Chapter 55

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Arizona's POV

I work over night tonight. I go in at 8 and dont get off until 12 the next evening, 16 hour shift tonight

We all just finished dinner and Jess had Helped Callie clean up while I went to take a shower

I washed off my body and had my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get wet

Once I got out I I applied some moisturizer to my face and a little makeup while I had my body wrapped in a towel

Once I finished that I put on my jeans and a blue shirt and redid my hair in a bun before walking out to the kitchen

"You look amazing" Callie smiles and places her hands on my waist and brings me closer to her, pressing a small kiss against my lips

"Teenager right here" Jess says and I chuckle and rest my head against Callies head

"Go to your room" I say and she laughs and walks to her room

" I hope you have a good shift" she tells me

"I can't wait to come back home with you, more preferably with less clothing" I say softly and move her hair off of her shoulder

"That sounds amazing. I love you" she says and I smile and step back

"I love you too," i smile and give her a kiss and walk back to the hallways to Jess' room

"Hey, I'm heading to work, I love you" I say standing at the door way

"Love you too" she says and looks back down at her phone


As soon as I got to the hospital I got pulled into a surgery,  which lasted until midnight and the outcome is still rocky

The child is in the PICU of which we will have to monitor closely over night

I was standing at the nurses station on an iPad making sure I had input everything when Ada came up behind me

"Arizona" she says and I smile

"Ada hey" I say

"I actually needed to talk to you" I say

"Want to take a walk?" She asked and I nodded. I placed the iPad down on the desk and walked with Ada

"Is everything okay?" She asked me once we were out of earshot of everyone else

"Hm? Yea everything is fine. I was actually going to ask about Amara. Jess said she hasn't gotten in contact for a while so I wanted to make sure everything was okay" I say and she nods

"Oh, she is fine she's just grounded" Ada chuckles as we keep walking towards the lounge

"Oh Jess was all worried this morning" I tell her and she smiles

"Did something happen between them to think something was wrong?" She asked and handed me a bottle of water from the fridge

"Not that I know of"'I lie, this topic really confuses me

I owe it to my daughter to keep what she told me confidential but I also know if I was in Adas place I would want to know what my daughter was up to

"Good, they are good for each other. I don't know what she is going to do when y'all move back to the states" she tells me and I sigh

"Yea well I don't see that happening" I explain, no way am I tearing Jess away from Amara

"No?" She questions

"No, Jess likes it here and after everything she has been through she needs some stability" I say and she nods

"I understand that" she smiles

"But you can tell Jess that she will have her girlfriend back on Thursday" she says and we both laugh

"Will do" I chuckle

My shift was finally over and I was heading home, after Ada and I talked the night before about the girls our ER stayed busy. I got maybe an hour in an on call room before being paged again

When I got home Callie was leaving one for her shift

"I hate these opposite shifts" Callie groans when I walk in the door

"I know me too" I sigh against her lips

"I'll have you naked one day" she chuckles

"God I love you calliope" I smile and kiss her deeply before she leaves the apartment and Jess was at the table eating apple slices

"You guys are so in love it's disgustingly satisfying" she says and I look at her unamused

"It means I like it. I know you two will be together forever and that gives me hope" she explains I kiss the top of her head before I sat down next to her

"Speaking of being in love" I tease and she blushes

"I talked to Ada. She had told me that Amara was grounded until Thursday" I tell her and she groans

"That's so far away. " she says and lays her head on the table

"You'll live two more days" I chuckle and getup to get coffee even though I would be laying down soon

"What did she even do?" She asked like I had the answer

"That's something you'll have to ask her when you see her" I tell her

"I'm going to kill her" she sighs and gets up from the table and goes to her room

After I drank my cup of coffee I walked back the hall and heard her on the phone with someone

"Hey, I'm laying down. Come get me if you need me" I tell her

"Goodnight!" The voice from the phone who I have now identified as Alex say

"Okay, love you" she says

"I love you too" I say and shut her bedroom door

Seeing as it was a little past 1 already I could sleep until 5 or so and get up to make dinner

I took off my work clothes and jumped in the shower quick, rinsing off the hospital smell and got back into my bed

I made sure to set an alarm and pulled the blinds so it was dark

I slept longer than I had planned so ended up just ordering in for the both of us and we sat on the couch

"Is it almost Thursday?" She asked

"You're ridiculous, it's not going to hurt you to go a couple days without your girlfriend" I tell her

"You wouldn't survive without Callie" she counters and I roll my eyes

"You'll be fine and Amara can come over Thursday"
I tell her and she sighs

"I'm still going to kill her for getting grounded in the first place" she scoffs

"As long as you don't kill her in the apartment" I laugh and she smiles

"I guess I can hold off" she says and I smile and began to think about the next few weeks

It is getting closer our vacation time, Jess still doesn't know about It. Callie and I have everything paid for and even our plane tickets bought

We're waiting until a good time to tell her about the trip, we're staying for the week and it's all inclusive.

Till next time ❤️

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