Chapter 12

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Arizona's POV

"Actually can Dr.Robbins stay in here with me?" Jess ask and Mrs.Green looked over at me

"If that alright with the both of you then yes" she says and I nod and sit back down next to Jess and rest my hands on her bed and she reached down to grab it before the social worker started talking

"My papers say that your parents abandoned you after an accident and they signed all their rights away. Why is that?" She ask and Jess looked up to me and I have her a small nod and she looked back to the social worker before answering

"My parents aren't okay with the fact that I'm gay" she says softly and I squeeze her hand reassuringly

"I'm sorry" Mrs.Green says

"It's okay, it's better to be me rather than hide it right?" Jessica says smiling but I know it hurts

"I'm glad you think that way" the social worker says

"Um, Dr.Dobbins when do you think Jessica will be able to be discharged?" She ask me

"I want to say in the next 2 weeks but she is going to need to be monitored, she can't walk on her left at all," I say and she nods

"So you're saying a foster home with experience with helping children?" She ask and I nod, I guess that's as good as we're going to get

"Yes" I say and she writes something down, all the while Jess is just looking away from us

We talked a little more about the process and how when she gets out of the hospital she will be out into a foster home that she is going to have lined up,

"Well it was nice meeting you both, I will see you soon Jessica. Take care" Mrs.Green says and leaves, when I turned back to Jess she was on the verge of tears and my heart broke for the girl

"Hey" I say softly rubbing her arm, this is a lot of stress on her, it would be with Anyone

"C-can you leave me alone for a little. I need to be alone" she says and I nod leaving her in her room. As much as I just want to be in there and to hold her and tell her that everything is going to be okay I can't do that,

Frustrated now I left the PEDS floor on the search for April,

I checked everywhere I felt like until I found an on-call room that I hadn't checked and the door was unlocked so I walked in and April was on Jackson, they were both still dressed but I'm sure it wouldn't have stayed like that for long

"Jackson leave.... Please" I plead and he looks at April shocked

"We're a little busy" he says

"Jackson" April says and he groans and gets up and leaves and I sit down next to April

"What's going on?" She ask

"I'm sorry I interrupted your sex" I say and she chuckles

"It's Okay, now what's going on with you?" She ask

"Jessica, I need to do more but I can't" I sigh and she nods for me to continue

"When I was in Boston at my old hospital, we were pretty close to one of these camps and so when girls would try to escape they would often get injured and they would end up in our ER. And of course I felt for the girls. No one should have to go through that but- but, Jess is so different, I feel so attached to her and I don't know why" I cry completely collapsing in April's arms

April doesn't say anything but allows me to calm down before composing myself

"Have you thought about... I don't know fostering Jessica yourself?" She ask me

"April I can't. I don't have foster license and those take months to even get." I sigh

"Is that the only thing stopping you?" She ask me and I think about it.

"Yea, I would love to take her in, I have an extra bedroom, I have the funds" I say now thinking about what it would be like

"Then do it. Arizona you are wonderful with her. She trust you" she says and I nod

"You really think I can do this?" I ask

" I know you can" she smiles

Callies POV

I canceled the rest of my surgeries and postponed them until tomorrow so I could stay with Aria.

It's been a couple hours since her surgery and she should be waking up soon so I took the time to fill out some charts I had,

"Hey" I smile at her when she wakes up

"Hi" she says groggily

"You feeling okay?" I ask

"Yea, a little sore but it's okay" she says

"Did everything go okay?" She ask and I smile

"It went wonderful. I even got to touch him" I chuckle

"You did?" She smiles

"Yea, the whole concept of in utero surgeries amazes me" I say

"It is quite Fascinating" she replies and then Arizona walks in, she looked as  if she was crying recently so I made a metal note to ask her about it

"Hey! It's good to see you are awake" she says checking Arias vitals

"Thank you Dr.Robbins for saving my baby" she says

"It was my pleasure, he's a cute little thing" she says

"Do you have any pain or discomfort?" Arizona ask

"Nothing too bad" she says

"Okay, well if it does get too bad let Callie know and she can get to me or just page me. We do have something we can give you that won't hurt you or the baby" Arizona tells her and she nods

"I will thank you" Aria says and Arizona nods and walks out

"I'll be back in a second" I say and follow Arizona out and pulled her into an on-call room with me

"Hey, what's going on?" I ask her

"You know how bad that just looked" she chuckles and I roll my eyes

"No one was even paying attention" I say and pull her into me for a hug which she quickly returned

"You going to tell me what's wrong now?" I ask and she sighs

"I want to foster Jessica, well I haven't thought about it until April said something but it was all good points, I'm a doctor I know how to care for her and make sure her leg doesn't get infected, I have the room and money and I don't I just feel connected with her" she says moving her hands as she talks

"I think, you are more than capable of doing this" I smile

"You do?" She says and I nod

"I do,  I have seen you interact with her and she adores you as much as you do her." I smile

I was looking into Arizona's eyes and they kept going from my lips back up to mine so I stepped forward and pressed a small kiss against her lips, she returned that with an eager kiss and we both fell onto one of the mattresses

"We shouldn't" she sighs

"No one will know" I say and start kissing her neck and place my hands at the bottom of her shirt ready to take it off when given permission

"This is the last time" she says and let's me help her out of her shirt

"Yea... the last time" I say breathing heavily  taking her lips in mine

Till next time ❤️

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