Chapter 17

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Arizona's POV

It's been 2 weeks now, Callie and I decided on to remain friends. I don't think she is ready to leave George and that's okay.

Jess also gets to come home today, I got the spare room all made up for her. Callie took her rods out now she has brace and a boot but can't put any pressure on her leg.

"Hey! You ready to get out of here?" I ask Jess walking into her room. I took the day off so I could get her settled in better but I have a surgery tomorrow I can't postpone so she will be by herself for a few hours

"Yes" she says and I smiles as one of the nurses brings in a wheelchair

"Do I need it?" She ask

"Well you can't walk so yes" I say and she sighs as she sits into the chair with my help

"Okay, now we're ready" I say as I push her out of the hospital and out to my car

"Bare with me while I try to help you in" I chuckle and help her into the backseat so she could keep her leg out

"Good?"i ask getting into the car and putting my seatbelt on

"Good" she confirms and I start the 10 minute drive back to my apartment

I helped her up to the elevator where she leaned against the wall and then I helped her hop into my apartment

"Okay, you sit. Want something to drink? Water, tea, juice, I have soda. Or I could make some coffee" I say

"Um tea is good" she says and I run into the kitchen to get her a glass and one for me

"Here you are love" I say handing her the cup

"Thank you" she smiles taking a drink and setting it down on the coffee table

"When am I going to be able to walk?" She ask

"You can put weight on your leg next week. Walking the week after depending on your pain" I say and she's nods

"And Callie is bringing you something over later to help you get around Easier while we are inside" I say and she nods

"You two are close" she says

"Yea, we're pretty good friends. She is the first person I met here" I say and she smiles

"You should date her" she smirks

"She's married" I laugh

"Oh.." her face heating

"Oh it's okay" I smile

Callies POV

Ever since Arizona and I decided to just be friends, I have been in an all right down depressed mood, I don't even know why. I don't have the motivation to go anything anymore. Not to clean, cook, eat or even shower. Getting up for work is getting harder everyday. She made me happy, happier than I have ever been in my entire life and now it's gone. At least I get to see her later when I bring over a thing for Jess. She can place her leg on it and use her other good leg to move around, it's a real life changer when you can't move much,

Aria moved in not too far away from where I live now. She told our parents about the baby and like I said. Mom was mad at first but now is excited to have a grand baby on the way. I told Aria I would be there in anyway I could go help her. We may have not had the best relationship but she is my sister

I was just leaving work now and I already had the thing I was taking to Arizona's. I'm kind of excited to see her. I miss her. So much, I just don't have the heart to do this to George. He's a good man

"Hey Callie wait up!" I heard behind me as I was unlocking my car door

"What's up?" I ask giving George a kiss

"Where are you going?" He ask. Then there is that, he's a little clingy

"Taking this to Arizona's. She is fostering one of the girls from the train accident a few weeks ago" I explain

"Really? Well that's nice of her. I'll see you at home? Maybe we can go out for dinner" he smiles

"Yea, why don't we do something in, order in, watch a movie?" I suggest

"Sounds good to me. See you at home" he says giving me another kiss and we get into our separate cars

I got what I needed out of my car and now stood outside of Arizona's door after knocking on it And Jess answered it

"What are you doing!?" I exclaim and help her back on the couch

"Jessica" Arizona says firmly coming out of the hall bathroom

"What? It's like 4 feet from me" she defends and Arizona helps get her leg propped back up

"That's not the point. I worked very hard on that leg" I say pointing to it and she rolls her eyes

"I don't like not being able to walk! And I used the crutches" she argues

"Look- I know you don't like it but it's what's happening. You are going to remain off the leg until it heals or you won't be walking again any time soon" Arizona says and sits down to the now upset girl. It's a lot to go through.

"I'm sorry" she sniffles and Arizona wraps her arms around her

"I know and it's okay. I know not walking sucks but it's better in the long run" Arizona says and she nods

"Thank you, for looking out for me" Jess starts and I walk into the kitchen to give the two some space and privacy, I think it's great that Arizona is doing this for her

About 5 minutes later Arizona joins me in the kitchen

"Sorry about that" she says and gets some wine out

"Don't be sorry. She is a teenager who can't walk right now, I'm sure that's the worst thing in the world to her" I say and she smiles softly

"Yea, I just hope I can help" she says, how could she think she wasn't helping

"Arizona, you are helping that girl probably more than anyone has and you have o lot known her a couple weeks. Don't sell yourself short" I smile

"Thank you Callie. For everything's and bringing that by. Want o stay for a glass of wine?" She ask

"I would but I have to get home. Maybe tomorrow?" I suggest

"Yea, well I'll talk to you later. Bye calliope" she smiles and gives me a hug

"Bye Zona" i smiles and walk out to Jess

"Bye Jess"

Bye Callie!"

Till next time ❤️

Ahh so so sorry this chapter is late! Going to try to update extra

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