Chapter 63

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Arizona's POV

Today is the last day of Jess' grounding period. Of course like the times before she tried anything she could to get her phone back so she could talk to her girlfriend.

She is actually at school right now so it's not like she doesn't get to see her still.

While she is at school Callie and I are at home, both of us having the day off.

I took Jess to school this morning and when I got back Callie and I went out to breakfast

It was nice just the two of us. Not that I don't love my daughter but it is nice to have some alone time with Callie

Currently the both of us were on the couch cuddled up with each other. Some random movie playing in the background. All I was focusing on was the love of my life beneath me.

"You know.... My contract is almost up" I tell her, the chief came to me the Other day and told me I needed to make a decision. Do I stay here or go back to Seattle where I still have a job

"Yea? What does that mean... do you want to go home?" She asked and I sigh

"Well...... yea I do. I miss our friends. And the work environment" I say honestly

"But?" She questions

"But, I can't do this to Jess. She has friends, Amara, I can't tear her away from her" I say sadly

"And you, don't think I haven't noticed you have been unhappy at work. Callie you used to love work in Seattle" I say and she sighs and continues rubbing up and down my arm

"You're right. I like it better in Seattle but I am willing to stay here Arizona. I love you and Jess and I am not going anywhere" Callie tells me and I nod as she kissed my head

"I don't know what to do" I whisper

"How long do you have to make a decision?" She asked

"We. How long do we have to make a decision. This is not just up to me." I say and she nods

"And 2 weeks"  I admit

"What if.... We talk to Jess about it. Maybe not tonight but,  we can" she says and I nod

"I don't want her to feel pressured to make us happy. That's not her job." I say. I don't want her feeling bad for wanting to stay with her friends. She is happy and I'm willing to do whatever it is to keep it that way

"You know you're a great mother Arizona." Callie tells me and I kiss her lips, full of love

"Can we just lay together for a while? I know we could do other things but I would really like to just be held" I admit quietly

This decision has been sitting on my mind for a while and it's a little overwhelming. No matter what decision I make, someone will be upset, and thinking of this and still not knowing what to do is making me upset and as always when I'm upset, I like being in Callies arm

"Why don't we go lay down in bed while we wait for Jess to get home hm?" She ask and I nod, we both got up from the couch and went back to our room, both of us had changed into lounge clothes after breakfast so no need to now

Once in bed i laid my head on Callies chest and laid one of my legs over hers

"I'm sorry for all of this" I tell her

"Hey, none of that. We will handle this together. For now, let's just cuddle" she tells me and shifts so that she could run her fingers up and down my arm

Jess got home a little while ago and Callie is now in the kitchen making dinner, I offered to help multiple times but she keeps denying and saying she is making a comfort food from when her and Aria were kids...

With that being said, Jess is doing her homework at the table while I am on FaceTime catching up with April, guaranteed it is almost midnight there,

I don't talk to her much seeing as we always have opposite schedules and an never get time to call

"Oh I have to go. Multiple MVC I love you"

"Love you too April"

Once I got off the phone Jess came over and sat next to me

"No, " I chuckle and she groans

"Pleaasseee" she ask and I shake my head

"You can have it back after dinner" I tell her and she rolls her eyes. Since she is no longer grounded today she gets her phone back but, it comes after dinner and she knows it since it's not her first time being grounded

"You're no fun" she frowns and I laugh

"Well if you didn't catch an attitude the other day you would have your phone back" I smirk and she sighs

Callie and I talked and we were going to give Jess her phone back early but that didn't happen

"You know I don't like you sometimes" she smiles and I kiss the top of her head

"That's okay because I love you" I tell her and she shakes her head

"Yea yea" she smiles

Once dinner was done the three of us sat at the table

"You know you're right, this is definitely my new favorite comfort food" I tell her and Callie nods

"I told you" she replies and we all finish dinner and Callie went to get Jess' phone while I cleaned up from dinner

"Thank you!" I heard Jess call through the apartment followed by her door shutting

After Jess was in her room Callie and I sat back down on the couch together

"Feel better?" She asked and I nod

"Yea, I actually do" i reply

"I love you Callie, thank you for always making me feel better" I tell her

"I love you more" she says and gives me a kiss

"And i will always be here to make you feel better. No. Matter. What." She says and I  smile and nestle my head into her neck

"Mom! Callie! Can Amara stay tomorrow?" Jess yelled from her bedroom and I nod against Callie since I didn't feel like yelling back and I knew Callie would for me

"That's fine!" Callie yelled back and kissed the top of my head

Till next time❤️

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