Chapter 52

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Arizona's POV

Today's the day, Jess' 16th birthday. She has school today even though I had given her the option to just stay home

Later on this evening I am taking her and 3 of her friends to the movies and will pick them up when it's over,

I am taking 2 of her friends back home and Amara will be staying with her.

Thankfully Callie and I don't go in to work until 12. Even though I don't get to sleep in since I have to take Jess to school I get to come home and cuddle with Callie for a few more hours

My alarm had just gone off, waking both Callie and i but I didn't have to get up just yet so I curled my body back into her

She wrapped her arm around my waist and out her head just behind my shoulder

"I have to go" I say sadly, not wanting to remove myself from her warmth and comfort

"I know" she replies and let's go of me so I could get up

"I'll be back" I smile and kiss her cheek and walk out of the bedroom still in my pajamas because it's not like I'm getting out of the car anyhow

By time I got into Jess room she was already dressed and ready to go

"Good morning" I smile leaning against her doorway and she jumps and covers her chest with her hand

"It's too early for you to be giving me heart attacks" she smiles and I walk over to her to give her a hug

"Happy Birthday my love" i smile and kiss her head

"Thank you" she blushes

"Why are you up so early?" I ask her, sticking my hands back into the pockets of my sweats

"Sooo maybe we can get coffee before school?" She ask and I chuckle but nod

"Let's go"

I just dropped Jess off at school and went back home,

Once I got him I quickly used the bathroom and got back into bed with Callie

"You're back" she mumbles again the back of my neck and I just nod in response, making my self comfortable next to her

It's now 4 pm and Jess, Amara and Noah were in her room while they got ready for the movies,

Her friend Alex is also going but he wasn't able to come over after school so I will be picking him up on the way

"So, you want to look at prices later?" I ask Callie, we were sitting in our room in bed while some movie played in the background

"This is going to be one expensive trip" he chuckles

"I know, but it will be worth it" I smile

"Oh it definitely will be" she replies

Around 7 Me, Jess, Amara and Noah left the house and heard for Alex'

Once I picked him up I dropped the three kids off at the movies

"I will be back, be good. All of you" I say

"We will! I love you!" Jess calls as they all walk into the building

Once I knew they were inside I drove back to the apartment so Callie and I could look at everything and get an estimated price range this trip is going to cost us. We plan for it to be pretty pricy and we are okay with that. I think after the year we have had we all deserve an expensive vacation

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