Chapter 78

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Arizona's POV

2 years later

The years have really flown by, Jess is now 18, almost 19 and has been wanting to move out so her and Amara can live together

Not that she actually needs our permission but she still asks, I don't really want to her to go, she is my first baby and I don't want her leaving. But I also know that, that's not fair for her and I know she will be okay with Amara, meaning the two of them have been looking for apartments.

Both of them work reception at the hospital right now and both us and Ada have told the girls if they needed help, money wise or not we would help. I know how hard it can be to be on your own for the first time so I want it to go smoothly for them

And that's not all that has happened in the past 2 years. Callie and I realized we were crazy.

After we moved back and got situated, Callie brought up the topic of having a baby. And to be honest at first I was against the idea. I mean we both had demanding jobs, Jess was already 16.

But in the end, after a lot of talking we decided we would try. And that was terrible on it own


"I want to have a baby" Callie tells me, Jess was at amaras so it was only us here

"Well we can't exactly make a baby" I chuckle

"Arizona I'm serious" she says and I sigh

"You want to bring a NewBorn into our home? What about our schedules? We work long hours, who is going to watch it?" I ask

"We can make it work, I can take maternity leave, then once mine is up you can take yours, or at the same time, I'm sure Richard will be Lenient, then the hospital daycare is also an option" Callie says and I sigh

"I don't know Callie, I don't even think I want any" I say honestly

"I mean we are getting older, our chances of getting pregnant decline all the time" I say and she nods

"Which is why I think we should do this sooner rather than later if we go through with it" she says and I frown

"You really want the no sleep, messy diapers, baby puke, screaming and crying, did I mention the no sleep?" I ask

"Yes, but I also want the baby snuggles, the baby smell, having one more person so be able to share our love with" she says and I sigh

"Then we would have to find a new place as well," I say

"And we can, we keep it in Jess' school district, find a home with a yard and good neighborhood" she says

"Arizona I'm not going to force you to have a baby with me. I'm just telling you what I want. But.... If a baby is something you really don't then we won't." She says

"Can I think about it?" I ask and she smiles

"As long as you actually promise to think about it" she smiles and I nod and kiss her gently

Two months later we were on our way to our insemination appointment. We had gone through a fertility specialist and we went through Sperm donors and found one that resembled me since we were using Callies eggs.

By this time I was so excited to be a mother again and Jess was happy to be a big sister, already planning on watching the baby all the time

"I want you both to know that if this doesn't work the first time, it's nothing that you did wrong" Dr.Reilly tells us

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