingers

"Which reminds me, do you want to go on a date with me tonight?" I smile and she chuckles

"Yes, I'll always go on a date with you" she smiles and I lean in to connect our lips

Finally, I'm finally getting out of here today, Arizona was quickly discharging one of her patients while I wait patiently in the lobby

She soon appeared next to me and I took her hand and laced our fingers together as we walked out of the hospital and to our car.

When we got home both girls had fallen asleep on the couch.

Amara was on the couch while Jess lay next to her with her head on her chest and Amara had a protective arm around her

"Should we wake them?" I ask Arizona

"Yea, they can move back into Jess room if they want" she says and walks over and gently begins to wake them

"5 more minutes" Jess says and closes her eyes again

"Jess, it's 4:30. Wake up love" Arizona tries again and both girls begin to sit up,

While we let them wake up we took our things to our room and I changed into something more comfortable until later when we get ready for our date

"Can Amara stay?" Jess asked once we returned back to the living room

"We are having a date night" I say

"Oh... okay. Can I stay with her if it's okay with Ada?" She Asked

"If it is okay with Ada then that's fine" Arizona tells her

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